Regular Expressions

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Regular expressions are used to search text using patterns. This section only documents the regular expressions as they are implemented in the GAMSIDE. We do not attempt to explain how regular expressions are used, but the simple examples provide a start.


Syntax for regular expression


<regular expression> ::= 

<expr> |

'^' <expr> |

<expr> '$' |

'^' <expr> '$'


<expr> ::= 

<term> |

<term> '|' <expr>                  // Alternation


<term> ::= 

<factor> |

<factor> <term>                    // Concatenation


<factor> ::= 

<atom> |

<atom> <iterator>


<atom> ::= 

<char> |

'(' <expr> ') |                    // Sub expression

'[' <charclass> ']' |              // Character class

'[^' <charclass> ']'               // Negated character class


<charclass> ::= 

<charrange> |



<charrange> ::= 

<ccchar> |

<ccchar> '-' <ccchar>              // Character range


<char> ::= 

<any character except meta characters> |

'\' <any character at all> |

<escape sequence>


<ccchar> ::= 

<any character except '-' and ']'> |

'\' <any character at all>


This syntax implies that parentheses have maximum precedence, followed by square brackets, followed by the closure operators, followed by concatenation, finally followed by alternation.


Meta characters                        


Any character


Start of line


End of line


Alphanumeric including '_'


Non alphanumeric character


Numeric character


Non numeric character


Any space character


Any non space character


Word boundary


Non word boundary

\1 thru \9

Back reference. \<n> matches previous matched sub-expression number <n>


Escape sequence


Character with hex value nn


Tab, same as \x09


Formfeed, same as \x0c


Bell, same as \x07


Escape, same as \x1b







Zero or more; same as {0,}



One or more; same as {1,}



Zero or one; same as {0,1}



Exactly n times



At least n times



At least n but not more than m times