The followings are guidelines on how to browse GAMS Documentation and Model Libraries.
Two main categories available for browsing are Documentation and Model Libraries.
Use the Back and Forward functions in the browser to navigate the history of viewed topics, and click on Documentation or on Model Libraries to restart browsing topics from the main pages.
Searching for Contents come into two different search categories; Searching for Online Contents and Search for Offline Contents. Searching for Online Contents searches for the documents on the website and it is possible to search a number of GAMS document versions that are available on the web site. Search for Offline Contents only searches the document that comes with the installed GAMS distribution and the search is available without network connection requirement. Note that we are using different search engine for offline document and online document. The different search strategies may return different search results.
Regardless of search categories, it is possible to search for contents of both Documentation and Model Libraries. Search is accessible by either entering a search keyword in a search box shown on top of every document page or clicking on the search link embeded in the contents of some pages. Depending on whether the current page is under Documentation or Model Libraries, either the Documentation or the Model Libraries will be searched by default. Though it is possible to later switch between searching documentation and searching model libraries within the search page.
Searching for online contents search the document on the website and is accessible via online search.
For GAMS version 28 on, when the search term has a prefix match to the index (See also Browsing Index for Known Keywords), the search result suggests the list of related keywords allow to access the contents directly using the known keyword.
Follows the following search expression rules to search the online contents:
? and multiple characters using *
. For example, the keyword: ga?
objective function
"objective function"
objective AND function
objective OR function
objective NOT function
+objective function
-objective function
a, able, about, across, after, all, almost, also, am, among, an, and, any, are, as, at, be, because, been, but, by, can, cannot, could, dear, did, do, does, either, else, ever, every, for, from, get, got, had, has, have, he, her, hers, him, his, how, however, i, if, in, into, is, it, its, just, least, let, like, likely, may, me, might, most, must, my, neither, no, nor, not, of, off, often, on, only, or, other, our, own, rather, said, say, says, she, should, since, so, some, than, that, the, their, them, then, there, these, they, this, tis, to, too, twas, us, wants, was, we, were, what, when, where, which, while, who, whom, why, will, with, would, yet, you, your
Searching for offline contents searches only the the document that comes with the installed GAMS distribution and is available without network connection requirement.
When the search term has a prefx match to the index (See also Browsing Index for Known Keywords), the search result suggests the list of related keywords allow to access the contents directly using the known keyword.
Follows the following search expression rules to search the offline contents:
objective function
+objective +function
+objective function
-objective function
a, able, about, across, after, all, almost, also, am, among, an, and, any, are, as, at, be, because, been, but, by, can, cannot, could, dear, did, do, does, either, else, ever, every, for, from, get, got, had, has, have, he, her, hers, him, his, how, however, i, if, in, into, is, it, its, just, least, let, like, likely, may, me, might, most, must, my, neither, no, nor, not, of, off, often, on, only, or, other, our, own, rather, said, say, says, she, should, since, so, some, than, that, the, their, them, then, there, these, they, this, tis, to, too, twas, us, wants, was, we, were, what, when, where, which, while, who, whom, why, will, with, would, yet, you, your
To search within one document page for a specific word or phrase, use Find... (for example, CTRL+F) function in the browser.
The Index page provides a convenient way to access specific locations in the documentation through a list of interesting keywords. Note that only GAMS Documentation pages are indexed and not all sections contain an index, e.g., there is no index for model libraries.
To browse Index page for known keywords:
Clicking on a printer-friendly verion at the bottom left of the page to reload the contents of the same page without the table of contents for navigation.
It is also possible to append a string after the url of the page in the browser navigation bar and use the browser reload function. The string is one of the followings:
?print=1 - get the page contents without styles and without the table of contents for navigation
?print=2 - get the page contents with styles but without the table of contents for navigationThe syntax used to introduce features in the various chapters are presented using a format inspired by the Backus-Naur form (BNF) notation where:
Notation | Description |
[] | the enclosed construct is optional |
{} | the enclosed construct may be repeated zero or more times |
¦ | there is an or operator across the arguments on both sides of the symbol |