The models in the GAMS Model Library have been selected because they represent interesting and sometimes classic problems. Examples of problems included in the library are production and shipment by firms, investment planning, cropping patterns in agriculture, operation of oil refineries and petrochemical plants, macroeconomics stabilization, applied general equilibrium, international trade in aluminum and in copper, water distribution networks, and many more.
Another criterion for including a model in the library is that it illustrates the modeling capabilities GAMS offers. For example, the mathematical specification of cropping patterns can be represented handily in GAMS. A further example of the system 's capability is the style for specifying an initial solution as a starting point in the search for the optimal solution of dynamic nonlinear optimization problems.
Seq | Name | Description | Type | Subject |
1 | trnsport | A Transportation Problem | LP | Management Science and OR |
2 | blend | Blending Problem I | LP | Management Science and OR |
3 | prodmix | A Production Mix Problem | LP | Management Science and OR |
4 | whouse | Simple Warehouse Problem | LP | Management Science and OR |
5 | jobt | On-the-Job Training | LP | Management Science and OR |
6 | sroute | The Shortest Route Problem | LP | Management Science and OR |
7 | diet | Stigler's Nutrition Model | LP | Micro Economics |
8 | aircraft | Aircraft Allocation Under Uncertain Demand | LP | Management Science and OR |
9 | prodsch | APEX - Production Scheduling Model | MIP | Management Science and OR |
10 | pdi | ARCNET - Production Distribution and Inventory | LP | Management Science and OR |
11 | uimp | UIMP - Production Scheduling Problem | LP | Management Science and OR |
12 | magic | Magic Power Scheduling Problem | MIP | Management Science and OR |
13 | ferts | Egypt - Static Fertilizer Model | LP | Micro Economics |
14 | fertd | Egypt - Dynamic Fertilizer Model | MIP | Micro Economics |
15 | mexss | Mexico Steel - Small Static | LP | Micro Economics |
16 | mexsd | Mexico Steel - Small Dynamic | MIP | Micro Economics |
17 | mexls | Mexico Steel - Large Static | LP | Micro Economics |
18 | weapons | Weapons Assignment | NLP | Management Science and OR |
19 | bid | Bid Evaluation | MIP | Micro Economics |
20 | process | Alkylation Process Optimization | NLP | Chemical Engineering |
21 | chem | Chemical Equilibrium Problem | NLP | Chemical Engineering |
22 | ship | Structural Optimization | NLP | Engineering |
23 | linear | Linear Regression with Various Criteria | DNLP | Econometrics |
24 | least | Nonlinear Regression Problem | NLP | Econometrics |
25 | like | Maximum Likelihood Estimation | NLP | Econometrics |
26 | chance | Chance Constrained Feed Mix Problem | NLP | Agricultural Economics |
27 | sample | Stratified Sample Design | NLP | Statistics |
28 | pindyck | Optimal Pricing and Extraction for OPEC | NLP | Energy Economics |
29 | zloof | Relational Database Example | GAMS | Management Science and OR |
30 | vietman | Vietoriscz Manne Fertilizer Model 1961 | MIP | Micro Economics |
31 | alum | World Aluminum Model | MIP | International Trade |
32 | marco | Mini Oil Refining Model | LP | Micro Economics |
33 | chenery | Substitution and Structural Change | NLP | Economic Development |
34 | pak | Optimal Patterns of Growth and Aid | LP | Economic Development |
35 | dinam | DINAMICO A Dynamic Multi-Sectoral Multi-Skill Model | LP | Economic Development |
36 | himmel16 | Area of Hexagon Test Problem | NLP | Mathematics |
37 | robert | Elementary Production and Inventory Model | LP | Management Science and OR |
38 | rdata | Sample Database of the US Economy | MIP | Micro Economics |
39 | mine | Opencast Mining | LP | Management Science and OR |
40 | orani | A Miniature Version of Orani 78 | LP | Macro Economics |
41 | prolog | Market Equilibrium and Activity Analysis | NLP | Economic Development |
42 | cube | Three-Dimensional Noughts and Crosses | MIP | Mathematics |
43 | chakra | Optimal Growth Model | NLP | Macro Economics |
44 | andean | Andean Fertilizer Model | MIP | Micro Economics |
45 | copper | Modeling Investment in the World Copper Industry | MIP | International Trade |
46 | shale | Investment Planning in the Oil Shale Industry | LP | Energy Economics |
47 | otpop | OPEC Trade and Production | NLP | Energy Economics |
48 | korpet | Investment Planning in the Korean Oil-Petro Industry | MIP | Energy Economics |
49 | sarf | Farm Credit and Income Distribution Model | LP | Agricultural Economics |
50 | port | Simple Portfolio Model | LP | Finance |
51 | yemcem | Yemen Cement Model | MIP | Micro Economics |
52 | srcpm | Single-Region Contingency Planning Model | NLP | Energy Economics |
53 | gtm | International Gas Trade Model | NLP | Energy Economics |
54 | turkpow | Turkey Power Planning Model | LP | Energy Economics |
55 | paklive | Pakistan Punjab Livestock Model | LP | Agricultural Economics |
56 | china | Organic Fertilizer Use in Intensive Farming | LP | Agricultural Economics |
57 | tabora | Tabora Rural Development - Fuelwood Production | LP | Energy Economics |
58 | westmip | Economies of Scale and Investment over Time | MIP | Micro Economics |
59 | imsl | Piecewise Linear Approximation | LP | Mathematics |
60 | ajax | Ajax Paper Company Production Schedule | LP | Management Science and OR |
61 | tforss | Antalya Forestry Model - Steady State | LP | Forestry |
62 | tfordy | Antalya Forestry Model - Dynamic | LP | Forestry |
63 | ramsey | Savings Model by Ramsey | NLP | Economic Development |
64 | abel | Linear Quadratic Control Problem | NLP | Macro Economics |
65 | fawley | Platoform Example Refinery | LP | Management Science and OR |
66 | msm | Morocco Fertilizer Distribution - Mode Selection | LP | Micro Economics |
67 | crazy | Examples of Extended Arithmetic | GAMS | Mathematics |
68 | water | Design of a Water Distribution Network | DNLP | Engineering |
69 | hhfair | Household Optimization Problem by Fair | NLP | Macro Economics |
70 | pivot | Simple Gaussian Elimination | GAMS | Mathematics |
71 | gauss | Matrix Inversion with Full Pivoting | GAMS | Mathematics |
72 | repay | Repayment Factors for Loans | GAMS | Finance |
73 | great | Great Circle Distances | GAMS | Mathematics |
74 | ampl | AMPL Sample Problem | LP | Management Science and OR |
75 | egypt | Egypt Agricultural Model | LP | Agricultural Economics |
76 | wall | Chemical Equilibrium Problem | NLP | Chemical Engineering |
77 | sambal | Social Accounting Matrix Balancing Problem | NLP | Statistics |
78 | phosdis | Sea Distances for World Phosphate Model | LP | Micro Economics |
79 | ibm1 | Aluminum Alloy Smelter Sample Problem | LP | Management Science and OR |
80 | etamac | ETA-MACRO Energy Model for the USA | NLP | Energy Economics |
81 | camcge | Cameroon General Equilibrium Model Using NLP | NLP | Applied General Equilibrium |
82 | markov | Strategic Petroleum Reserve | LP | Energy Economics |
83 | rbrock | Rosenbrock Test Function | NLP | Mathematics |
84 | mhw4d | Nonlinear Test Problem | NLP | Mathematics |
85 | harker | Models of Spatial Competition | NLP | Micro Economics |
86 | turkey | Turkey Agricultural Model with Risk | NLP | Agricultural Economics |
87 | nebrazil | North-East Brazil Regional Agricultural Model | LP | Agricultural Economics |
88 | agreste | Agricultural Farm Level Model of NE Brazil | LP | Agricultural Economics |
89 | iswnm | Indus Surface Water Network Submodule | LP | Agricultural Economics |
90 | indus | Indus Agricultural Model | LP | Agricultural Economics |
91 | demo1 | Simple Farm Level Model | LP | Agricultural Economics |
92 | demo7 | Nonlinear Simple Agricultural Sector Model | NLP | Agricultural Economics |
93 | sroutex | Shortest Route Algorithm | GAMS | Management Science and OR |
94 | mst | Minimum Spanning Tree | GAMS | Management Science and OR |
95 | himmel11 | Himmelblau Test Problem Number 11 | QCP | Mathematics |
96 | pollut | Industrial Pollution Control | NLP | Energy Economics |
97 | ganges | Macroeconomic Framework for India | NLP | Applied General Equilibrium |
98 | thai | Thai Navy Problem | MIP | Management Science and OR |
99 | house | House Plan Design | NLP | Mathematics |
100 | korcge | General Equilibrium Model for Korea - NLP | NLP | Applied General Equilibrium |
101 | gamsrep | The GAMS Model Library | GAMS | Management Science and OR |
102 | paperco | Vertically Integrated Company | LP | Management Science and OR |
103 | queens | Maximum Queens Chess Problem | MIP | Management Science and OR |
104 | mpstrans | MPS file for transportation problem | GAMS | Management Science and OR |
105 | thaix | Thai Navy Problem Extended | MIP | Management Science and OR |
106 | senstran | Sensitivity analysis using LOOPS | LP | Management Science and OR |
107 | gangesx | Economic Framework for India - Tracking | NLP | Applied General Equilibrium |
108 | sparta | Military Manpower Planning from Wagner | LP | Management Science and OR |
109 | prodschx | Production Scheduling Model using SOS1 and SOS2 | MIP | Management Science and OR |
110 | immun | Financial Optimization: Risk Management | QCP | Finance |
111 | worst | Financial Optimization: Risk Management | NLP | Finance |
112 | meanvar | Financial Optimization: Risk Management | NLP | Finance |
113 | meanvarx | Financial Optimization: Risk Management | MINLP | Finance |
114 | cmo | Financial Optimization: Financial Engineering | MIP | Finance |
115 | tba | Financial Optimization: Financial Engineering | MIP | Finance |
116 | procsel | Structural Optimization of Process Flowsheets | MINLP | Chemical Engineering |
117 | synheat | Simultaneous Optimization for Hen Synthesis | MINLP | Chemical Engineering |
118 | minlphi | Heat Integrated Distillation Sequences | NLP | Chemical Engineering |
119 | batchdes | Optimal Design for Chemical Batch Processing | MINLP | Chemical Engineering |
120 | nonsharp | Synthesis of General Distillation Sequences | MIP | Chemical Engineering |
121 | reaction | Logical Inference for Reaction path synthesis | MIP | Chemical Engineering |
122 | feedtray | Optimum Feed Plate Location | MINLP | Chemical Engineering |
123 | hda | Synthesis: Hydrodealkylation of Toluene | MINLP | Chemical Engineering |
124 | alan | A Quadratic Programming Model for Portfolio Analysis | MINLP | Finance |
125 | waterx | Design of a Water Distribution Network (MINLP) | MINLP | Engineering |
126 | transmcp | Transportation Model as Equilibrium Problem | MCP | Management Science and OR |
127 | wallmcp | Chemical Equilibrium Problem as MCP | MCP | Chemical Engineering |
128 | harkmcp | Models of Spatial Competition in MCP Form | MCP | Management Science and OR |
129 | cammcp | Cameroon General Equilibrium Model Using MCP | MCP | Applied General Equilibrium |
130 | kormcp | General Equilibrium Model for Korea - MCP | MCP | Applied General Equilibrium |
131 | two3mcp | Simple 2 x 2 x 2 General Equilibrium Model | MCP | Applied General Equilibrium |
132 | scarfmcp | Scarf's Activity Analysis Example | MCP | Applied General Equilibrium |
133 | oligomcp | Oligopolistic Competition - Examples from MP | MCP | Applied General Equilibrium |
134 | mr5mcp | Multi-Region Growth Model Based on Global 2100 | MCP | Applied General Equilibrium |
135 | hansmcp | Hansen's Activity Analysis Example - MCP | MCP | Applied General Equilibrium |
136 | vonthmcp | General Equilibrium Variant of the von Thunen Model | MCP | Applied General Equilibrium |
137 | gemmcp | GEMTAP: A general equilibrium model for tax policy | MCP | Applied General Equilibrium |
138 | ers82mcp | USDA-ERS CGE Model of the US | MCP | Applied General Equilibrium |
139 | cafemge | Corporate average fuel economy standards | MPSGE | Applied General Equilibrium |
140 | cammge | Cameroon General Equilibrium Model Using MPSGE | MPSGE | Applied General Equilibrium |
141 | cirimge | Increasing returns in intermediate inputs | MPSGE | Applied General Equilibrium |
142 | co2mge | Carbon-related trade model (static) | MPSGE | International Trade |
143 | dmcmge | Accounting for economic growth with new inputs | MPSGE | Economic Development |
144 | etamge | ETA-MACRO Energy Model for the USA - MPSGE Format | MPSGE | Energy Economics |
145 | finmge | A General Equilibrium Model for Finland | MPSGE | Applied General Equilibrium |
146 | gemmge | GEMTAP: A general equilibrium model for tax policy | MPSGE | Applied General Equilibrium |
147 | hansmge | Hansen's Activity Analysis Example - MPSGE | MPSGE | Applied General Equilibrium |
148 | harmge | Increasing returns with average cost pricing | MPSGE | Applied General Equilibrium |
149 | kehomge | Multiple equilibria in a simple GE model | MPSGE | Applied General Equilibrium |
150 | nsmge | North-South trade and capital flows | MPSGE | International Trade |
151 | sammge | Carbon taxes with exemptions for heavy industry | MPSGE | Applied General Equilibrium |
152 | scarfmge | Tax distortions in a small activity analysis model | MPSGE | Applied General Equilibrium |
153 | shovmge | The economic effects of UK membership in the EC | MPSGE | Applied General Equilibrium |
154 | threemge | Three Approaches to Differential Tax Policy Analysis | MPSGE | Applied General Equilibrium |
155 | unstmge | Globally Unstable Equilibria | MPSGE | Applied General Equilibrium |
156 | vonthmge | A General Equilibrium Version of the von Thunen Model | MPSGE | Applied General Equilibrium |
157 | prime | Prime Number Generation | GAMS | Mathematics |
158 | knights | Maximum Knights Problem | MIP | Mathematics |
159 | latin | The Orthogonal Latin-Square Problem | MIP | Mathematics |
160 | icut | Integer Cut Example | MIP | Mathematics |
161 | launch | Launch Vehicle Design and Costing | NLP | Energy Economics |
162 | pentium | Pentium Error Test | GAMS | Mathematics |
163 | bidsos | Bid Evaluation with SOS2 Sets | MIP | Micro Economics |
164 | decomp | Decomposition Principle - Animated | LP | Management Science and OR |
165 | alkyl | Simplified Alkylation Process | NLP | Chemical Engineering |
166 | dispatch | Economic Load Dispatch Including Transmission Losses | NLP | Engineering |
167 | hydro | Hydrothermal Scheduling Problem | NLP | Engineering |
168 | fuel | Fuel Scheduling and Unit Commitment Problem | MINLP | Engineering |
169 | traffic | Traffic Equilibrium Problem | MCP | Management Science and OR |
170 | alphamet | Alphametics - a Mathematical Puzzle | MIP | Recreational Models |
171 | qp1 | Standard QP Model | NLP | Finance |
172 | qp2 | Standard QP Model - symmetry exploitations | NLP | Finance |
173 | qp3 | Standard QP Model - intermediate variables | NLP | Finance |
174 | qp4 | Standard QP Model - no covariance matrix | NLP | Finance |
175 | qp5 | Standard QP Model - linear approximation | LP | Finance |
176 | dice | Non-transitive Dice Design | MIP | Mathematics |
177 | tsp1 | Traveling Salesman Problem - One | MIP | Recreational Models |
178 | tsp2 | Traveling Salesman Problem - Two | MIP | Recreational Models |
179 | tsp3 | Traveling Salesman Problem - Three | MIP | Recreational Models |
180 | tsp4 | Traveling Salesman Problem - Four | MIP | Recreational Models |
181 | indus89 | Indus Basin Water Resource Model | LP | Agricultural Economics |
182 | gapmin | Lagrangian Relaxation of Assignment Problem | MIP | Management Science and OR |
183 | calendar | Calendar Function Examples | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
184 | qp6 | Standard QP Model - LCP formulation of QP4 | MCP | Finance |
185 | rotdk | Robust Optimization | MIP | Management Science and OR |
186 | prodsp | Stochastic Programming Example | LP | Stochastic Programming |
187 | kand | Stochastic Programming | LP | Stochastic Programming |
188 | lands | Optimal Investment | LP | Stochastic Programming |
189 | airsp | Aircraft Allocation | LP | Stochastic Programming |
190 | gamsutil | Generates some useful files from the Model Library | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
191 | cross | Alcuin's River Crossing | MIP | Recreational Models |
192 | dea | Data Envelopment Analysis - DEA | LP | Statistics |
193 | marilyn | Numerical Puzzle | MIP | Recreational Models |
194 | nemhaus | Scheduling to Minimize Interaction Cost | MIP | Management Science and OR |
195 | gmstest | Test sript for library models | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
196 | airsp2 | Aircraft Allocation - stochastic optimization with DECIS | DECIS | Stochastic Programming |
197 | apl1p | Stochastic Programming Example for DECIS | DECIS | Stochastic Programming |
198 | apl1pca | Stochastic Programming Example for DECIS | DECIS | Stochastic Programming |
199 | farm | The Farmer's Problem formulated for DECIS | DECIS | Stochastic Programming |
200 | prodsp2 | Stochastic Programming Example - reformulated for DECIS | DECIS | Stochastic Programming |
201 | circle | Circle Enclosing Points - SNOPT Example | NLP | Mathematics |
202 | bearing | Hydrostatic Thrust Bearing Design for a Turbogenerator | NLP | Engineering |
203 | gear | Gear Train Design | MINLP | Engineering |
204 | trimloss | Trim Loss Minimization | MINLP | Engineering |
205 | pump | Pump Network Synthesis | MINLP | Engineering |
206 | spring | Coil Compression String Design | MINLP | Engineering |
207 | mrp2 | Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) Formulations | MIP | Management Science and OR |
208 | absmip | Discontinous functions abs() min() max() sign() as MIPs | MIP | Mathematics |
209 | camcns | Cameroon General Equilibrium Model Using CNS | CNS | Applied General Equilibrium |
210 | gancns | Macro-Economic Framework for India - CNS | CNS | Applied General Equilibrium |
211 | gancnsx | Macro-Economic Framework for India - Tracking CNS | CNS | Applied General Equilibrium |
212 | korcns | General Equilibrium Model for Korea - CNS | CNS | Applied General Equilibrium |
213 | tsp42 | TSP solution with subtour elimination | MIP | Recreational Models |
214 | haverly | Haverly's pooling problem example | NLP | Chemical Engineering |
215 | gamshtm | HTML generation of model library | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
216 | slvtest | Solver combination test | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
217 | gastrans | Gas Transmission Problem - Belgium | NLP | Engineering |
218 | coexx | Peacefully Coexisting Armies of Queens - tight | MIP | Recreational Models |
219 | coex | Peacefully Coexisting Armies of Queens | MIP | Recreational Models |
220 | railcirc | Minimum Circulation of Railway Stock | MIP | Management Science and OR |
221 | lop | Line Optimization | MIP | Management Science and OR |
222 | csched | Cyclic Scheduling of Continuous Parallel Units | MINLP | Chemical Engineering |
223 | gasnet | Optimal Design of a Gas Transmission Network | MINLP | Engineering |
224 | windfac | Winding Factor of Electrical Machines | MINLP | Engineering |
225 | stockcc | Minimizing Total Average Cycle Stock | MIP | Management Science and OR |
226 | nsharpx | Synthesis of General Distillation Sequences | MINLP | Chemical Engineering |
227 | minlphix | Heat Integrated Distillation Sequences | MINLP | Chemical Engineering |
228 | cesam | Cross Entropy SAM Estimation | MCP | Micro Economics |
229 | polygon | Largest small polygon COPS 2.0 #1 | NLP | Mathematics |
230 | elec | Distribution of electrons on a sphere COPS 2.0 #2 | NLP | Engineering |
231 | chain | Hanging Chain COPS 2.0 #3 | NLP | Engineering |
232 | camshape | Shape optimization of a cam COPS 2.0 #4 | NLP | Engineering |
233 | pinene | Isometrization of alpha-pinene COPS 2.0 #5 | NLP | Chemical Engineering |
234 | popdynm | Marine population dynamics COPS 2.0 #6 | NLP | Mathematics |
235 | flowchan | Flow in a channel COPS 2.0 #7 | NLP | Engineering |
236 | robot | Robot arm COPS 2.0 #8 | NLP | Engineering |
237 | lnts | Particle steering COPS 2.0 #9 | NLP | Engineering |
238 | rocket | Goddard rocket COPS 2.0 #10 | NLP | Engineering |
239 | glider | Hang glider COPS 2.0 #11 | NLP | Engineering |
240 | gasoil | Catalytic cracking of gas oil COPS 2.0 #12 | NLP | Chemical Engineering |
241 | methanol | Methanol to hydrocarbons COPS 2.0 #13 | NLP | Chemical Engineering |
242 | catmix | Catalyst Mixing COPS 2.0 #14 | NLP | Chemical Engineering |
243 | torsion | Elastic-plastic torsion COPS 2.0 #15 | NLP | Engineering |
244 | jbearing | Journal bearing COPS 2.0 #16 | NLP | Engineering |
245 | minsurf | Minimal surface with obstacle COPS 2.0 #17 | NLP | Engineering |
246 | qp1x | Standard QP Model with GDX data input | NLP | Finance |
247 | tvcsched | Flow Formulation of the ISCI Rotator Problem | MIP | Management Science and OR |
248 | srkandw | Stochastic Programming Scenario Reduction | LP | Stochastic Programming |
249 | clearlak | Scenario Reduction: ClearLake exercise | LP | Stochastic Programming |
250 | jit | Design of Just-in-Time Flowshops | MINLP | Management Science and OR |
251 | lmp1 | Linear Multiplicative Model - Type 1 | NLP | Mathematics |
252 | lmp2 | Linear Multiplicative Model - Type 2 | NLP | Mathematics |
253 | lmp3 | Linear Multiplicative Model - Type 3 | NLP | Mathematics |
254 | pool | Pooling problem | NLP | Chemical Engineering |
255 | mathopt1 | MathOptimizer Example 1 | NLP | Mathematics |
256 | mathopt2 | MathOptimizer Example 2 | NLP | Mathematics |
257 | mathopt3 | MathOptimizer Example 3 | NLP | Mathematics |
258 | mathopt4 | MathOptimizer Example 4 | NLP | Mathematics |
259 | mathopt5 | MathOptimizer Example 5 | DNLP | Mathematics |
260 | mathopt6 | MathOptimizer Example 6 | DNLP | Mathematics |
261 | trig | Simple Trigonometric Example | NLP | Mathematics |
262 | holiday | US Holiday and Leave Chart | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
263 | maxmin | Max Min Location of Points in Unit Square | DNLP | Mathematics |
264 | hs62 | Hock - Schittkowski Problem 62 | NLP | Mathematics |
265 | fct | LGO Interface Example | DNLP | Mathematics |
266 | t1000 | LGO Test t1000_10 | NLP | Mathematics |
267 | mhw4dx | MHW4D with additional Tests | NLP | Mathematics |
268 | fiveleap | The Five Leaper Tour Problem | MIP | Management Science and OR |
269 | nash | A non-cooperative game: Nash and Stackelberg versions | MPEC | Applied General Equilibrium |
270 | kport | Product Portfolio Optimization | MINLP | Chemical Engineering |
271 | qp7 | Standard QP Model - conic programming formulation | QCP | Finance |
272 | dicex | Non-transitive Dice Design - Enhanced | MIP | Mathematics |
273 | emfl | Existing Multi Facility Location Problem - Cone Format | QCP | Management Science and OR |
274 | hhmax | A Household Maximization Problem | NLP | Applied General Equilibrium |
275 | splcge | A Simple CGE Model | NLP | Applied General Equilibrium |
276 | stdcge | A Standard CGE Model | NLP | Applied General Equilibrium |
277 | lrgcge | A Large Country CGE Model | NLP | Applied General Equilibrium |
278 | twocge | A Two Country CGE Model | NLP | Applied General Equilibrium |
279 | moncge | A Monopoly CGE Model | NLP | Applied General Equilibrium |
280 | quocge | A CGE Model with Quotas | NLP | Applied General Equilibrium |
281 | irscge | A CGE Model with Scale Economy | NLP | Applied General Equilibrium |
282 | qalan | A Quadratic Programming Model for Portfolio Analysis QCP | MIQCP | Finance |
283 | qcp1 | Standard QP Model QCP | QCP | Finance |
284 | qdemo7 | Nonlinear Simple Agricultural Sector Model QCP | QCP | Agricultural Economics |
285 | qsambal | Social Accounting Matrix Balancing Problem QCP | QCP | Statistics |
286 | bchtlbas | Trim Loss Minimization with Heuristic using BCH Facility | MINLP | Branch and Cut and Heuristic |
287 | bchfcnet | Fixed Cost Network Flow Problem with Cuts using BCH Facility | MIP | Branch and Cut and Heuristic |
288 | bchoil | Oil Pipeline Design Problem using BCH Facility | MIP | Branch and Cut and Heuristic |
289 | bchmknap | Multi knapsack problem using BCH Facility | MIP | Branch and Cut and Heuristic |
290 | badmip | Rounding Problems in MIPs | MIP | Management Science and OR |
291 | qmeanvar | Financial Optimization: Risk Management using MIQCP | MIQCP | Finance |
292 | jdate | Julian date test | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
293 | qabel | Linear Quadratic Control Problem | QCP | Macro Economics |
294 | cutstock | Cutting Stock - A Column Generation Approach | MIP | Management Science and OR |
295 | mhw4dxx | MHW4DX with multiple solutions | NLP | Mathematics |
296 | awkqap | Input file generation with AWK for the Quadratic Assignment Problem | MIQCP | GAMS Tools |
297 | seders | ERS Data Manipulations with SED | GAMS | GAMS Tools |
298 | awktsp | Traveling Salesman Problem Instance prepared with AWK | MIP | GAMS Tools |
299 | mingamma | Minimal y of GAMMA(x) | DNLP | Statistics |
300 | quantum | An application from quantum mechanics | DNLP | Statistics |
301 | procmean | Optimal Process Mean | NLP | Statistics |
302 | mlbeta | Fitting of beta distribution through maximum likelihood | NLP | Statistics |
303 | mlgamma | Maximum Likelihood estimation of parameters of the gamma distribution | NLP | Statistics |
304 | decomphh | A Successive Recalibration Algorithm for GE Models with Many Households | MPSGE | Applied General Equilibrium |
305 | herves | Herves (Transposable Element) Activity Calculations | DNLP | Engineering |
306 | csp | Closest String Problem | MIP | Management Science and OR |
309 | openpit | Dynamic open pit mining extraction | MIP | Management Science and OR |
310 | cta | Controlled Tabular Adjustments | MIP | Management Science and OR |
311 | gsolver | Compare the actual system with the original solver database | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
312 | lrs | Linear Recursive Sequence Optimization Model | MIP | Management Science and OR |
313 | chartdat | Create an example GDX file for the IDE Charting facility | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
314 | feasopt1 | An Infeasible Transportation Problem analyzed with Cplex option FeasOpt | LP | Management Science and OR |
315 | trnsgrid | Grid Transportation Problem | LP | Management Science and OR |
317 | cefiles | Compressed Input Files | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
318 | encrypt | Input file encyption demo | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
319 | epscm | eps-Constraint Method for Multiobjective Optimization | LP | Mathematics |
320 | version1 | How to test for a GAMS version | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
321 | knp | Kissing Number Problem using Variable Neighborhood Search | NLP | Mathematics |
322 | schulz | Termination routine to ensure solvers stay with resource limit | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
323 | netgen | Min Cost Flow with an Instance generated by NETGEN | LP | GAMS Tools |
324 | tsp2ltx | TSP tour plotting with LaTeX xy-pic environment | MIP | GAMS Tools |
325 | swath | Mission Planning for Synthetic Aperture Radar Surveillance | MIP | Management Science and OR |
326 | solnpool | Cplex Solution Pool for a Simple Facility Location Problem | MIP | Management Science and OR |
327 | qmeanvag | Portfolio Modeling with Parallel Solutions | MIQCP | Finance |
328 | danwolfe | Dantzig Wolfe Decomposition and Grid Computing | LP | Management Science and OR |
329 | jacobi | Asynchronous Jacobi Methods | MCP | Mathematics |
330 | dicegrid | MIP Decomposition and Parallel Grid Submission - DICE Example | MIP | Management Science and OR |
331 | mws | Computation of Horowitz's work-trip mode choice model estimates | MIP | Econometrics |
332 | logmip1a | LogMIP User's Manual Example 1a - Job Scheduling | EMP | Disjunctive Programming |
333 | logmip1b | LogMIP User's Manual Example 1b - Job Scheduling | EMP | Disjunctive Programming |
334 | logmip1c | LogMIP User's Manual Example 1c - Job Scheduling | EMP | Disjunctive Programming |
335 | logmip2 | LogMIP User's Manual Example 2 - Example to illustrate disjunctions | EMP | Disjunctive Programming |
336 | logmip3 | LogMIP User's Manual Example 3 - Synthesis of 8 Processes | EMP | Disjunctive Programming |
337 | logmip4 | LogMIP User's Manual Example 4 - Job Shop Scheduling | EMP | Disjunctive Programming |
338 | maxcut | Goemans/Williamson Randomized Approximation Algorithm for MaxCut | MIP | Mathematics |
339 | gqapsdp | SDP Convexifications of the Generalized Quadratic Assignment Problem | RMIQCP | Management Science and OR |
341 | two3mac | Simple 2 x 2 x 2 General Equilibrium Model Using Macros | MCP | Applied General Equilibrium |
342 | poutil | Portfolio Optimization for Electric Utilities | MIP | Energy Economics |
343 | secure | Secure Work Files - Example 2 | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
344 | srpchase | Scenario Tree Construction Example | LP | Stochastic Programming |
345 | tsp5 | TSP solution with Miller et al subtour elimination | MIP | Special Integer Models |
346 | bilinear | Convexification of bilinear term binary times x | MINLP | Mathematics |
347 | solveopt | Option solveopt explained | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
348 | bchtsp | Traveling Salesman Problem Instance with BCH | MIP | Branch and Cut and Heuristic |
349 | bchstock | Cutting Stock - A Column Generation Approach with BCH | MIP | Branch and Cut and Heuristic |
350 | tanksize | Tank Size Design Problem | MINLP | Chemical Engineering |
351 | trnspwl | A Transportation Problem with discretized economies of scale | MIP | Management Science and OR |
352 | food | Food Manufacturing Problem - Blending of oils | MIP | Management Science and OR |
353 | relief | Relief Mission | MIP | Recreational Models |
354 | spatequ | Spatial Equilibrium | MCP | Applied General Equilibrium |
355 | kqkpsdp | SDP Convexifications of the Cardinality constraint Quadratic Knapsack Problem | RMIQCP | Management Science and OR |
356 | prodplan | A Production Planning Example | MIP | Management Science and OR |
357 | sddp | Multi-stage Stochastic Water Reservoir Model solved with SDDP | LP | Management Science and OR |
358 | ps2_f_s | Parts Supply Problem w/ 2 Types w/o and w/ Asymmetric Information | NLP | Contract Theory |
359 | ps2_f | Parts Supply Problem w/ 2 Types w/o Asymmetric Information | NLP | Contract Theory |
360 | ps2_f_eff | Parts Supply Problem w/ Efficient Type w/o Asymmetric Information | NLP | Contract Theory |
361 | ps2_f_inf | Parts Supply Problem w/ Inefficient Type w/o Asymmetric Information | NLP | Contract Theory |
362 | ps2_s | Parts Supply Problem w/ 2 Types w/ Asymmetric Information | NLP | Contract Theory |
363 | ps3_f | Parts Supply Problem w/ 3 Types w/o Asymmetric Information | NLP | Contract Theory |
364 | ps3_s | Parts Supply Problem w/ 3 Types w/ Asymmetric Information | NLP | Contract Theory |
365 | ps3_s_gic | Parts Supply Problem w/ 3 Types w/ Global Incentive Comp. Const. | NLP | Contract Theory |
366 | ps3_s_mn | Parts Supply Problem w/ 3 Types w/ Monotonicity Constraint | NLP | Contract Theory |
367 | ps3_s_scp | Parts Supply Problem w/ 3 Types w/o and w/ SCP | NLP | Contract Theory |
368 | ps10_s | Parts Supply Problem w/ 10 Types and w/ Asymmetric Information | NLP | Contract Theory |
369 | ps10_s_mn | Parts Supply Problem w/ 10 Types w/ Random p(i) | NLP | Contract Theory |
370 | ccoil | Oil Pipeline Design Problem using concurrent MIP solves | MIP | Management Science and OR |
371 | cubesoln | Three-Dimensional Noughts and Crosses Multiple Solutions | MIP | Mathematics |
372 | sipres | Global optimization of semi-infinite programs via restriction of the right-hand side | NLP | Mathematics |
373 | cclinpts | Finding Optimal Breakpoints when linearizing a power utility function | NLP | Finance |
374 | ptsp | Traveling Salesman Problem Instance solved with explicit Permutation Enumeration | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
375 | pmelody | Choose notes for melodic lines and chords with permutations | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
376 | flowshop | Flow shop scheduling | MIP | Management Science and OR |
377 | ps5_s_mn | Parts Supply Problem w/ 5 Types w/ Random p(i) | NLP | Contract Theory |
378 | iobalance | Updating and Projecting Coefficients: The RAS Approach | NLP | Statistics |
379 | fdesign | Linear Phase Lowpass Filter Design | QCP | Engineering |
380 | pmeanvar | Mean-Variance models with variable upper and lower bounds | MIQCP | Finance |
381 | powerset | PowerSetLeft and PowerSetRight examples | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
382 | linearne | Linearization techniques for extremal-Nash equilibria | EMP | Energy Economics |
383 | saras | South African Regionalised Farm-level Resource Use and Output Supply Response (SARAS) model | NLP | Agricultural Economics |
384 | epscmmip | Improved version of eps-Constraint Method for Multiobjective Optimization | MIP | Mathematics |
385 | bidpwl | Bid Evaluation with Piecewise Linear Functions | MIP | Management Science and OR |
386 | trnspwlx | A Transportation Problem with Piecewise Linear Functions | MIP | Management Science and OR |
387 | cpack | Packing identical size circles in the unit circle | QCP | Mathematics |
388 | trigx | Another Trigonometric Example | NLP | Mathematics |
389 | stablem | Stable Marriage Problem | MIP | Management Science and OR |
390 | srtree | Simple Scenario Tree Construction Example | GAMS | Stochastic Programming |
391 | tgridmix | Grid Transportation Problem with Single Submit and Collect Loop | LP | Management Science and OR |
392 | prisoner | Prisoners dilemma as EMP and MCP | EMP | Applied General Equilibrium |
393 | cesam2 | Cross Entropy SAM Estimation | NLP | Micro Economics |
394 | solmpool | Cplex Solution Pool for a Simple Facility Location Problem with Merged Solution File | MIP | Management Science and OR |
395 | tricp | Triangular Graph Circle Packing | QCP | Micro Economics |
396 | allbases | Enumerate all Feasible Basic Solutions of the Transportation Problem | MIP | Micro Economics |
397 | clad | Computation of Fairs extramarital affairs model estimates | MIP | Statistics |
398 | gussex1 | Simple GUSS example | LP | Management Science and OR |
399 | gussrisk | Simple investment example with varying weight for risk using GUSS | NLP | Management Science and OR |
400 | gussgrid | Simple GUSS Grid example | LP | Management Science and OR |
401 | circpack | Pack circles in the smallest possible rectangle | NLP | Management Science and OR |
402 | tablelayout | Configuring text layout in table cells to minimize table height | MIP | Engineering |
403 | asyncjobs | Execute asynchronously several GAMS jobs and collect the fastest | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
404 | partssupply | Parts Supply Problem | NLP | Contract Theory |
405 | qfilter | Audio filter design using quad-precision MINOS | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
406 | derivtst | How to test derivatives of functions | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
407 | carseq | Car Sequencing | MINLP | Management Science and OR |
408 | pmedian | P-Median problem | MINLP | Management Science and OR |
409 | sgolfer | Social Golfer Problem | MINLP | Management Science and OR |
410 | dyncge | A Recursive-Dynamic Standard CGE Model | NLP | Applied General Equilibrium |
411 | asyncloop | Transportation Problem with async loop body execution | LP | GAMS Language Features |
412 | trnsindic | Fixed Charge Transportation Problem with Indicator Constraints | MIP | GAMS Language Features |
413 | timesteps | Accessing previous (or next) time steps in an equation fast | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
414 | dqq | Warm-starting quad-precision MINOS | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
415 | cbenders | Cplex Benders for a Simple Facility Location Problem | MIP | Management Science and OR |
416 | robustlp | Robust linear programming as an SOCP | QCP | Management Science and OR |
417 | embmiex1 | Simple Embedded Code ModelInstance example | LP | Management Science and OR |
418 | spbenders1 | Stochastic Benders - Sequential GAMS Loop | LP | Management Science and OR |
419 | spbenders2 | Stochastic Benders - Async Subsolve GAMS Loop | LP | Management Science and OR |
420 | spbenders3 | Stochastic Benders - Sequential GamsModelInstance | LP | Management Science and OR |
421 | spbenders4 | Stochastic Benders - Parallel MPI | LP | Management Science and OR |
422 | spbenders5 | Stochastic Benders - Parallel MPI with GAMSModelInstance | LP | Management Science and OR |
423 | guss2dim | Two dimensional scenario GUSS Example | NLP | Mathematics |
424 | obstacle | An Obstacle Problem | MCP | Engineering |
425 | inscribedsquare | Inscribed Square Problem | DNLP | Mathematics |
426 | waterld | Design of a Water Distribution Network with Limited Domain of Variables | DNLP | Engineering |
427 | scenmerge | Combining scenario results in a directory tree with gdxmerge | GAMS | GAMS Language Features |
428 | nurses | A Nurse Scheduling Problem | MIP | Management Science and OR |
429 | rcpsp | Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem | MIP | Management Science and OR |
430 | asyncincbi | Asynchronous processing of incumbents reported by GAMS/CPLEX | MIP | GAMS Language Features |
431 | springchain | Equilibrium of System with Piecewise Linear Springs | QCP | Engineering |
432 | trussm | Truss Toplogy Design with Multiple Loads | QCP | Engineering |
433 | binpacking | Bin packing problem with different ways to estimate number of bins | MIP | Management Science and OR |
434 | boxpacking | Container Packing Problem | MIP | Management Science and OR |
435 | cvrp | Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem | MIP | Management Science and OR |
436 | knapsack | Binary Knapsack Problem | MIP | Mathematics |
437 | brick | Brick design | MCP | Mathematics |