spbenders2.gms : Stochastic Benders - Async Subsolve GAMS Loop


This example demonstrates a stochastic Benders implementation for the
simple transport example.

This is the second example of a sequence of stochastic Benders
implementations using various methods to solve the master and

This second example implements the stochastic Benders algorithm using
the asynchronous solves of the subproblem in a GAMS loop.

Keywords: linear programming, stochastic Benders algorithm, transportation

Small Model of Type : LP

Category : GAMS Model library

Main file : spbenders2.gms

$title Stochastic Benders - Async Subsolve GAMS Loop (SPBENDERS2,SEQ=419)

This example demonstrates a stochastic Benders implementation for the
simple transport example.

This is the second example of a sequence of stochastic Benders
implementations using various methods to solve the master and

This second example implements the stochastic Benders algorithm using
the asynchronous solves of the subproblem in a GAMS loop.

Keywords: linear programming, stochastic Benders algorithm, transportation

   i 'factories'            / f1*f3 /
   j 'distribution centers' / d1*d5 /;

   capacity(i) 'unit capacity at factories'
               / f1 500, f2 450, f3 650 /
   demand(j)   'unit demand at distribution centers'
               / d1 160, d2 120, d3 270, d4 325, d5 700 /
   prodcost    'unit production cost'                    / 14 /
   price       'sales price'                             / 24 /
   wastecost   'cost of removal of overstocked products' /  4 /;

Table transcost(i,j) 'unit transportation cost'
          d1    d2    d3    d4    d5
   f1   2.49  5.21  3.76  4.85  2.07
   f2   1.46  2.54  1.83  1.86  4.76
   f3   3.26  3.08  2.60  3.76  4.45;

$ifThen not set useBig
   Set s 'scenarios' / lo, mid, hi /;

   Table ScenarioData(s,*) 'possible outcomes for demand plus probabilities'
             d1   d2   d3   d4   d5  prob
      lo    150  100  250  300  600  0.25
      mid   160  120  270  325  700  0.50
      hi    170  135  300  350  800  0.25;
$  if not set nrScen $set nrScen 10
   Set s 'scenarios' / s1*s%nrScen% /;
   Parameter ScenarioData(s,*) 'possible outcomes for demand plus probabilities';
   option seed = 1234;
   ScenarioData(s,'prob') = 1/card(s);
   ScenarioData(s,j)      = demand(j)*uniform(0.6,1.4);

* Benders master problem
$if not set maxiter $set maxiter 25
   iter             'max Benders iterations' / 1*%maxiter% /
   itActive(iter)   'active Benders cuts';

   cutconst(iter)   'constants in optimality cuts'    / #iter    0 /
   cutcoeff(iter,j) 'coefficients in optimality cuts' / #iter.#j 0 /;

   ship(i,j)        'shipments'
   product(i)       'production'
   received(j)      'quantity sent to market'
   zmaster          'objective variable of master problem'
   theta            'future profit';

Positive Variable ship;

   masterobj        'master objective function'
   production(i)    'calculate production in each factory'
   receive(j)       'calculate quantity to be send to markets'
   optcut(iter)     'Benders optimality cuts';

   zmaster =e= theta - sum((i,j), transcost(i,j)*ship(i,j))
                     - sum(i, prodcost*product(i));

receive(j)..    received(j) =e= sum(i, ship(i,j));

production(i).. product(i)  =e= sum(j, ship(i,j));

   theta =l= cutconst(itActive) + sum(j, cutcoeff(itActive,j)*received(j));

product.up(i) = capacity(i);

Model masterproblem / all /;

* Benders' subproblem
   sales(j)   'sales (actually sold)'
   waste(j)   'overstocked products'
   zsub       'objective variable of sub problem';

Positive Variable sales, waste;

   subobj     'subproblem objective function'
   selling(j) 'part of received is sold'
   market(j)  'upperbound on sales';

subobj..     zsub =e= sum(j, price*sales(j)) - sum(j, wastecost*waste(j));

selling(j).. sales(j) + waste(j) =e= received.l(j);

market(j)..  sales(j) =l= demand(j);

Model subproblem / subobj, selling, market /;

* Benders loop
   rgap       'relative gap'       /    0 /
   lowerBound 'global lower bound' / -inf /
   upperBound 'global upper bound' / +inf /
   objMaster                       /    0 /
   objSub                          /    0 /;

Parameter h(s) 'async solve handle';

option limRow = 0, limCol = 0, solPrint = silent, solver = cplex, solveLink = %solveLink.loadLibrary%;
received.l(j) = 0;
objMaster     = 0;
subproblem.solveLink = %solveLink.aSyncThreads%;

$if not set rtol $set rtol 0.001
      demand(j) = scenarioData(s,j);
      solve subproblem maximizing zsub using lp;
      h(s) = subproblem.handle;
   objSub = 0;
      if(readyCollect(h,10)>1, abort 'Subproblems took longer than 10secs. Something is probably wrong');
         objSub = objSub + ScenarioData(s,'prob')*zsub.l;
         cutconst(iter)   = cutconst(iter)   + ScenarioData(s,'prob')*sum(j, market.m(j)*scenarioData(s,j));
         cutcoeff(iter,j) = cutcoeff(iter,j) + ScenarioData(s,'prob')*selling.m(j);
         display$handledelete(h(s)) 'trouble deleting handles';
         h(s) = 0;
   until card(h) = 0;
   itActive(iter) = yes;
   if(lowerBound < objMaster + objSub, lowerBound = objMaster + objSub);
   rgap = (upperBound - lowerBound)/(1 + abs(upperBound));
   break$(rgap < %rtol%);
   solve masterproblem maximizing zmaster using lp;
   upperBound = zmaster.l;
   objMaster  = zmaster.l - theta.l;
abort$(rgap >= %rtol%) 'need more iterations', lowerbound, upperbound;
display 'optimal solution', lowerbound, upperbound;