Category : GAMS NOA library
Mainfile : ramsey.gms
An elementary Ramsey growth model
Frank P. Ramsey, A Mathematical Theory of Saving, Economics Journal,
vol.38, No. 152, December 1928.
Erwin Kalvelagen, (2003) An elementary Ramsey growth model.
set t 'time periods' / t1*t50 /
rho 'discount factor' / 0.04 /
g 'labor growth rate' / 0.03 /
delta 'capital depreciation factor' / 0.02 /
K0 'initial capital' / 3.00 /
I0 'initial investment' / 0.07 /
C0 'initial consumption' / 0.95 /
L0 'initial labor' / 1.00 /
b 'Cobb Douglas coefficient' / 0.25 /
a 'Cobb Douglas coefficient' ;
tfirst(t) 'first interval (t0)'
tlast(t) 'last intervat (T)'
tnotlast(t) 'all intervals but last' ;
tfirst(t)$(ord(t)=1) = yes;
tlast(t)$(ord(t)=card(t)) = yes;
tnotlast(t)= not tlast(t);
L(t) 'labor (production input)'
beta(t) 'weight factor for future utilities'
tval(t) 'numerical value of t' ;
tval(t) = ord(t)-1;
* The terminal weight beta(tlast) computation.
beta(tnotlast(t)) = power(1+rho,-tval(t));
beta(tlast(t)) = (1/rho)*power(1+rho,1-tval(t));
display beta;
* Labor is determined using an exponential growth process.
L(t) = power(1+g,tval(t)) * L0;
* Cobb-Douglas coefficient a computation.
a = (C0 + I0) / (K0**b * L0**(1-b));
C(t) 'consumption'
Y(t) 'production'
K(t) 'capital'
I(t) 'investment'
W 'total utility' ;
utility 'discounted utility'
production(t) 'Cobb-Douglas production function'
allocation(t) 'household choose between consumption and saving'
accumulation(t) 'capital accumulation'
final(t) 'minimal investment in final period' ;
utility.. W =e= sum(t, beta(t)*log(C(t)));
production(t).. Y(t) =e= a * (K(t)**b) * (L(t)**(1-b));
allocation(t).. Y(t) =e= C(t) + I(t);
accumulation(tnotlast(t)).. K(t+1) =e= (1-delta)*K(t) + I(t);
final(tlast).. I(tlast) =g= (g+delta)*K(tlast);
* Bounds.
K.lo(t) = 0.001;
C.lo(t) = 0.001;
* Initial conditions
K.fx(tfirst) = K0;
I.fx(tfirst) = I0;
C.fx(tfirst) = C0;
model ramsey /all/;
solve ramsey maximizing W using nlp;
* Solution visualization
* ----------------------
$ifThenI x%mode%==xbook
file res1 /growth.txt/
put res1;
put /"timp C(t) Y(t) K(t) I(t) "/;
loop(t, put, C.l(t):6, Y.l(t):6, K.l(t):6, I.l(t):6 /;);
file capital /cap.dat/
put capital;
loop(t, put K.l(t):10:7, put/);
file produc / prod.dat/
put produc
loop(t, put Y.l(t):10:7, put/);
file consum /cons.dat/
put consum;
loop(t, put C.l(t):10:7, put/);
file investitie /invest.dat/
put investitie;
loop(t, put I.l(t):10:7, put/);
display beta
* End Ramsey