dice.gms : Non-transitive Dice Design


Probabilistic dice - an example of a non-transitive relation.
We want to design a set of dice with an integer number on each face
such that on average dice1 beats dice2, and dice2 on average beats
dice3 etc, but diceN has to beat dice1.

MIP codes behave very erratically on such a problem and slight
reformulations can result in dramatic changes in performance.
For example, making the variable fval integer can change performance
so we leave fval free and take the floor to get integer values.

Gardner, M, Scientific American.

Robert A Bosch, Mindsharpener, Optima, MP Society Newsletter, Vol 70,
June 2003, page 8-9

Robert A Bosch, Monochromatic Squares, Optima, MP Society Newsletter,
Vol 71, March 2004, page 6-7

Keywords: mixed integer linear programming, dice designment, mathematics,
          nontransitive dice

Large Model of Type : MIP

Category : GAMS Model library

Main file : dice.gms

$title Non-transitive Dice Design (DICE,SEQ=176)

Probabilistic dice - an example of a non-transitive relation.
We want to design a set of dice with an integer number on each face
such that on average dice1 beats dice2, and dice2 on average beats
dice3 etc, but diceN has to beat dice1.

MIP codes behave very erratically on such a problem and slight
reformulations can result in dramatic changes in performance.
For example, making the variable fval integer can change performance
so we leave fval free and take the floor to get integer values.

Gardner, M, Scientific American.

Robert A Bosch, Mindsharpener, Optima, MP Society Newsletter, Vol 70,
June 2003, page 8-9

Robert A Bosch, Monochromatic Squares, Optima, MP Society Newsletter,
Vol 71, March 2004, page 6-7

Keywords: mixed integer linear programming, dice designment, mathematics,
          nontransitive dice

   f    'faces on a dice' / face1*face6 /
   dice 'number of dice'  / dice1*dice3 /;

   flo 'lowest face value'  / 1 /
   fup 'highest face value'
   wn  'wins needed - possible bound';

fup = card(dice)*card(f);
wn  = floor(0.5*sqr(card(f))) + 1;

Alias (f,fp), (dice,dicep);

   wnx             'number of wins'
   fval(dice,f)    'face value on dice - may be fractional'
   comp(dice,f,fp) 'one implies f beats fp';

Binary Variable comp;

fval.lo(dice,f) = flo;
fval.up(dice,f) = fup;
fval.fx("dice1","face1") = flo;

   eq1(dice)      'count the wins'
   eq3(dice,f,fp) 'definition of non-transitive relation'
   eq4(dice,f)    'different face values for a single dice';

eq1(dice)..      sum((f,fp), comp(dice,f,fp)) =e= wnx;

eq3(dice,f,fp).. fval(dice,f) + (fup - flo + 1)*(1 - comp(dice,f,fp)) =g= fval(dice++1,fp) + 1;

eq4(dice,f-1)..  fval(dice,f - 1) + 1 =l= fval(dice,f);

Model xdice / all /;

$if set nosolve $exit

xdice.resLim = 20;

* if you doubt that this formulation admits solutions with fractional fval,
* uncomment the variable fixing below
* fval.fx("dice3","face1") = 3.75;

solve xdice using mip max wnx;

  fv(dice,f)      'integer face values'
  win(dice,f,fp)  'tally wins'
  winTot(dice)    'computed win totals'
* taking the floor will give us integer face values
* we claim it does not affect the wins, but we verify it also below
fv(dice,f) = floor(fval.l(dice,f)+1e-3);
win(dice,f,fp) = [fv(dice,f) >= fv(dice++1,fp) + 1];
winTot(dice) = sum{(f,fp), win(dice,f,fp)};
abort$[smin{dice, round(winTot(dice) - wnx.L)} < 0] 'where did the wins go??', winTot, wnx.L;

option  fv:0;
display wn, fv;

Parameter rep1 'chance of winning against next';
rep1(dice,f) = 100*sum(fp, win(dice,f,fp))/card(f);
rep1(dice,'chance') = sum(f, rep1(dice,f))/card(f);

option  rep1:0;
display rep1;