File formats


    The following section describes the custom file formats used in GAMS MIRO, namely .miroapp for app bundles and .miroscen for MIRO scenarios.

    The section is intended for people with a technical background who want to implement their own tools for handling these files, or just better understand how MIRO works under the hood.

    .miroapp files are used to bundle a MIRO app including all the model files. .miroscen files bundle all the data that belongs to a MIRO scenario (data as well as metadata). Both file formats are (unencrypted) ZIP files (using zlib).


    The table below lists all the files contained in a .miroapp file:

    filename description
    miroapp.json A JSON file containing the app metadata. The schema for this file is given below.
    .miroconf An .RData file that contains the validated app configuration in binary form.
    <modelName>.zip An (unencrypted) ZIP file (zlib) containing all the model files specified in the model assembly file. Here modelName is the lowercase filename of the main GMS file without the file extension.
    data_<modelName>/ (optional) Directory with scenario data that will be imported to the MIRO database when adding this app.
    static_<modelName>/ (optional) Directory with static files such as images and stylesheets. This directory will be added to the Shiny web server so that all files in this directory are accessible from the browser.
    renderer_<modelName>/ (optional) Directory with custom renderer and custom importer/exporter files.
    scripts_<modelName>/ (optional) Directory with custom analysis scripts.

    The JSON schema used to validate the miroapp.json is included below:

        "title":"MIROAPP metadata schema",
        "properties": {
            "version": {
            "description":"The version of the MIROAPP file (current: 1)",
            "minimum": 1
            "api_version": {
            "description":"The MIRO API version that was used to deploy this application. When adding a new MIRO app, the system checks whether the MIRO API version matches the API version of this app. If this is not the case, the app is rejected.",
            "miro_version": {
            "description":"The MIRO version that was used to deploy this application. When adding a new MIRO app, the system checks whether the MIRO version is greater than the MIRO version with which this app was deployed. If this is not the case, the app is rejected.",
            "main_gms_name": {
            "description":"The (case-sensitive) filename of the main GMS file including the file extension.",
            "timestamp": {
            "description":"The time the app was deployed. Format: yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss zzz (e.g.: 2021-12-15 10:28:33 UTC).",
            "host_os": {
            "description":"The operating system that was used to deploy this application.",
            "enum": ["windows", "osx", "linux"]
            "modes_included": {
            "description":"The modes included in this app. Since MIRO version 2.2 only base is allowed.",
            "enum": ["base"]
            "use_temp_dir": {
            "description":"Whether to run the model in a temporary directory. MIRO Server will reject apps where this flag is false.",
            "created_by": {
            "description":"Human-readable string indicating which tool was used to create this MIROAPP file.",
    Signed MIROAPP

    .miroapp files can be optionally signed to verify the integrity of the app and the authenticity of the author. RSA keys with a minimum length of 2048 bits are supported for signing MIRO apps. Signing a MIRO app works as follows:

    1. A file .miro_hashes is created that contains the SHA-256 hashes of all the files in the app bundle. Each line of this file identifies a file in the bundle as follows: <fileName>\/\<sha256Hash> where fileName is the full path of the file relative to the root of the .miroapp archive. The lines are sorted in ascending order.
    2. The file .miro_hashes created in 1) is hashed using the SHA-512 algorithm and then signed with the RSA private key using the EVP_PKEY_sign function of openssl. The resulting signature is written to the binary file: .miro_sig.
    3. The RSA public key is written to a file .miro_pubkey.
    4. The files .miro_hashes, .miro_sig and .miro_pubkey are appended to the root of the .miroapp ZIP archive.

    To validate the authenticity of the app, it is first checked whether the app is signed (the files .miro_hashes and .miro_sig exist). If this is the case, the integrity of the MIRO app is checked as follows:

    1. All files of the archive are listed, except the signature files ( .miro_hashes, .miro_sig and .miro_pubkey).
    2. The signatures of all files found in the archive are calculated and a .miro_hashes_actual file is created using the same scheme as described in step 1).
    3. The .miro_hashes file is compared with the .miro_hashes_actual file. If they are not identical, MIRO reports an invalid signature.
    4. The SHA-512 hash of the .miro_hashes file is computed and the signature .miro_sig is verified using the EEVP_PKEY_verify function of openssl. To verify the signature, all public keys registered on the computer where MIRO is installed are tried. If none of the public keys work, the .miro_pubkey public key included in the archive is tried. If this does not work either, MIRO reports an invalid signature. If it works, MIRO computes the OpenSSH fingerprint (using the SHA256 hashing algorithm) of this key and the user is asked if she wants to trust this key. If the user agrees, the .miro_pubkey public key is added to the list of known public keys and the app is imported.


    The table below lists all the files contained in a .miroscen file:

    filename description
    metadata.json A JSON file containing the scenario metadata. The schema for this file is given below.
    data.gdx A GDX file containing the input and output data of all symbols specified in the GAMS/MIRO data contract.
    views.json (optional) A file containing scenario-specific/local views.
    attachments/ (optional) Directory with files attached to the scenario. The metadata of the attachments must be contained in the metadata.json file (see schema below).

    The JSON schema used to validate the metadata.json is included below:

        "title":"MIROSCEN metadata schema",
        "properties": {
            "version": {
            "description":"The version of the MIROSCEN file (current: 1)",
            "minimum": 1
            "scen_name": {
            "description":"The name of the scenario as specified by the user.",
            "minLength": 1,
            "maxLength": 64
            "scen_tags": {
            "description":"Tags assigned to the scenario. The total number of characters when combining the array into a comma-separated string must not exceed 1000.",
                "minLength": 1
            "cl_args": {
            "description":"Scenario-specific command line arguments (dollar control options as well as GAMS options).",
                "minLength": 1
            "attachments": {
            "description":"Attachment metadata.",
            "items": {
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                "name": {
                    "description":"The filename of the attachment (including extension).",
                "execPerm": {
                    "description":"Whether the model can see the scenario (the attachment is downloaded to the working directory before a run).",
            "model_raw": {
            "description":"The (case-sensitive) filename of the main GMS file excluding the file extension.",
            "uid": {
            "description":"The user ID of the owner of the scenario.",
            "minLength": 1
            "time_created": {
            "description":"The time the MIROSCEN file was created. Format: yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss zzz (e.g.: 2021-12-15 10:28:33 UTC).",
            "created_by": {
            "description":"Human-readable string indicating which tool was used to create this MIROSCEN file.",