Use the GAMS Transfer method toDense and setRecords to work with "number only" numpy.array to utilize powerful numpy methods like multivariate_normal to generate samples for a multivariate normal distribution. Historic stock return data is used to build up the covariance and mean data required by numpy.multivariate_normal method.
Category : GAMS Data Utilities library
Main file : gtmvn.gms includes : gtmvn.gms stockdata.csv
$title Demonstrate the use of numpy.multivariate_normal on stock return data using Transfer (gtmvn,SEQ=143)
Use the GAMS Transfer method toDense and setRecords to work with
"number only" numpy.array to utilize powerful numpy methods like
multivariate_normal to generate samples for a multivariate normal
distribution. Historic stock return data is used to build up the
covariance and mean data required by numpy.multivariate_normal method.
dates 'dates'
stocks 'stocks';
Table price(dates<,stocks<) 'daily price'
$include stockdata.csv
dp(dates) 'all but first date';
return(dates,stocks) 'daily return'
mean(stocks) 'expected daily return'
cov(stocks,stocks) 'covariance matrix';
Alias (dates,d), (stocks,s,sp);
dp(dates) = ord(dates)>1;
return(dp(d),s) = log(price(d,s)) - log(price(d-1,s));
mean(s) = sum(dp, return(dp,s))/card(dp);
cov(s,sp) = sum(dp, (return(dp,s) - mean(s))*(return(dp,sp) - mean(sp))) / (card(dp)-1);
* 100 samples from the multivariate normal distribution represent 100 days of stock returns
$if not set NDAYS $set NDAYS 100
Set ds 'simulated days' / d1*d%NDAYS% /;
Parameter mvn(stocks,ds) 'simulated daily stock returns based on a multivariate normal';
embeddedCode Python:
import gams.transfer as gt
from numpy.random import default_rng
nr = default_rng(0) # set static seed to avoid that repeated call produce different random sequences
m = gt.Container(gams.db, system_directory=r'%gams.sysDir% '.strip())
cov =["cov"].toDense()
mu =["mean"].toDense()
mvn = nr.multivariate_normal(mu, cov, size=%NDAYS%, method='cholesky')["mvn"].setRecords(mvn.T)
m.write(gams.db, ["mvn"])
endEmbeddedCode mvn
display mvn;