pdi.gms : ARCNET - Production Distribution and Inventory


This example of a typical two echelon production, distribution and inventory
problem (pdi) is taken from the arcnet user guide.

Small Model of Type : LP

Category : GAMS Model library

Main file : pdi.gms

$title ARCNET - Production Distribution and Inventory (PDI,SEQ=10)

This example of a typical two echelon production, distribution and inventory
problem (pdi) is taken from the arcnet user guide.

ARCNET, ARCNET User Guide, Analysis, Research and Computation,
Austin, Texas, 1982.

Keywords: linear programming, distribution problem, production planning, inventory problem

   p 'production facilities' / one, two, three /
   d 'distribution centers'  / east, south, west, north /
   c 'customer zones'        / 1*5 /
   m 'month'                 / january, february, march, april /;

Table pfd(p,*) 'production facility data (table 12.1)'
           min-prod  max-prod  over-prod  prod-cost over-cost
*           (units)   (units)   ( units)   ($/unit)  ($/unit)
   one                   5000       1000         35        45
   two         1200      3000        500         40        43
   three        700      1500                    38          ;

Table fdec(p,d) 'first distribution echelon cost ($ per unit)'
           east  south  west  north
   one       10     12
   two               8     4      5
   three                   6      8;

Table sdec(d,c) 'second distribution echelon cost ($ per unit)'
            1   2   3   4   5
   east    15  19
   south       20  22  18
   west        16      18  19
   north               15  21;

Table dcd(d,*) 'distribution center data (table 12.3)'
           max-invent  hold-cost
*             (units)   ($/unit)
   east          3000          2
   south         2500          2
   west          4000          1
   north         2500          3;

Table czd(c,*) 'customer zone data (table 12.5)'
       min-demand  max-demand  revenue
*         (units)     (units) ($/unit)
   1         2000        2500       70
   2                     2500       68
   3         2000        3000       65
   4         1500        2000       72
   5         1500        3000       71;


pd(p,d) = yes$fdec(p,d);
dc(d,c) = yes$sdec(d,c);

display pd, dc, sdec;

   pc(p,m)   'production cost normal shift'
   pco(p,m)  'production cost overtime'
   revfac(m) 'revenue factor' / (january,february) 1,  (march,april) 1.1 /;

pc(p,m) = pfd(p,"prod-cost") + floor(2**(ord(m)-1)/2);
pco(p,m)= pfd(p,"over-cost") + ord(m) - (ord(m) < card(m));

display pc, pco, revfac;

   x(p,d,m)   'shipments from production to distribution'
   y(d,c,m)   'shipments from distribution centers to markets'
   pn(p,m)    'production'
   po(p,m)    'production: overtime'
   s(d,m)     'storage level'
   dm(c)      'demand level'
   h(d,m)     'handling'

Positive Variable x, y, pn, po, s, h;

   ib(d,m) 'inventory balance'
   pb(p,m) 'production balance'
   hb(d,m) 'handling balance'
   db(c,m) 'demand balance'
   ar      'revenue balance'
   at      'transport balance'
   ap      'production cost balance'
   ah      'inventory holding cost definition'
   apr     'profit definition';

ib(d,m).. h(d,m) =e= s(d,m-1) + sum(p$pd(p,d), x(p,d,m));

pb(p,m).. pn(p,m) + po(p,m) =e= sum(d$pd(p,d), x(p,d,m));

hb(d,m).. s(d,m) =e= h(d,m) - sum(c$dc(d,c), y(d,c,m));

db(c,m).. sum(d$dc(d,c), y(d,c,m)) =e= dm(c);

ar.. revenue    =e= sum((d,c,m)$dc(d,c), revfac(m)*czd(c,"revenue")*y(d,c,m));

at.. transport  =e= sum((d,m), sum(p$pd(p,d), fdec(p,d)*x(p,d,m)) + sum(c$dc(d,c), sdec(d,c)*y(d,c,m)));

ap.. production =e= sum((p,m), pc(p,m)*pn(p,m) + pco(p,m)*po(p,m));

ah.. holding    =e= sum((d,m), dcd(d,"hold-cost")*s(d,m));

apr..profit     =e= revenue - transport - production - holding + 10;

s.lo(d,"april") = 200;
h.up(d,m)       = dcd(d,"max-invent");
pn.lo(p,m)      = pfd(p,"min-prod");
pn.up(p,m)      = pfd(p,"max-prod");
po.up(p,m)      = pfd(p,"over-prod");
dm.lo(c)        = czd(c,"min-demand");
dm.up(c)        = czd(c,"max-demand");

display h.up, pn.lo;

Model pdi / all /;

solve pdi maximizing profit using lp;