Camshape : Maximize the Area of the Valve


  • Neculai Andrei, Nonlinear Optimization Applications Using the GAMS Technology,Springer Optimization and Its Applications, Model Camshape (5.33) in chapter Applications of Mechanical Engineering , 2013

Category : GAMS NOA library

Mainfile : camshape.gms

  Maximize the area of the valve opening for one rotation of a
  convex cam with constraints on the curvature and on the radius
  of the cam.

  This model is from the COPS benchmarking suite.

  The number of discretization points can be specified using the command
  line parameter --n.
  COPS performance tests have been reported for n = 100, 200, 400, 800

  Dolan, E D, and More, J J, Benchmarking Optimization Software with COPS.
  Tech. rep., Mathematics and Computer Science Division, 2000.

  Anitescu, M, and Serban, R, A Sparse Superlinearly Convergent SQP
  with Applications to Two-Dimensional Shape Optimization.
  Tech. rep., Argonne National Laboratory, 1998.

  Neculai Andrei, "Models, Test Problems and Applications for
  Mathematical Programming". Technical Press, Bucharest, 2003.
  Application A8, page 352.

$if not set n $set n 1000

Set i discretization points /i1 * i%n%/;

Alias (i,j);

Scalar R_v     design parameter related to the valve shape /1/
       R_max   maximum allowed radius of the cam           /2/
       R_min   minimum allowed radius of the cam           /1/
       alpha   curvature limit parameter                   /1.5/
       d_theta angle between discretization points;

pi = 2*arctan(inf);
d_theta = 2*pi/(5*(%n%+1));

set first(i), last(i), middle(i);
first('i1')  = yes;
last('i%n%') = yes;
middle(i) = yes; middle(first) = no; middle(last) = no;

Variables  r(i)      radius of the cam at discretization points
           rdiff(i)  intermediate
           area      valve area;

* Bounds
r.lo(i) = R_min;
r.up(i) = R_max;

rdiff.lo(i(j+1)) = -alpha*d_theta;
rdiff.up(i(j+1)) =  alpha*d_theta;

r.lo('i1') = max(-alpha*d_theta + R_min, r.lo('i1'));
r.up('i1') = min( alpha*d_theta + R_min, r.up('i1'));

r.lo('i%n%') =  max(R_max - alpha*d_theta, r.lo('i%n%'));
r.up('i%n%') =  min(R_max + alpha*d_theta, r.up('i%n%'));

r.up('i1') = min( R_min/(2*cos(d_theta)-1), r.up('i1'));

* Initial values
r.l(i) = (R_min+R_max)/2;

Equations  obj             objective

obj.. area =e= ((pi*R_v)/%n%) * sum(i, r(i));

convexity(middle(i)).. -r(i-1)*r(i) - r(i)*r(i+1) +
                       2*r(i-1)*r(i+1)*cos(d_theta) =l= 0;

convex_edge1(first(i)).. -R_min*r(i) - r(i)*r(i+1) +
                       2*R_min*r(i+1)*cos(d_theta) =l= 0;

convex_edge3(last(i)).. -r(i-1)*r(i) - r(i)*R_max +
                       2*r(i-1)*R_max*cos(d_theta) =l= 0;

convex_edge4(last(i)).. -2*R_max*r(i) +
                       2*sqr(r(i))*cos(d_theta) =l= 0;

eqrdiff(j(i+1)).. rdiff(i) =e= r(i+1) - r(i);

model camshape /all/;

$ifThenI x%mode%==xbook

solve camshape using nlp maximizing area;

$ifThenI x%mode%==xbook
file rez /camshape.dat/;
put rez
loop(i, put r.l(i):10:5, put/)

*------------------------- Numerical Experiments ---------------------
*                            January 15, 2011
* Variant 1:
* 12001 constraints,  12000 variables
* CONOPT3: 85 iterations, 23.714 seconds
*          vfo=4.2725254070
* KNITRO:  51 iterations, 56 functions evaluations, 14 seconds
*          vfo=4.270589910
* Varinat 2:
* 16001 constraints, 16000 variables
* CONOPT3: 75 iterations, 32.607 seconds
*          vfo=4.2726091788
* KNITRO:  52 iterations, 57 functions evaluations, 25.21 seconds
*          vfo=4.2697038802
* Variant 3:
* 20001 constraints, 20000 variables
* CONOPT3: 46 iterations, 23.204 seconds
*          vfo=4.2726594376
* KNITRO:  54 iterations, 59 functions evaluations, 33.19 seconds
*          vfo=4.2688342488
* End Camshape