Grid Optimization Competition Challenge I winners announced: congratulations!

Posted on: 14 Feb, 2020 Modeling News

Given the crucial role power distribution plays for the economy, and the challenges posed by renewable energy and increasing demand for electricity, ARPA-E is running the Grid Optimization Competition, which challenges participating teams to develop and test power system optimization and control algorithms on a range of different synthetic and real network models. This is another great example of how modeling and optimization impacts our lives and society! Watch the U.S. DOE competition announcement below:

Youtube video 9WU0YIyLLUM
(The video will open on

We would like to congratulate the teams winning the first challenge. As a sponsor of the event we are proud to see some of our long-term partners such as Nick Sahinidis (The Optimization Firm / Minlp) participating. Shout out to our solver partner Richard Waltz (Artelys / Knitro) and his team “NU_Columbia_artelys” for making it into the top 10, and to Cosmin Petra and his team for taking the top spot (Cosmin is also the author of PIPS-IPM, used in the BEAMME and UNSEEN projects in which we are involved).