reaction.gms : Logical Inference for Reaction path synthesis


Given a set of possible chemical reactions, we must verify
whether a chemical can be synthesized from a given set of
raw materials and catalysts.

Small Model of Type : MIP

Category : GAMS Model library

Main file : reaction.gms

$title Logical Inference for Reaction Path Synthesis (REACTION,SEQ=121)

Given a set of possible chemical reactions, we must verify
whether a chemical can be synthesized from a given set of
raw materials and catalysts.

Morari, M, and Grossmann, I E, Eds, Chemical Engineering Optimization
Models with GAMS. Computer Aids for Chemical Engineering Corporation,

Raman, R, and Grossmann, I E, Relation between MINLP Modeling and
Logical Inverence for Chemical Process Synthesis. Computers and
Chemical Engineering 15, 2 (1991), 73-84.

Keywords: mixed integer linear programming, reaction path synthesis, chemical
          engineering, chemical process synthesis

   v  'system variables (chemicals)'
      / y01  'ch3co2c2h5',        y02  'naoc2h5'
        y03  'c2h5oh',            y04  'ch3coch2co2c2h5'
        y05  'h3o-hydronium ion', y06  'ch3coch3'
        y07  'co2',               y08  'ch3cn'
        y09  'ch3mgi',            y10  'c2h5oc2h5'
        y11  'ch3c(nmgi)ch3',     y12  'h2o'
        y13  'hcl',               y14  'ch3cho'
        y15  'ch3ch(oh)ch3',      y16  'cro3'
        y17  'h2so4',             y18  'ch2=c(ch3)2'
        y19  'o3',                y20  'hco2h'
        y21  'ch3i',              y22  'mg'
        y23  'ch3co2ch3',         y24  'hoc(ch3)3'
        y25  'ch4',               y26  'i2'
        y27  'hi',                y28  'o2'
        y29  'cr2o3',             y30  'ch3cl'
        y31  'nacn',              y32  'nacl'
        y33  'cl2',               y34  'ch3cooh'    /
   rx 'logical conditions'        / rxn01 * rxn22   /;

Alias (v,vv);

   logicc(rx,v,vv) 'mathematical representation of chemical reactions'
                   / rxn01.y04.(y01,y02,y03),     rxn12.y24.(y09,y23)
                     rxn02.y06.(y04,y05),         rxn13.y18.(y24,y17)
                     rxn03.y07.(y04,y05),         rxn14.y21.(y25,y26)
                     rxn04.y03.(y04,y05),         rxn15.y27.(y25,y26)
                     rxn05.y11.(y08,y09,y10),     rxn16.y14.(y03,y28,y29)
                     rxn06.y06.(y11,y12,y13),     rxn17.y32.(y30,y31,y12)
                     rxn07.y15.(y14,y09,y10,y05), rxn18.y08.(y30,y31,y12)
                     rxn08.y06.(y15,y16,y17),     rxn19.y30.(y25,y33)
                     rxn09.y06.(y18,y19,y12),     rxn20.y13.(y25,y33)
                     rxn10.y20.(y18,y19,y12),     rxn21.y01.(y34,y03)
                     rxn11.y09.(y21,y22),         rxn22.y34.(y14,y28)     /
   rxv(rx,v) 'rx to v mapping';

rxv(rx,v) = sum(vv, logicc(rx,v,vv));

Binary Variable y(v);

Variable totsum;

   obj       'minimize y06 to determine if acetone can be produced'
   leq(rx,v) 'logic constraints';

obj..            totsum =e= y('y06');

leq(rxv(rx,v)).. sum(logicc(rxv,vv), 1 - y(vv)) =g= 1 - y(v);

   yavail(v)    'available raw materials and catalysts'
                / y02, y03, y05, y10, y12, y13, y17, y22, y25, y26, y28, y31, y33 /
   ynotavail(v) 'raw materials and catalysts not available'
                / y16, y19 /;

y.fx(yavail)    = 1;
y.fx(ynotavail) = 0;

Model rulebase / all /;

solve rulebase minimizing totsum using mip;