Keywords: mixed integer linear programming, dice designment, mathematics, nontransitive dice, decomposition, GAMS grid facility
Large Model of Type : MIP
Category : GAMS Model library
Main file : dicegrid.gms
$title MIP Decomposition and Parallel Grid Submission - DICE Example (DICEGRID,SEQ=330)
Keywords: mixed integer linear programming, dice designment, mathematics,
nontransitive dice, decomposition, GAMS grid facility
$eolCom //
* Retrieve the model dice from the GAMS Model library and include the model source
$call gamslib -q dice
$set nosolve yes // Instruct the dice model source to skip the solve statement
$include dice.gms
* Some macro definition to make the code somewhat independent of the objective direction
$set gt '>' $set cutoff 'cutlo' $set incumbentInit -INF
* Use the line below for minimization problems
*$set gt '<' $set cutoff 'cutup' $set incumbentInit +INF
File and container names
GAMS Sub-Programs
writeincb.gms GAMS program called by GAMS/Cplex whenever a new incumbent
is found by the Cplex workers
checkincb.gms GAMS program frequently called by the master to see if a
better overall incumbent has been found by the Cplex workers.
In case of a new incumbent, this program communicates the
incumbent value as a cutoff to all Cplex workers.
GAMS/Cplex Option files
cplex.opt Includes 'dumptree' option to produce decomposition
cplex.op2 worker option file in case of sequential submit
cplex.op3 incumbent as cutoff option (written by checkincb.gms, read by workers)
cplex.XXX XXX=100+userjobid (UJI) option file for worker with userjobid
Text files
t%UJI%.trg trigger names that instruct the GAMS/Cplex work to read cplex.op3
incb%UJD%.txt current worker incumbent values
allincb.txt temp file to collect work incumbent values used by checkincb.gms
GDX files
bnd%UJI%.gdx decomposition bound files created by 'dumptree' option
incb.gdx container name for incumbent value and solution values
bchout_i%UJI%.gdx worker incumbent solution processed by writeincb.gms
* Set number of binary variables to decompose the original one (note: 2**nvars jobs)
$set nvars 4
$eval nsub power(2,%nvars%)
s_grid 'subproblems' / 1*%nsub% /
nvars 'binary variable for scenarios' / 1*%nvars% /
up_down 'up/down of binary variable' / up, down /
bndUpdate(s_grid,nvars,up_down) 'Binary variables to fix in subproblem' / system.PowerSetRight /;
flog 'file handle to write to the log' / '' /
fopt 'file handle to write option files' / 'cplex.opt' /;
$sTitle Parallel Submit and Solve in parallel
Create a Cplex option file for each job. This option file instructs
the GAMS/Cplex worker to call out to the GAMS program writeincb.gms
(userincbicall) to save the incumbents found by the workers. It also
tells the GAMS/Cplex jobs to look for a trigger file (iatriggerfile).
If the file exists, GAMS/Cplex will remove the trigger file and read
an option file (iafile). The time GAMS/Cplex looks for a trigger file
(iatriggertime) is set to 1 second, which is quite small and should be
significantly increased for more difficult problems.
Because of name conflicts every communication file is postfixed with
the userjobid and prefixed with the GAMS working directory.
In previous version the GAMS/Cplex option dumptree could be used to
create a decomposition of the search space. With the new generic
callbacks in Cplex this is not possible anymore and we need to generate
a different decompostion scheme. Here we just select a number of variables
and fix them to 0 or 1 in the different scenarios.
The nsub+1 job will run on the original problem and focus on finding
good feasible solutions.
selbvar(dice,f,fp) 'selected variable to decompose on'
bnvarmap(nvars,dice,f,fp) 'mapping between nvars and selbvar';
diceOffSet, fOffSet, fpOffSet;
* Select randomly some binary variables from the model
diceOffSet = uniformInt(0,card(dice)-1);
fOffSet = uniformInt(0,card(f)-1);
fpOffSet = uniformInt(0,card(fp)-1);
loop((dice,f,fp)$(sameas('dice1',dice) and sameas('face1',f) and sameas('face1',fp)),
selbvar(dice+diceOffSet,f+fOffSet,fp+fpOffSet) = yes);
until card(selbvar)>=%nvars%;
option bnvarmap(nvars:selbvar);
* Remove files so we start clean
$hiddenCall rm -f bch*.gdx t*.trg best_incumbent.gdx GMSbch*.*
Scalar cnt;
for(cnt = 1 to %nsub%+1,
put_utility fopt 'ren' / 'cplex.' (100+cnt):0:0;
put 'userincbicall updateincb.gms lo=2 appendLog=1'
/ 'userjobid ' cnt:0:0
/ 'interactive 1' / 'iafile cplex.op3' / 'iatriggertime 1'
/ 'iatriggerfile t' cnt:0:0 '.trg'
/ 'mipemphasis 3';
put$(cnt=%nsub%+1) / 'mipemphasis 1';
putclose fopt;
* generate a unique mutex ID
$eval mtxID round(frac(jnow)*24*60*60*1000)
$funcLibIn mtxlib mtxcclib
create / mtxlib.Create /
timedLock / mtxlib.TimedLock /
unlock / mtxlib.Unlock /
delete / mtxlib.Delete /;
abort$create(%mtxID%) 'problems creating mutex';
* Initialize the best incumbent GDX file
wnx.l = %incumbentInit%; execute_unload 'best_incumbent.gdx', wnx; wnx.l = 0;
xdice.solveLink = %solveLink.asyncGrid%; // use the GAMS grid submission
h(s_grid) 'job handle';
option optCr = 0, optCa = 0, solPrint = silent, mip = cplex, limRow=0, limCol = 0;
cnt = 0;
* Now submit the nsub jobs with the updated bounds asynchronously
cnt = cnt + 1;
xdice.optFile = 100 + cnt;
loop((bndUpdate(s_grid,nvars,'up') ,bnvarmap(nvars,selbvar)), comp.fx(selbvar) = 1);
loop((bndUpdate(s_grid,nvars,'down'),bnvarmap(nvars,selbvar)), comp.fx(selbvar) = 0);
solve xdice using mip max wnx;
h(s_grid) = xdice.handle;
comp.lo(selbvar) = 0; comp.up(selbvar) = 1; // restore bounds
* Submit job with emphasis on finding good feasible solutions. We do
* not wait for this job to be complete, we just use its incumbent to
* have good cutoff values early. After all sub jobs are back and the
* incumbent finding jobs still runs, we trigger the termination in the
* same way as we trigger updates to the cuttoff.
Scalar feashandle;
xdice.optFile = 100+%nsub%+1;
solve xdice using mip max wnx;
feashandle = xdice.handle;
$ifThen not set ETIME_LIMIT
* jobTrace is used as an indicator that slvtest called this model
$ if not "%gams.jobTrace%" $set ETIME_LIMIT 150
$ if "%gams.jobTrace%" $set ETIME_LIMIT INF
rep 'report of times and solution'
etimeLim 'time limit for collection loop' / %ETIME_LIMIT% /
* Collect
rep(s_grid,'mstat') = na;
rep(s_grid,'sstat') = na;
loop(s_grid$handlecollect(h(s_grid)), // collect if job is completed
rep(s_grid,'time') = xdice.resUsd;
rep(s_grid,'mstat') = xdice.modelStat;
rep(s_grid,'sstat') = xdice.solveStat;
rep(s_grid,'obj') = xdice.objVal;
display$handledelete(h(s_grid)) 'trouble deleting handles';
h(s_grid) = 0;
display$sleep(card(h)*0.2) 'was sleeping for some time';
until card(h) = 0 or timeelapsed > etimeLim;
Scalar optimal 'optimality indicator';
optimal = sum(s_grid$(rep(s_grid,'sstat')=1),1) = %nsub%;
put flog;
put '*** Elapsed time =' timeelapsed:7:2 /;
putclose$(card(h)>0) '*** We have ' card(h):0:0 ' outstanding jobs.' /;
abort.noError$[card(h)>0] 'Grid collection loop too slow', etimeLim;
put$(not optimal) '*** Some jobs returned with solver status <> 1. Optimality not guaranteed' /;
abort$timedLock(%mtxID%,10000) 'error acquiring lock for mutex';
execute_load 'best_incumbent.gdx', wnx;
abort$unlock(%mtxID%) 'error unlocking mutex';
if(not mapval(wnx.l), // not INF or -INF
put$optimal '*** Optimal solution found: ' wnx.l /;
put$(not optimal) '*** Best collected solution: ' wnx.l /;
put$optimal '*** Problem infeasible' /;
put$(not optimal) '*** No solution found' /;
display rep;
* terminate job with mipemphasis=1
if(not handlecollect(feashandle),
put_utility 'shell' / 'echo tilim 0 > cplex.op3'
put_utility 'exec' / 'touch t' (%nsub%+1):0:0 '.trg'
display$sleep(3) 'sleeping';
display$handledelete(feashandle) 'trying now to delete';
display$delete(%mtxID%) 'problems deleting mutex';
* drop the compile-time variable userjobid (perhaps set by command line) so the creation of the
* updateincb.gms has the %userjobid% verbatim and not subsituted.
$drop userjobid
$onEcho > updateincb.gms
$title Code for worker %userjobid% to update best_incumbent.gdx
This uses the existing BCH facility. GAMS/Cplex exports the complete
incumbent in a GDX container called bchout_i%userjobid%.gdx. We only
need the objective variable. If the incumber is better than the
so far best known incumbent, we signal to all other jobs a new cutoff.
Variable wnx /L 0/, wnx_bi /L 0/;
$gdxIn bchout_i%userjobid%.gdx
$loadM wnx
$funcLibIn mtxlib mtxcclib
timedLock / mtxlib.TimedLock /
unlock / mtxlib.Unlock /;
scalar cnt;
abort$timedLock(%mtxID%,10000) 'error acquiring lock for mutex';
execute_load 'best_incumbent.gdx', wnx_bi=wnx;
if (wnx.l %gt% wnx_bi.l,
put_utility 'log' / 'Job %userjobid% updated objective from ' wnx_bi.l:8:2 ' to ' wnx.l:8:2;
put_utility 'exec' / 'mv -f bchout_i%userjobid%.gdx best_incumbent.gdx';
* update GAMS/Cplex option file cplex.op3 with a new cutoff value
put_utility 'shell' / 'echo %cutoff% ' wnx.l:18:8 ' > cplex.op3';
* create the trigger files for the workers to read the new cutoff value
for (cnt=1 to %nsub%+1,
put_utility$(cnt<>%userjobid%) 'exec' / 'touch t' cnt:0:0 '.trg'
abort$unlock(%mtxID%) 'error unlocking mutex';