idecfg.ini file

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This file, in the GAMS system directory, can be used to extend the menu in the Main Window.


If file exists, it is expected in the same directory as the file gams.exe file used by GAMSIDE (not necessarily next to the file gamside.exe)


The IDE only checks if the file exists on startup


idecfg.ini currently has the following optional entries:





     Used to display an image in the Process Window. The 'image' field contains the name of a .bmp file in the GAMS system directory. The reserved size for the image is 24x144 pixels.






     Used to display a .html file using the build-in html viewer. The 'text' field contains the text for the menu item. The 'file' field contains the name of the .html file in the GAMS system directory.



   text=GAMS model library



     Used to add model library selection(s) to the Main Window. The 'text field contains the text for the sub-menu. The 'file' field contains the index file for the model library. A relative path is assumed to be located in the GAMS system directory. Up to 10 libraries can be specified as [library1] .. [library10]


Example content for idecfg.ini:










text=GAMS model library




text=GAMS Test Library
