nebrazil.gms : North-East Brazil Regional Agricultural Model


This model was used to study the root causes of stagnation and
poverty in the rural economy of the northeast of Brazil. It was
used to quantify the effects of policy and project intervention.

Large Model of Type : LP

Category : GAMS Model library

Main file : nebrazil.gms

$title North-East Brazil Regional Agricultural Model (NEBRAZIL,SEQ=87)

This model was used to study the root causes of stagnation and
poverty in the rural economy of the northeast of Brazil. It was
used to quantify the effects of policy and project intervention.

Kutcher, G P, and Scandizzo, P L, The Agricultural Economy of
Northeast Brazil. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
and London, 1981.

Keywords: linear programming, agricultural economics, policy analysis, land reform,
          economic development

$sTitle Set Definitions
   zz      'zones'                / west, sertao, southeast, east, agreste /
   z(zz)   'zone of choice for submodel solution'
   zr(zz)  'zone with rotation restrictions'                / sertao, west /
   zrc(zz) 'zones for which rotation constraint is binding' / west, sertao /
   f       'farm types' / fam-farm   'family farms  10-30 ha'
                          med-farm   'medium-size farms  500-100 ha'
                          ls-fazenda 'livestock fazenda  gt 500 ha'
                          fazenda    'sharecropping and livestock  gt 500 ha'
                          cocoa-plan 'cocoa plantation  southeast only'
                          sugar-plan 'sugar-cane plantation  east only'
                          dv-fazenda 'diversified fazenda  no sharecropping'  /
   c       'crops'      / cotton-m   'cotton-moco'
                          cotton-h   'cotton-herbaceo'
                          cotton-v   'cotton-verdao'
                          rice       'rice'
                          banana     'banana'
                          sweet-pot  'sweet-potatoe'
                          babacu     'babacu'
                          cacao      'cacao'
                          cashew-nut 'cashew-nut'
                          sugar-cane 'sugar-cane'
                          carnauba   'carnauba'
                          coconut    'coconut'
                          beans-arr  'beans-de-arranca'
                          beans-cor  'beans-de-corda'
                          oranges    'oranges'
                          manioc     'manioc'
                          corn       'corn'
                          castor-oil 'castor-oil'
                          sisal      'sisal'
                          other      'other crops'                           /
*why don't we have oranges and cacao as long cycle also?
   cl(c)    'long cycle crops' / cotton-h  , babacu    , cacao
                                 cashew-nut, carnauba  , coconut
                                 oranges   , castor-oil, sisal               /
   ca(c)    'annual crops'
   cex(c)   'export crops'     / cotton-m, cotton-h  , cotton-v
                                 babacu  , cacao     , cashew-nut
                                 carnauba, castor-oil, sisal                 /
   ct(c)    'regionally traded commodities' / rice /
   tm       'months' / jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec /
   p        'cropping activities'
            / crop-01 'cotton-moco'
              crop-02 'cotton-herbaceo'
              crop-03 'cotton-verdao'
              crop-04 'rice'
              crop-05 'banana'
              crop-06 'sweet potatoes'
              crop-07 'babacu'
              crop-08 'cacao'
              crop-09 'cashew nuts'
              crop-10 'sugar cane'
              crop-11 'carnauba'
              crop-12 'coconut'
              crop-13 'beans-de-arranca'
              crop-14 'beans-de-corda'
              crop-15 'oranges'
              crop-16 'manioc'
              crop-17 'corn'
              crop-18 'castor oil'
              crop-19 'sisal'
              crop-20 'cotton-moco      beans-de-corda   corn'
              crop-21 'rice             beans-de-corda   corn'
              crop-22 'rice             manioc           corn'
              crop-23 'rice             corn'
              crop-24 'beans-de-corda   manioc           corn'
              crop-25 'beans-de-corda   corn'
              crop-26 'manioc           corn'
              crop-27 'cotton-moco      beans-de-corda'
              crop-28 'cotton-moco      corn'
              crop-29 'cotton-herbaceo  beans-de-arranca corn'
              crop-30 'cotton-herbaceo  beans-de-corda   corn'
              crop-31 'cotton-verdao    beans-de-corda   corn'
              crop-32 'cashew-nut       manioc           corn'
              crop-33 'beans-de-arranca corn'
              crop-34 'beans-de-arranca corn             castor-oil'
              crop-35 'beans-de-corda   corn             castor-oil'
              crop-36 'beans-de-arranca manioc           corn'
              crop-37 'banana           coconut'                         /
   pl(p)    'long cycle crop activities'
   pa(p)    'annual crop activities'
   g        'demand segments' / seg1*seg11 /
   sd       'land quality'
            / good    'flat and near water  or  humid and low-lying'
              medium  'hilly or more arid than good land'
              pasture 'cultivated pasture or tree crops'
              fallow  'land'                                             /
   s(sd)    'land used in model' / good, medium, pasture                 /
   sc(sd)   'crop lands'         / good, medium                          /
   sl(sd)   'livestock feeding alternative land types' / medium, pasture /
   ty       'year'   / 1960*1969 /
   st       'states' / rio-grande, paraiba, pernambuco
                       ceara     , piaui  , maranhao
                       alagoas   , sergipe, bahia                        /
   r        'livestock feeding alternatives'         / rec-1*rec-3       /
   dr       'family consumption bundle alternatives' / one, two, three   /
   sh(zz,f) 'sharecropping possibilites' / sertao.(med-farm,fazenda)     /
   km       'technology characteristics'
            / equipment, fertilizer, seeds, sprouts, itech               /;

z(zz) = yes;
ca(c) = not cl(c);

display cl;

Alias (z,zp), (s,sp);

Scalar dpm 'days per month' / 25 /;

$sTitle Land Data
Parameter pfm(s,p)   'pasture land available in fourth yr of crop-01' / pasture.crop-01 .25 /;

Table landc(zz,sd,f) 'average farm land structure (ha)'
                      fam-farm  med-farm  ls-fazenda  fazenda  cocoa-plan  sugar-plan  dv-fazenda
   west.good             2.700    15.610      49.777
   west.medium           3.300    16.910      58.433
   west.pasture          3.710    39.300     217.470
   west.fallow           5.330    56.630     267.690
   sertao.good           2.495    14.920               44.376
   sertao.medium         2.495    22.380               72.404
   sertao.pasture        3.530    31.510              143.240
   sertao.fallow         5.610    63.880              282.540
   southeast.good        7.970    18.472     283.887              163.696
   southeast.medium      7.970    10.848     152.863               88.144
   southeast.pasture     2.640     4.630     124.200               71.620
   southeast.fallow      6.030     9.120     127.610               73.580
   east.good             1.332     9.589                                       81.146
   east.medium           2.368    11.721                                       91.505
   east.pasture          1.670    13.790                                      157.750
   east.fallow           2.580    15.160                                      222.180
   agreste.good          1.615     9.004                                                   94.048
   agreste.medium        2.325    11.936                                                  141.072
   agreste.pasture       2.440    21.920                                                  274.450
   agreste.fallow        1.490     7.760                                                   59.280;

Table ldp(s,s) 'land downgrading possibilities'
                good  medium
   good            1
   medium         -1       1
   pasture                -1;

Table lcc(zz,s,c) 'long cycle crop land commitment (percentage)'
                   babacu  cacao  cashew-nut  carnauba  coconut  castor-oil  sisal
   west.good         26.4                0.1       3.0
   west.medium       14.0                0.1       6.9
   sertao.good                           0.5       1.5      0.7         0.9
   sertao.medium                         0.9       0.9      0.7         0.4
   southeast.good            3.5                                        0.2
   southeast.medium          3.5                                        0.8
   east.good                                                6.9
   east.medium                                              3.4
   agreste.good                                                                0.4
   agreste.medium                                                              2.5;

   lcct(zz,s)     'total long cycle crop land commitment (proportion)'
   lccp(s,f,zz,c) 'long cycle crop land limits                   (ha)';

lcct(zz,s)      = sum(cl, lcc(zz,s,cl))/100;
lccp(s,f,zz,cl) = landc(zz,s,f)*lcc(zz,s,cl)/100;

display lcct, lccp;

$sTitle Crop Data
Table cropc(c,*) 'elasticities and expenditure data'
                  expend  engel
*                mill cr
   cotton-m         1120    .80
   cotton-h         1120    .80
   cotton-v         1120    .80
   rice             4408    .54
   banana           1179    .34
   sweet-pot        1670    .50
   babacu           2903    .10
   cacao              85    .60
   cashew-nut       2903    .75
   sugar-cane       3222    .75
   carnauba         1120    .80
   coconut          1172    .49
   beans-arr         472    .50
   beans-cor         472    .50
   oranges          1722    .7
   manioc           1670    .27
   corn              960    .25
   castor-oil       1411    .65
   sisal            1120    .80;

Table qd(c,zz) 'reference demand 1978 (tons)'
                west  sertao  southeast   east  agreste

   cotton-m    59468  460880
   cotton-h           108565                     152341
   cotton-v           146207
   rice       274049   68147      22273
   banana       1408    7012               450    5925
   sweet-pot            8408              5817
   babacu     621852
   cacao                         203098
   cashew-nut    453   10549
   sugar-cane           3014             21036   17482
   carnauba   259045  577701
   coconut              4010              1520
   beans-arr           23070      32733     12   24021
   beans-cor   16204   89212      35074           5513
   oranges                                       10332
   manioc     401564  974343    2358124  56913  258822
   corn       166852  317932     115394    969  128891
   castor-oil          21567       1861
   sisal                                        103766;

Table price0(c,zz) 'crop reference prices (cr per kg)'
                    west  Sertao  southeast   east  agreste
   cotton-m         2.00    2.10
   cotton-h                 2.00                       1.90
   cotton-v                 1.90
   rice              .52    1.50       1.50
   banana           3.00    4.00              3.00     4.00
   sweet-pot                 .24               .20
   babacu           1.00
   cacao                               5.00
   cashew-nut       1.00    1.00
   sugar-cane              30.               38.      35.
   carnauba          .80     .80
   coconut                   .4                .4
   beans-arr                2.60       2.50   2.20     2.50
   beans-cor        1.50    1.60       1.80            1.50
   oranges                                            10.
   manioc            .22     .17        .17    .20      .17
   corn              .42     .53        .50    .51      .51
   castor-oil               1.80       1.50
   sisal                                               1.00;

Scalar frisch 'coefficient' / -2 /;

   texp        'total expenditure                       (cr)'
   bs(c)       'expenditure budget share'
   eta(c)      'own price elasticities'
   price(c,zz) 'crop refenrence price           (cr per ton)'
   td(c)       'total crop demand in base year        (tons)'
   alpha(c,zz) 'demand curve intercept          (cr per ton)'
   beta(c,zz)  'demand curve gradient          (cr per ton2)'
   pmax(c,zz)  'maximum price                   (cr per ton)'
   pmin(c,zz)  'minimum price                   (cr per ton)'
   qmax(c,zz)  'maximum consumption              (1000 tons)'
   qmin(c,zz)  'minimum consumption              (1000 tons)'
   incr(c,zz)  'segment increment                (1000 tons)'
   ws(c,zz,g)  'welfare segments                   (mill cr)'
   rs(c,zz,g)  'revenue segment definition         (mill cr)'
   qs(c,zz,g)  'quantity segment definition      (1000 tons)';

texp   =  sum(c, cropc(c,"expend"));
bs(c)  =  cropc(c,"expend")/texp;
eta(c) = -cropc(c,"engel")*(bs(c) - (1 - bs(c)*cropc(c,"engel"))/frisch);

price(c,zz) = 1000*price0(c,zz);
td(c)       = sum(zz, qd(c,zz));
beta(c,zz)$(eta(c)*qd(c,zz)) = price(c,zz)/qd(c,zz)/eta(c);
alpha(c,zz) = price(c,zz) - beta(c,zz)*qd(c,zz);

pmax(c,zz) = 2*price(c,zz);
pmin(c,zz) = .2*price(c,zz);
qmin(c,zz)$beta(c,zz) = (pmax(c,zz) - alpha(c,zz))/beta(c,zz)/1000;
qmax(c,zz)$beta(c,zz) = (pmin(c,zz) - alpha(c,zz))/beta(c,zz)/1000;
incr(c,zz) = (qmax(c,zz) - qmin(c,zz))/(card(g) - 1);

qs(c,zz,g) = qmin(c,zz) + incr(c,zz)*(ord(g) - 1);
ws(c,zz,g) = alpha(c,zz)*qs(c,zz,g)/1000 + .5*beta(c,zz)*sqr(qs(c,zz,g));
rs(c,zz,g) = alpha(c,zz)*qs(c,zz,g)/1000 + beta(c,zz)*sqr(qs(c,zz,g));

display price, qd, eta, beta, alpha, pmax, pmin, qmax, qmin, qs, ws, rs;

Table labor(p,zz,tm) 'monthly cropping labor requirements (man-days per ha)'
                          jan       feb       mar       apr       may       jun       jul       aug       sep
   crop-01.west          2.93      4.11      4.62      3.28      1.64      2.06      5.60      5.14      3.00
   crop-01.sertao        0.67      1.35      3.10      3.26      3.55      1.97      1.13      2.48      4.43
   crop-02.sertao        2.99      2.84      5.18      4.81      6.57      8.54      7.25      7.55      5.87
   crop-02.agreste       4.79     10.89     18.70      9.83      8.03     20.95     15.67     15.48     11.35
   crop-03.sertao        4.43      4.81      5.92      6.87      4.46      2.72      2.47      3.76      3.64
   crop-04.west         16.70     12.78      9.89      9.57      8.91      7.97      3.53      2.63      3.44
   crop-04.sertao       13.35     11.69     11.64      9.09     11.12     10.91      5.87      3.10      3.46
   crop-04.southeast     7.50               18.75      1.88     18.75     19.38     13.13                5.88
   crop-05.west         10.79      3.92      5.36      4.03      6.63      7.00      7.31      3.07      2.71
   crop-05.sertao        4.22      5.23      5.44      5.33      7.69      6.50      7.23      4.11      3.72
   crop-05.east         10.76     10.48      3.52      7.46      4.50     12.00     10.12      3.76      9.17
   crop-05.agreste       8.24      0.89      5.43      3.31     11.13     10.33      3.27      2.65      5.47
   crop-06.sertao        2.61      3.55      5.59      2.29      9.37      8.50      9.00      4.22     10.79
   crop-06.east          8.29      4.38      4.50      4.13      5.64      3.71      2.13      3.24     16.00
   crop-07.west          1.05      0.94      0.89      0.71      0.42      0.53      1.03      1.25      4.10
   crop-08.southeast     1.30      0.62      4.58      3.40      1.54      2.04      3.82      2.74      2.62
   crop-09.west          0.95      0.45      2.10      0.38      1.23      2.39      0.15      1.57      0.96
   crop-09.sertao        0.14      0.25      1.49      0.82      0.58      1.40      1.61      2.07      2.63
   crop-10.sertao        3.11      5.52      8.19      8.28      2.92      6.67      2.21      5.50      9.51
   crop-10.east          4.41      6.10      4.68      4.73      3.25      6.31      3.99      7.73      6.45
   crop-10.agreste       5.78      3.37      4.03      7.09      4.64      5.91      7.67      9.23      5.93
   crop-11.west          0.13      0.52      0.01      0.01      0.02                5.10      4.04      7.31
   crop-11.sertao                            0.10                0.12      0.01      0.31      1.39      2.04
   crop-12.sertao        0.75      1.33      2.62      3.03      5.20      3.62      2.19      1.38      1.16
   crop-12.east          4.03      1.63      3.03      2.83      2.34      2.18      2.69      2.06      3.50
   crop-13.sertao        4.72      2.17      5.36      7.27      4.64      4.44      4.43      4.53      3.13
   crop-13.east         16.67     19.33      5.67     19.42      5.80      9.50     10.33      6.67      3.17
   crop-14.west         10.01     10.15     12.37      8.08      5.42      9.27      7.98      5.18      3.05
   crop-14.sertao        4.06      4.06      8.19      7.52      4.13      4.19      2.27      5.22      2.32
   crop-15.agreste       2.00      2.36      4.13      2.13      7.18      5.88      3.21      9.20      6.89
   crop-16.west          5.89      5.66      6.46      2.96      2.40      1.97      3.72      6.04      5.54
   crop-16.sertao        3.69      3.99      5.14      5.20      5.13      3.77      3.07      5.48      5.55
   crop-16.southeast     5.52      3.30      3.88      2.47      3.87      5.06      5.57      5.54      5.81
   crop-16.east          2.79      6.83      5.88      7.80      7.79      3.25      7.75      7.93      7.18
   crop-16.agreste       5.71      7.60      7.28      8.15      8.48     10.71      9.34     12.76      8.93
   crop-17.west          5.05      6.04      3.71      2.03      1.46      2.00      2.73      1.70      3.95
   crop-17.sertao        4.60      4.80      7.75      7.35      1.27      3.83      5.42      6.20      1.64
   crop-17.agreste       9.19     14.42     10.59     12.01      3.47     10.75      5.88      7.30      4.14
   crop-18.sertao        6.00      6.35      6.76      2.14      6.35      7.20      1.23      6.77      8.76
   crop-19.agreste       1.22      1.11      0.56      0.78      1.19      0.44      1.89      3.04      2.93
   crop-20.west          9.08     11.11      6.28      3.04      3.15      6.60      5.86      6.29      5.33
   crop-20.sertao        7.94      6.48      7.92      6.35      5.36      4.08      2.36      4.12      4.77
   crop-21.west         12.07     13.15      7.62      6.38     10.12     10.47      9.18     12.05      5.11
   crop-22.west         13.99     12.91      9.40      7.29     11.82     12.71      6.48      7.56      6.16
   crop-23.west         13.46     14.66      9.24      7.45     12.29      8.73      4.71      6.40      6.72
   crop-24.west         13.47     12.11      8.88      7.47      4.45      4.32      3.24      6.61      6.81
   crop-24.sertao        7.41     11.11      9.84      7.79      7.93      6.05      5.21      4.94      3.05
   crop-25.west         16.14     11.94      8.54      2.91      4.69      6.07      5.96      4.35      5.45
   crop-25.sertao        7.96     10.08     12.01      8.10      6.49      4.91      2.99      2.40      3.18
   crop-25.southeast    21.67      3.65      6.55      2.36      1.98      3.62      4.15      8.33      2.92
   crop-25.agreste      12.46     11.35     24.38     22.03     16.91      9.47     10.97      9.70      4.93
   crop-26.west         22.99     11.34      7.40      4.03      3.79      9.17      6.06      2.37     18.73
   crop-27.sertao        7.48      3.55      5.95      5.92      5.72      4.09      4.85      3.67      5.10
   crop-28.sertao        8.10      5.21     12.49      8.77      5.83      3.80      2.21      5.09      5.34
   crop-29.sertao        4.31      5.95      4.62      8.79      9.48      8.04      4.57      4.89      4.33
   crop-29.agreste       5.54     10.30      9.24      8.97     15.82     13.00     14.74     10.64      5.64
   crop-30.sertao       17.99     12.30     12.45     10.45     11.70      8.54      7.02      8.11      6.15
   crop-30.agreste       9.18      3.94     16.15     23.69     28.12     20.58     17.73     15.06      4.58
   crop-31.sertao        9.30      8.53      9.42      5.91      4.57      4.06      4.19      5.04      7.20
   crop-32.sertao        3.78      9.07      3.68      6.42      3.63      8.67      3.42      2.88      2.35
   crop-33.sertao        3.34      3.20      5.34      6.45      5.92      6.77      3.89      5.87      5.72
   crop-33.southeast     4.19      8.81      5.30      4.67      5.12      6.86      0.55      4.84      8.19
   crop-33.east          9.19      6.30     11.96     26.07     25.52     25.74     21.85     19.72      9.59
   crop-33.agreste       6.87     10.19     10.61      9.14     18.38     11.50      9.22     13.36      3.85
   crop-34.sertao        2.16      8.62      6.18      9.21      6.37     11.72      6.36      8.11      9.63
   crop-34.southeast     4.74      0.88      0.59      7.79      3.79      7.12      5.26      4.98     12.03
   crop-35.sertao       10.13     13.75     11.40     12.42      8.62      8.08      5.43      5.26      3.75
   crop-36.southeast     4.51      9.52     13.22      5.36      4.35      3.66      7.33      4.13      9.80
   crop-36.agreste       7.44     10.21      9.63     16.18     20.11     16.86     14.86     14.00      8.04
   crop-37.east          3.17      6.40      1.19      2.59      4.31      1.17      8.43      7.79      4.59

   +                      oct       nov       dec
   crop-01.west          1.81      2.65      1.96
   crop-01.sertao        3.73      1.52      0.50
   crop-02.sertao        4.67      4.69      2.50
   crop-02.agreste       8.38      8.23      4.54
   crop-03.sertao        3.35      2.14      1.41
   crop-04.west          3.29      5.58      8.27
   crop-04.sertao        2.20      4.07      2.80
   crop-04.southeast    16.38      8.50     11.13
   crop-05.west          3.84      1.62      1.77
   crop-05.sertao        3.44      3.64      2.40
   crop-05.east          7.00     11.71      4.81
   crop-05.agreste       3.67      3.18      1.44
   crop-06.sertao        5.79      2.55      4.61
   crop-06.east          2.38      5.27     15.49
   crop-07.west          3.81      1.89      3.50
   crop-08.southeast     3.37      4.44      3.95
   crop-09.west          0.72      2.48      1.19
   crop-09.sertao        3.68      2.69      1.03
   crop-10.sertao       12.68      6.79      4.74
   crop-10.east          8.38      7.41      6.56
   crop-10.agreste       9.05      7.59      6.37
   crop-11.west          9.85      8.69      9.90
   crop-11.sertao        0.96      5.44      0.48
   crop-12.sertao        2.54      1.95      1.41
   crop-12.east          3.05      1.64      1.49
   crop-13.sertao        0.38      0.64      0.51
   crop-13.east          7.50      5.00      1.25
   crop-14.west          3.08      4.50      3.53
   crop-14.sertao        1.64      2.46      1.71
   crop-15.agreste       3.30      9.70      8.87
   crop-16.west          4.77      3.45      3.18
   crop-16.sertao        3.93      2.88      2.95
   crop-16.southeast     5.98      7.96     10.32
   crop-16.east          5.78      6.56      7.65
   crop-16.agreste      10.22      6.18      8.34
   crop-17.west          2.77      6.37      5.98
   crop-17.sertao        3.38      0.52      1.09
   crop-17.agreste       4.25      3.49      2.11
   crop-18.sertao       10.82      1.68      2.73
   crop-19.agreste       4.99      7.73      9.44
   crop-20.west          4.77      4.00      6.67
   crop-20.sertao        3.89      2.94      1.63
   crop-21.west          6.37      6.01      8.96
   crop-22.west          4.31      4.72      4.99
   crop-23.west          6.37      5.89      7.97
   crop-24.west          6.97      7.24      6.42
   crop-24.sertao        1.88      1.08      0.74
   crop-25.west          6.45      9.03      9.11
   crop-25.sertao        1.70      1.78      1.78
   crop-25.southeast     8.47      8.94     21.62
   crop-25.agreste       6.41      0.53      0.89
   crop-26.west         10.39     10.83      7.32
   crop-27.sertao        3.28      0.76      0.68
   crop-28.sertao        3.52      2.26      0.30
   crop-29.sertao        3.53      2.54      1.04
   crop-29.agreste       4.90      4.73      4.92
   crop-30.sertao        2.99      1.34      1.20
   crop-30.agreste       9.76      7.39      2.67
   crop-31.sertao        6.02      1.55      1.23
   crop-32.sertao        4.25      2.78
   crop-33.sertao        3.09      1.74      2.50
   crop-33.southeast     5.03      6.92      3.71
   crop-33.east          3.63      4.00      4.43
   crop-33.agreste       3.87      2.65      1.09
   crop-34.sertao       12.46      5.04      2.15
   crop-34.southeast     9.17      9.73     15.56
   crop-35.sertao        4.41      6.05      4.76
   crop-36.southeast     2.73      6.43      3.73
   crop-36.agreste       6.69      5.49      5.26
   crop-37.east          5.86      5.07      5.05;

$sTitle Livestock Data
   lpasm(tm)      'labor requirements:pasture maintenance (man-days per ha)'
                  / jan 3, feb 2, (nov,dec) 5                                  /
   pricel(zz)     'livestock price (cr per head)'
                  / west 103, sertao 186, southeast 108, east 310, agreste 211 /
   llive(r,tm,zz) 'labor requirements: livestock (man-days per head)'

   lpas  'labor for pasture maintenance (man-month per head???)' /   .04 /
   vetpr 'livestock vetinary cost                 (cr per head)' /  1    /;

Table lland(s,r,zz) 'livestock feeding alternative components (ha per head)'
                     west  sertao  southeast    east  agreste
   medium.rec-1     1.186   1.005      1.274    .795    1.407
   medium.rec-2      .449    .205       .507    .269     .611
   medium.rec-3      .508    .267       .449    .366     .631
   pasture.rec-1     .756    .617       .422    .464     .209
   pasture.rec-2    3.310   6.100      1.383   2.051    2.030
   pasture.rec-3    1.417   1.623       .487    .943     .910;

Table lfrat(r,zz) 'purchased rations for lvstk feed recipes'
                    west  sertao  southeast    east  agreste
   rec-1           1.729   6.179      2.839   8.596    5.141
   rec-2           2.863  12.444      3.701  12.876   21.646
   rec-3           7.567  61.068      9.304  37.974   49.845;

llive(r,tm,zz) = lpas + lland("pasture",r,zz)*lpasm(tm);

display llive;

$sTitle Farm Data
Table fnum0(zz,f) 'number of farms'
                   fam-farm  med-farm  ls-fazenda  fazenda  cocoa-plan  sugar-plan  dv-fazenda
   west               37001    113651       14569
   sertao             62599    252912                11221
   southeast          26824     76574        4766                 5208
   east               11964     17623                                         1314
   agreste            69580     68545                                                     5168;

Table famsize(zz,f) 'family sizes (adult worker equivalents)'
                     fam-farm  med-farm  ls-fazenda  fazenda  cocoa-plan  sugar-plan  dv-fazenda
   west                 1.930     1.870       1.750
   sertao               2.220     2.610                2.490
   southeast            1.970     1.420       1.220                1.220
   east                 1.790     1.660                                        1.140
   agreste              2.680     2.820                                                    1.770;

   spr(c)     'propreitor s share of cropper production (proportion)'
              / (cotton-m,cotton-h,cotton-v,rice)           .5
                (sweet-pot,beans-arr,beans-cor,manioc,corn) .3 /
   fnum(zz,f) 'number of farms                               (1000s)';

fnum(zz,f) = fnum0(zz,f)/1000;

$sTitle Yield Data: Survey
Parameter yield(c,p,s,zz) 'yield estimates       (tons per ha)';

Table yield0(c,p,s,zz) 'stratified yield estimates (kg per ha)'
*xcept sugar-cane: tons per ha  oranges: hundreds of fruits
                        good.west good.sertao good.southeast good.east good.agreste medium.west medium.sertao
   cotton-m.crop-01           174         171                                               139           146
   cotton-m.crop-20           119         160                                               108           157
   cotton-m.crop-27                       153                                                             153
   cotton-m.crop-28                       297                                                             264
   cotton-h.crop-02                       552                                   848                       552
   cotton-h.crop-29                       120                                   269                       167
   cotton-h.crop-30                       227                                   403
   cotton-v.crop-03                       380                                                             266
   cotton-v.crop-31                       331                                                             181
   rice.crop-04              1176        1245          770                                  985          1283
   rice.crop-21               997                                                           721
   rice.crop-22               840                                                           797
   rice.crop-23              1196                                                          1098
   banana.crop-05             351         184                                   221         147            83
   banana.crop-37                                                   57
   sweet-pot.crop-06                     4446                     2896
   babacu.crop-07             722                                                           306
   cacao.crop-08                                       898
   cashew-nut.crop-09         223         195                                                55           126
   cashew-nut.crop-32                     149                                                              10
   sugar-cane.crop-10                      20                       48          45                        10
   carnauba.crop-11          1069        3336                                               876          6247
   coconut.crop-12                         12                       50                                    118
   coconut.crop-37                                                  16
   beans-arr.crop-13                      454                      216
   beans-arr.crop-29                      193                                   285                       174
   beans-arr.crop-33                      292          284         329          274                       171
   beans-arr.crop-34                      188          275
   beans-arr.crop-36                                   305                      288
   beans-cor.crop-14          437         386                                               386           224
   beans-cor.crop-20          250         124                                               101           142
   beans-cor.crop-21           89                                                            28
   beans-cor.crop-24          109          93                                                90            60
   beans-cor.crop-25          207         194          170                      251         203          226
   beans-cor.crop-27                       90                                                             173
   beans-cor.crop-30                       77                                   115
   beans-cor.crop-31                      180                                                             171
   beans-cor.crop-35                      227                                                             147
   oranges.crop-15                                                               92
   manioc.crop-16            4853        4766         6891        3795         4456        4283          4005
   manioc.crop-22            2262                                                          1072
   manioc.crop-24             994        3714                                              1963          3060
   manioc.crop-26            1124
   manioc.crop-32                        4334                                                            1928
   manioc.crop-36                                     3361                     3408
   corn.crop-17               399         583                                   725        1137
   corn.crop-20               399         286                                               183           266
   corn.crop-21               298                                                           255
   corn.crop-22               311                                                           225
   corn.crop-23               395                                                           303
   corn.crop-24               329         239                                               313            60
   corn.crop-25               493         407          318                      373         397           290
   corn.crop-26               287
   corn.crop-28                           484                                                             489
   corn.crop-29                           485                                   536                       237
   corn.crop-30                           463                                   361
   corn.crop-31                           287                                                             202
   corn.crop-32                           264                                                             250
   corn.crop-33                           297          490         369          594                       304
   corn.crop-34                           386          255
   corn.crop-35                           296                                                             302
   corn.crop-36                                        230                      503
   castor-oil.crop-18                     336                                                             324
   castor-oil.crop-34                     291          264
   castor-oil.crop-35                     315                                                             148
   sisal.crop-19                                                               2244

   +                    medium.southeast medium.east medium.agreste
   cotton-h.crop-02                                             569
   cotton-h.crop-29                                             149
   cotton-h.crop-30                                             133
   banana.crop-05                                803            174
   banana.crop-37                                 39
   cacao.crop-08                     616
   sugar-cane.crop-10                             42             30
   coconut.crop-12                                25
   coconut.crop-37                                18
   beans-arr.crop-13                             165
   beans-arr.crop-29                                            221
   beans-arr.crop-33                             152            260
   beans-arr.crop-34                  61
   beans-arr.crop-36                  72                        287
   beans-cor.crop-25                 178                        211
   beans-cor.crop-30                                            352
   manioc.crop-16                   4584        5822           3964
   manioc.crop-36                   3083                       1031
   corn.crop-17                                                 563
   corn.crop-25                      278                        264
   corn.crop-29                                                 544
   corn.crop-30                                                 212
   corn.crop-33                                  477            442
   corn.crop-34                       74
   corn.crop-36                      147                        328
   castor-oil.crop-34                128
   sisal.crop-19                                               1666;

yield(c,p,s,zz) = yield0(c,p,s,zz)/1000;

   xposs(s,zz,p)   'cropping possibilities'
   fposs(f,zz)     'farm type possibilites'
   cpossn(c,zz)    'commodity consumption possibilities'
   cposs(c,f,zz)   'commodity farm possibilites'
   cpossp(c,zz)    'commodity production possibilities'
   cpl(c,p)        'long cycle crop-cropping activities'
   lposs(s,zz,c,p) 'long cycle cropping activites';

xposs(s,zz,p)     = yes$sum(c, yield(c,p,s,zz));
fposs(f,zz)       = yes$sum(s, landc(zz,s,f));
cpossn(c,zz)      = yes$qd(c,zz);
cpossp(c,zz)      = yes$sum((p,s), yield(c,p,s,zz));
cposs(c,f,zz)     = yes$(cpossp(c,zz)*fposs(f,zz));
cpl(cl,p)         = yes$sum((s,zz)$lcc(zz,s,cl), yield(cl,p,s,zz));
pl(p)             = sum(cl,cpl(cl,p));
pa(p)             = not pl(p);
lposs(s,zz,cl,pl) = yes$(xposs(s,zz,pl)*cpl(cl,pl));

display xposs, fposs, cpossn, cposs, cpossp, pl, pa, cpl, lposs;

$sTitle Revenue Data: Risk
Table weightsz(st,zz) 'weights-states to zones (farmed land ha)'
                       west   sertao  southeast    east  agreste
   rio-grande                3295774             471259   897568
   paraiba                   3492833             340369  1149786
   pernambuco                3433932             999385  1995194
   ceara                    12467943
   piaui           13114766
   maranhao        23271544
   alagoas                    195356            1050967   929588
   sergipe                    371134                     1683415
   bahia            7306239  8110834   12610111                 ;

Table crev(st,c,ty) 'crop revenue series by state (cr per ha)'
                          1960    1961    1962    1963    1964    1965    1966    1967    1968    1969
   rio-grande.cotton-m     434     453     491     438     508     506     350     513     463     444
   rio-grande.rice         610     649    1066    1105     834     953     726     945     838     644
   rio-grande.banana      7205    9081   10732    9164   11311   11415    8231   10772    9093    9579
   rio-grande.cashew-nut  1681    2105    2008    1425    1688    1107    1134    1328    1244    2890
   rio-grande.sugar-cane  2189    2505    2551    2766    2415    2507    1868    2395    2203    2801
   rio-grande.beans-cor    445     460     951     552     321     495     607     399     411     483
   rio-grande.manioc       590     716    1139     799     712     684     946    1222     920     757
   rio-grande.corn         226     286     400     300     218     248     273     336     293     270
   paraiba.cotton-m       1710    1795    3117    1555    2140    1900    1609    2077    2121    2043
   paraiba.rice            786     818    1235    1094     649    1347     925    1143    1191     916
   paraiba.banana         9841   15642   14831   12811   11072    9423    7071   10016    9101    8284
   paraiba.cashew-nut     1694    1787    2860    1964    1205    1432    1834    1894    2076    2024
   paraiba.sugar-cane     2194    2351    2451    2374    2623    2606    1799    2679    2580    2083
   paraiba.beans-cor       508     529    1019     644     405     694     517     582     444     555
   paraiba.manioc         1175    1734    2050    1728    1702    1689    1494    1733    1260    1417
   paraiba.corn            373     414     622     429     372     523     383     361     318     353
   pernambuco.cotton-m     517     538     433     378     442     529     402     523     539     448
   pernambuco.rice        1327     967    1500    1554    1256    1161    1205    1534    1347    1294
   pernambuco.banana      5315    6024    7735    8330    6463    5944    5790    6074    6426    6828
   pernambuco.cashew-nut  2873    2750    2362    3047    2538    2331    1989    2730    3540    2429
   pernambuco.sugar-cane  1668    1873    1707    2513    2389    2119    1206    1835    1942    2009
   pernambuco.beans-cor    602     599     995     612     451     718     558     576     544     866
   pernambuco.manioc       939    1695    2458    1250     873    1132    1282    1543    1410    1628
   pernambuco.corn         251     388     553     354     362     400     324     364     323     412
   ceara.cotton-m          587     610     679     483     591     521     379     550     651     669
   ceara.rice             1034    1231    1613    1283    1199    1116    1190    1497    1281    1138
   ceara.banana           5590    5798    7239    6118    6071    5249    4528    6096    5744    6888
   ceara.cashew-nut       1131    1239    1042     810     603     490     376     548    1502    1359
   ceara.sugar-cane       1365    1480    1386    1254    1214    1039    1112    1569    1477    1334
   ceara.beans-cor         387     358     780     479     289     599     510     479     454     453
   ceara.manioc            878    1017    1862    1325    1077     972     950    1093    1255    1294
   ceara.corn              261     338     536     375     349     361     310     344     332     340
   piaui.cotton-m          337     476     717     369     715     521     280     490     543     462
   piaui.rice              493     620     909     813     578     530     554     771     721     608
   piaui.banana           7319    7178    7077    6885    7607    8598    7379    8041    6589    6967
   piaui.cashew-nut        425     461     628     449     336     476     478     574     427     456
   piaui.sugar-cane        650     798    1347     996     835    1163     692     873     892     905
   piaui.beans-cor         431     593     863     435     257     510     398     463     397     423
   piaui.manioc            719     724     758     657     852     402     587     820     856     655
   piaui.corn              232     288     364     300     278     354     269     297     279     278
   maranhao.cotton-m       219     317     423     313     387     319     232     278     317     335
   maranhao.rice           464     565    1011     765     502     448     554     585     622     521
   maranhao.banana        4983    5012    5597    4579    3947    3616    3623    4154    4364    6645
   maranhao.cashew-nut    1645    1398    1386    1107    1050     796    2654    2455    1430     539
   maranhao.sugar-cane    1080     801     857     871     731     787     895    1164    1386    1400
   maranhao.beans-cor      661     665     759     591     496     632     770     716     597     663
   maranhao.manioc         515     561     576     549     483     496     539     543     573     526
   maranhao.corn           216     231     328     248     306     295     237     279     280     293
   alagoas.cotton-m        517     607     540     340     394     524     392     539     533     544
   alagoas.rice            884     859    2370    1978     901     734    1150    1079    1202    1079
   alagoas.banana         5248    6896    8143    7919    8080    6911    4700    3743    7455    8678
   alagoas.cashew-nut     2366    2075    2170    1826    1799    1822    1821    2096    3044    2778
   alagoas.sugar-cane     1921    1908    1884    2536    2718    2181    1945    1937    1972    2098
   alagoas.beans-cor       784     863    1230     663     576     727     681     446     442    1105
   alagoas.manioc         1030    1609    1898    1254     976    1022    1028    1371    1342    1522
   alagoas.corn            204     397     532     238     273     248     243     262     211     301
   sergipe.cotton-m        365     487     652     429     526     415     332     451     507     506
   sergipe.rice           1325    1950    3802    2530    1941    1479    1642    1995    1659    1734
   sergipe.banana         5537    5920    6915    6045    5866    5194    4742    4791    5753    7356
   sergipe.cashew-nut     2038    2215    2744    2788    1503    2388    1911    2436    1997    2572
   sergipe.sugar-cane      888    1292    1405    1343    1545    1338    1200    1171    1189    1169
   sergipe.beans-cor       427     518    1253     748     557     463     677     507     642     778
   sergipe.manioc         1100    1637    4539    2701    1416    2033    1753    2309    2405    2105
   sergipe.corn            272     381     562     297     316     287     301     270     291     342
   bahia.cotton-m          591     587     582     440     512     535     543     541     658     644
   bahia.rice             1382    1213    1256    1280    1015     979    1463    2109    1161     892
   bahia.banana           5169    5454    5789    5027    4793    4354    4451    4888    4637    5159
   bahia.cacao            1643    1487    1221    1032    1018     812     774     861    1145    2218
   bahia.cashew-nut       2146    2717    3167    2350    1214    1709    1664    2504    2647    2742
   bahia.sugar-cane       1825    1745    1505    1676    1580    2141    1663    1710    1728    1666
   bahia.beans-cor        1091     900    1522     878     631     879    1206    1000     882    1268
   bahia.manioc           1106    1465    1595    1139     926     897    1198    1377    1297    1341
   bahia.corn              351     343     587     332     260     283     392     404     319     358
   bahia.other             722     636     562     426     592     514     378     378     612     822;

Table phi(zz,f) 'risk factors'
                 fam-farm  med-farm  ls-fazenda  fazenda
   west             2.000     1.500       1.000
   sertao           2.000     1.500                1.000;

   revz(c,ty,zz)  'crop revenue series by zone       (cr per ha)'
   revm(c,zz)     'mean zone revenue for crops       (cr per ha)'
   prdev(c,ty,zz) 'propreitor crop price deviations (cr per ton)';

revz(c,ty,zz)   = sum(st, weightsz(st,zz)*crev(st,c,ty))/sum(st, weightsz(st,zz));
revm(c,zz)      = sum(ty, revz(c,ty,zz))/card(ty);
prdev(c,ty,zz)$revm(c,zz) = price(c,zz)*(revz(c,ty,zz)/revm(c,zz) - 1);

display spr, crev, revz, revm, prdev;

$sTitle Misc Data
Table teche(p,zz,km) 'cropping technology costs (cr per ha)'
                      equipment  fertilizer  seeds  sprouts
   crop-01.west              26                 24
   crop-01.sertao                                3
   crop-02.sertao            23         28      84
   crop-02.agreste                      31      91
   crop-03.sertao            12          7      16
   crop-04.west              32                 21
   crop-04.sertao            12          2       6
   crop-04.southeast         50
   crop-05.west                                  1       69
   crop-05.sertao                                1       53
   crop-05.east                         18       2      164
   crop-05.agreste                                       45
   crop-06.sertao                                4      284
   crop-06.east                                  5      425
   crop-08.southeast                   123       9        1
   crop-10.sertao                                        15
   crop-10.east                       231
   crop-10.agreste                     36
   crop-12.sertao                                        37
   crop-12.east                        19                31
   crop-13.sertao            2                           72
   crop-13.east                                68
   crop-14.west             56                  6
   crop-14.sertao           13          6      45         1
   crop-15.agreste                    106       1       184
   crop-16.west                                 1
   crop-16.east              2                            7
   crop-16.agreste                     20
   crop-17.west                                 6
   crop-17.sertao                       8
   crop-17.agreste                     42      55
   crop-20.sertao            4                 18         2
   crop-21.west                                 5
   crop-22.west                                 7         8
   crop-23.west                                17
   crop-24.west                                 5
   crop-25.west                                64
   crop-25.sertao           20          4      10
   crop-26.west                                 6
   crop-27.sertao           15                 37
   crop-28.sertao                              33
   crop-29.sertao          106                  3        60
   crop-29.agreste           4         22                19
   crop-30.sertao                             104
   crop-30.agreste                             27
   crop-31.sertao           26                 23
   crop-32.sertao           20
   crop-33.sertao           39                  4
   crop-33.southeast                    9
   crop-33.east                       117
   crop-33.agreste          11         42
   crop-34.sertao           12
   crop-35.sertao                               8
   crop-36.southeast                                     34
   crop-36.agreste                     98       6         1;

$sTitle Consumption Data
Table cbndl(c,zz,dr) 'consumption bundle alternatives (tons per family)'
                            one    two  three
   rice.west               .313   .145   .158
   beans-arr.sertao        .166   .057   .059
   beans-arr.southeast     .159   .067   .065
   beans-arr.east          .173   .090   .094
   beans-arr.agreste       .225   .152   .150
   beans-cor.west          .143   .269   .156
   beans-cor.sertao        .188   .294   .183
   beans-cor.southeast     .051   .141   .051
   manioc.southeast       1.280  1.320  3.160
   manioc.east            1.385  3.045  1.465
   manioc.agreste          .965  2.640   .935
   corn.west               .165   .165   .576
   corn.sertao             .232   .224   .660
   corn.east               .155   .155   .455
   corn.agreste            .235   .232   .581;

$sTitle Regional Data
   mktmarg 'marketing margin of sales retained by propreitor' /   .25 /
   fwage   'family wages                  (cr per man-month)' / 75    /
   sfs     'sharecropper family size'                         /  2.2  /;

   rlabsup(zz) 'regional labor supply    (1000 workers)' / west            947.7
                                                           sertao         1481.2
                                                           southeast       811.6
                                                           east            158.4
                                                           agreste         612.6 /
   twage(zz)   'temporary worker wage (cr pe man-month)' / (west,sertao)   200
                                                           (east,agreste)  250
                                                           southeast       225   /
   pwage(zz)   'permanent worker wage     (cr per year)' / west           1492
                                                           sertao         1532
                                                           southeast      1825
                                                           east           2097
                                                           agreste        2054   /
   vsc(zz)     'value of on-farm consumption       (cr)' / west            518
                                                           sertao          767
                                                           southeast       770
                                                           east            785
                                                           agreste         934   /
   sps(zz)     'sharecropper plot size             (ha)' / west             12
                                                           sertao            7   /
   pcost(p,zz) 'cropping activity cost      (cr per ha)';

pwage(zz)   = pwage(zz)*0.9 ;
pcost(p,zz) = sum(km, teche(p,zz,km));

display pcost;

   cd1 'error possibly in crop comm and zone data'
   cd2 'error in crop comm'
   cd3 'error in labor for cropping'
   cd4 'error in long cycle comm'
   cd5 'error in cropping costs';

cd1(c)   = yes$((sum(z, qd(c,z)) <> 0) and (cropc(c,"expend") = 0));
cd2(c,z) = yes$(qd(c,z) = 0 and price(c,z) <> 0);
cd3(p,z) = yes$(sum(tm, labor(p,z,tm)) = 0 and sum((s,c,f), yield(c,p,s,z)) <> 0);
cd5(p,z) = yes$(sum((km,tm), teche(p,z,km)) = 0 and sum((s,c,f), yield(c,p,s,z)) <> 0);

display cd1, cd2, cd3, cd5;

$sTitle Model Definition
   xcrop(p,s,f,zz)  'cropping activities: total                           (1000 ha)'
   xcrops(p,s,f,zz) 'cropping activities: sharecropper                    (1000 ha)'
   xprodc(c,zz)     'crop production                                    (1000 tons)'
   xlive(r,f,zz)    'livestock activity defined on feed techniques      (1000 head)'
   xprodl(f,zz)     'livestock production                               (1000 head)'
   lswitch(s,f,zz)  'land downgrading                                     (1000 ha)'
   consp(dr,f,zz)   'on-farm consumption: propreitor                (1000 families)'
   conss(dr,f,zz)   'on-farm consumption: sharecropper              (1000 families)'
   salesp(c,f,zz)   'crop sales: propreitor                             (1000 tons)'
   saless(c,f,zz)   'crop sales: sharecropper                           (1000 tons)'
   export(c,zz)     'crop exports                                       (1000 tons)'
   regcon(c,zz)     'regional consumption                               (1000 tons)'
   regq(c,zz,g)     'regional consumption'
   flab(f,tm,zz)    'family labor                                        (man-days)'
   tlab(f,tm,zz)    'temporary labor                                     (man-days)'
   plab(f,zz)       'permanent labor                                      (workers)'
   nsc(f,zz)        'number of sharecroppers                                (units)'
   rationr(f,zz)    'livestock ration requirements                        (mill cr)'
   pdev(f,zz,ty)    'positive price deviations                            (1000 cr)'
   ndev(f,zz,ty)    'negative price deviations                            (1000 cr)'
   cps              'consumer producer surplus                            (1000 cr)'
   adc(zz)          'area under the demand curve                          (mill cr)'
   revexp(zz)       'revenue from exports                                 (mill cr)'
   revliv(zz)       'revenue from livestoick sales                        (mill cr)'
   vscdef(zz)       'value aof self-consumption                           (mill cr)'
   cropcost(f,zz)   'accounting: cropping activities cost                 (mill cr)'
   hlcost(f,zz)     'accounting: hired labor costs                        (mill cr)'
   rescost(f,zz)    'accounting: reservation labor costs                  (mill cr)'
   vetcost(f,zz)    'accounting: vetinary services cost                   (mill cr)';

Positive Variable
   xcrop, xcrops, xlive, xprodc, xprodl, lswitch, saless, salesp, export
   conss, consp, flab, tlab, plab, pdev, ndev, regcon, regq, nsc;

   landb(s,f,zz)   'land balance                                           (ha)'
   landl(s,f,zz,c) 'land balance: long cycle crops                         (ha)'
   dprodl(f,zz)    'livestock production definition'
   mbalcp(c,f,zz)  'material balance: propreitor                      (tons)( )'
   mbalcs(c,f,zz)  'material balance: sharecropper                       (tons)'
   spd(f,zz)       'sharecropper-plotsize definition                       (ha)'
   combp(f,zz)     'on farm consumption definition: propreitor      (100l tons)'
   dem(c,zz)       'regional demand balance                      (1000 tons)( )'
   demreg(c,zz)    'regional demand definition                      (1000 tons)'
   combs(f,zz)     'on farm consumption definition: sharecropper      (tons)( )'
   conv(c,zz)      'regional consumption convexity                (1000 ons)( )'
   labcp(f,tm,zz)  'labor supply-demand relation                            ( )'
   labcs(f,tm,zz)  'labor supply-demand relation                            ( )'
   ratr(f,zz)      'ration requirements                               (mill cr)'
   labrc(tm,zz)    'regional labor constraint                               ( )'
   ddev(f,zz,ty)   'crop price deviation definition                         ( )'
   obj             'farm income definition                                  ( )'
   aexp(zz)        'accounting: revenue from exports                  (mill cr)'
   aliv(zz)        'accounting: revenue from livestock sales          (mill cr)'
   aadc(zz)        'accounting: area under demand curve                     ( )'
   avsc(zz)        'accounting: value of self-consumption                   ( )'
   acrop(f,zz)     'accounting: cropping cost definition                    ( )'
   ahlc(f,zz)      'accounting: hired labor cost                  (mill cr) ( )'
   ares(f,zz)      'accounting: reservation labor cost            (mill cr) ( )'
   avet(f,zz)      'accounting: vetinary costs                        (mill cr)';

       sum(pa$xposs(s,z,pa), xcrop(pa,s,f,z))
    +  sum(sp$landc(z,sp,f), ldp(s,sp)*lswitch(sp,f,z))
    +  sum(r, lland(s,r,z)*xlive(r,f,z))
   =l= (1 - lcct(z,s))*fnum(z,f)*landc(z,s,f)
    +  sum(pl$xposs(s,z,pl), pfm(s,pl)*xcrop(pl,s,f,z));

    sum(pl$lposs(s,z,cl,pl), xcrop(pl,s,f,z)) =l= fnum(z,f)*lccp(s,f,z,cl);

*need to add ginning constraint for cottons

       sum((s,p), yield(c,p,s,z)*(xcrop(p,s,f,z) - (1-spr(c))*xcrops(p,s,f,z)$sh(z,f)))
    +  mktmarg*saless(c,f,z)$sh(z,f)
   =g= salesp(c,f,z) + sum(dr, cbndl(c,z,dr)*consp(dr,f,z));

       (1 - spr(c))*sum((s,p), yield(c,p,s,z)*xcrops(p,s,f,z))
   =g= saless(c,f,z) + sum(dr, cbndl(c,z,dr)*conss(dr,f,z));

*dprodc(c,z)$cpossp(c,z).. xprodc(c,z) =e= sum((p,s,f), yield(c,p,s,z)*xcrop(p,s,f,z));

   xprodl(f,z) =e= sum(r, xlive(r,f,z));

   rationr(f,z)  =e= sum(r, lfrat(r,z)*xlive(r,f,z))/1000;

       sum((p,s)$xposs(s,z,p), labor(p,z,tm)*(xcrop(p,s,f,z) - xcrops(p,s,f,z)$sh(z,f)))
    +  sum(r, llive(r,tm,z)*xlive(r,f,z))
   =l= flab(f,tm,z) + tlab(f,tm,z) + dpm*plab(f,z);

   sum((p,s)$xposs(s,z,p), labor(p,z,tm)*xcrops(p,s,f,z)) =l= dpm*sfs*nsc(f,z);

   sum((p,s)$xposs(s,z,p), xcrops(p,s,f,z)) =e= sps(z)*nsc(f,z);

   sum(f$fposs(f,z), tlab(f,tm,z)/dpm + plab(f,z) + sfs*nsc(f,z)$sh(z,f)) =l= rlabsup(z);

*combp(f,z)$fposs(f,z).. sum(dr, consp(dr,f,z)) =e= fnum(z,"fam-farm");

   sum(dr, consp(dr,f,z)) =e= fnum(z,f);

   sum(dr, conss(dr,f,z)) =e= nsc(f,z);

       regcon(c,z) + export(c,z)$cex(c)
   =e= sum(f$cposs(c,f,z), salesp(c,f,z) + (1 - mktmarg)*saless(c,f,z)$sh(z,f));

   regcon(c,z) =e= sum(g, qs(c,z,g)*regq(c,z,g));

   sum(g, regq(c,z,g)) =e= 1;

       sum(c$cpossp(c,z), prdev(c,ty,z)*(salesp(c,f,z) + (1 - mktmarg)*saless(c,f,z)$sh(z,f)))
   =e= pdev(f,z,ty) - ndev(f,z,ty);

   adc(z)    =e= sum((c,g)$cpossn(c,z), ws(c,z,g)*regq(c,z,g));

   revliv(z) =e= sum(f$fposs(f,z), pricel(z)*xprodl(f,z))/1000;

   revexp(z) =e= sum(cex, price(cex,z)*export(cex,z))/1000;

   vscdef(z) =e= vsc(z)*sum((f,dr)$fposs(f,z), consp(dr,f,z) + conss(dr,f,z)$sh(z,f))/1000;

   cropcost(f,z) =e= sum((p,s)$xposs(s,z,p), pcost(p,z)*xcrop(p,s,f,z))/1000;

   hlcost(f,z)   =e= (twage(z)*sum(tm, tlab(f,tm,z))/dpm + pwage(z)*plab(f,z))/1000;

   rescost(f,z)  =e= fwage*sum(tm, flab(f,tm,z))/dpm/1000;

avet(f,z)$fposs(f,z).. vetcost(f,z) =e= vetpr*xprodl(f,z)/1000;

   cps =e= sum(z, revexp(z) + revliv(z) + adc(z) + vscdef(z)
        -  sum(f$fposs(f,z), hlcost(f,z) +rescost(f,z) + rationr(f,z) + vetcost(f,z)
              + cropcost(f,z) + phi(z,f)*sum(ty, pdev(f,z,ty) + ndev(f,z,ty))/card(ty)/1000));

flab.up(f,tm,z) = dpm*fnum(z,f)*famsize(z,f);

Model brazil / all /;

z(zz) = no;

   z(zz) = yes;
   solve brazil maximizing cps using lp;
   z(zz) = no;
   option limRow = 0, limCol = 0;

display landb.m, xprodl.l, salesp.l, saless.l, regcon.l, export.l, regq.l;