The GAMS Documentation Center provides you with the technical information on getting started, using and maintaining our GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System) products.
- Preface
- Release Notes - 49.3.0 Minor release (March 18, 2025)
- User's Guide
- Installation and License Setup - Guides on installing GAMS for various platforms and using a GAMS license
- Tutorials and Examples - Step-by-step guides including a number of examples
- GAMS Language and Environment - Guide through components of GAMS Language and the environment for executing a GAMS model
- Solver Manuals - Manuals of solvers available in the distribution
- Tools Manuals - Manuals of tools available in the distribution
- Application Programming Interfaces - Manuals of Application Programming Interfaces
- Appendix - Glossary, bibliography, and list of third-party codes
Model Libraries
From the early stages of the development of GAMS we have collected models to be used in libraries of examples. Many of these are standard textbook examples and can be used in classes on problem formulation or to illustrate points about GAMS. Others are models that have been used in policy or sector analysis and are interesting for both the methods and the data they use. These model libraries are included with all GAMS systems and are also available online.
The following model libraries are available:
- GAMS Model Library - includes GAMS models representing interesting and sometimes classic problems, ranged from production and shipment by firms, investment planning, cropping patterns in agriculture, operation of oil refineries and petrochemical plants, macroeconomics stabilization, applied general equilibrium, international trade in aluminum and in copper, water distribution networks, and many more.
- GAMS Test Library - includes GAMS models developed for testing and quality control, both for the GAMS base module and the many solvers distributed with the GAMS system.
- GAMS Data Library - includes GAMS models demonstrating various utilities to interface GAMS with other tools and applications such as spreadsheets and database interface.
- GAMS EMP Library - includes GAMS Extended Mathematical Programming (EMP) models that illustrate and test the capabilities of GAMS/EMP.
- GAMS API Library - includes GAMS Models used as scripts to compile and execute application programs in various programming languages interfacing to GAMS.
- FIN Library - includes GAMS practical financial optimization models described in the book Practical Financial Optimization: Decision Making for Financial Engineers
by Consiglio, Nielsen and Zenios, - NOA Library - includes GAMS nonlinear optimization applications models based on the book Nonlinear Optimization Applications Using the GAMS Technology by Neculai Andrei.
- PSOPT Library - includes GAMS optimization models based on the book Power System Optimization Modelling in GAMS by by Alireza Soroudi.
See Accessing Model Libraries on how to access a GAMS model from the model libraries.
For large parts of the documentation, references to models from the model libraries are enclosed in square parenthesis (for example, [TRNSPORT]).
Further Help
If you have a further question which is not answered by the documentation above, you can get further help from our GAMS-FAQ which contains materials collected from various support activities or post your question to the GAMS Forum. You can also sign up to our Newsletters to get the latest information from GAMS. There is also GAMS Lessons, a YouTube Video Channel providing you with some tutorials on how to use our system.
There are a number of contributed documentations that have been contributed by GAMS users as well as presentations, books, posters, and advertisements contributed by people working with GAMS.
You can also visit our upcoming courses and workshops.
If you experience a problem using GAMS please contact our Technical Support. If you have a confidential model that you cannot share as is, please read the information on conversion of models before submitting your models to our technical support.