Data Exchange with Databases

This tutorial provides a guidance on how to exchange data between GAMS and various Database Management System.

Data Exchange with DB2

DB2 is one of IBM's relational database management systems.

Import from DB2

DB2 has an EXPORT command that can be used to generate comma delimited files. An example of a DB2 session illustrating this is shown below:

------------------------------------- Command Entered -------------------------------------
describe table db2admin.dist

Column                         Type      Type
name                           schema    name               Length   Scale Nulls
------------------------------ --------- ------------------ -------- ----- -----
LOCA                           SYSIBM    VARCHAR                  10     0 No
LOCB                           SYSIBM    VARCHAR                  10     0 No
DISTANCE                       SYSIBM    DOUBLE                    8     0 Yes

  3 record(s) selected.

------------------------------------- Command Entered -------------------------------------
select * from dist ;

---------- ---------- ------------------------
seattle    new-york     +2.50000000000000E+000
seattle    chicago      +1.70000000000000E+000
seattle    topeka       +1.80000000000000E+000
san-diego  new-york     +2.50000000000000E+000
san-diego  chicago      +1.80000000000000E+000
san-diego  topeka       +1.40000000000000E+000

  6 record(s) selected.

------------------------------------- Command Entered -------------------------------------
export to c:\tmp\export.txt of del select * from dist ;
SQL3104N  The Export utility is beginning to export data to file

SQL3105N  The Export utility has finished exporting "6" rows.

Number of rows exported: 6

The resulting data file export.txt will look like:


This file can be read into GAMS using $include :

parameter d(i,j) 'distance in thousands of miles' /
  $include export.txt
display d;

Export to DB2

DB2 has an IMPORT command that can read delimited files. As an example consider the file generated by GAMS PUT statements:


A transcript of a DB2 session to read this file, is given below:

------------------------------------- Command Entered -------------------------------------
create table results(loca varchar(10) not null,
                     locb varchar(10) not null,
                     shipment double not null)  ;
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.

------------------------------------- Command Entered -------------------------------------
import from c:\tmp\import.txt of del insert into results ;
SQL3109N  The utility is beginning to load data from file "c:\tmp\import.txt".

SQL3110N  The utility has completed processing.  "6" rows were read from the
input file.

SQL3221W  ...Begin COMMIT WORK. Input Record Count = "6".

SQL3222W  ...COMMIT of any database changes was successful.

SQL3149N  "6" rows were processed from the input file.  "6" rows were
successfully inserted into the table.  "0" rows were rejected.

Number of rows read         = 6
Number of rows skipped      = 0
Number of rows inserted     = 6
Number of rows updated      = 0
Number of rows rejected     = 0
Number of rows committed    = 6

For very large data sets it is advised to use the LOAD command:

------------------------------------- Command Entered -------------------------------------
load from c:\tmp\import.txt of del insert into results ;
SQL3501W  The table space(s) in which the table resides will not be placed in
backup pending state since forward recovery is disabled for the database.

SQL3109N  The utility is beginning to load data from file "c:\tmp\import.txt".

SQL3500W  The utility is beginning the "LOAD" phase at time "03-20-2000 

SQL3519W  Begin Load Consistency Point. Input record count = "0".

SQL3520W  Load Consistency Point was successful.

SQL3110N  The utility has completed processing.  "6" rows were read from the
input file.

SQL3519W  Begin Load Consistency Point. Input record count = "6".

SQL3520W  Load Consistency Point was successful.

SQL3515W  The utility has finished the "LOAD" phase at time "03-20-2000 

Number of rows read         = 6
Number of rows skipped      = 0
Number of rows loaded       = 6
Number of rows rejected     = 0
Number of rows deleted      = 0
Number of rows committed    = 6

For smaller data sets one can also generate a series of INSERT statements using the PUT facility.

Data Exchange with MS Access

Microsoft Office Access, previously known as Microsoft Access, is a relational database management system from Microsoft. It is a member of the Microsoft Office system.

Import from MS Access


MDB2GMS is a tool to convert data from an Microsoft Access database into GAMS readable format. The source is an MS Access database file (*.mdb or *.accdb) and the target is a GAMS Include File or a GAMS GDX File. MDB2GMS is part of the GAMS Data eXchange Tools, see documentation for more information.


SQL2GMS is a tool to convert data from an SQL database into GAMS readable format. The source is any data source accessible through Microsoft's Data Access components including ADO, ODBC and OLEDB. The target is a GAMS Include File or a GAMS GDX File. SQL2GMS is part of the GAMS Data eXchange Tools, see documentation for more information.

CSV Files

Microsoft Access can export tables into comma delimited text files using its Save As/Export menu. Suppose we have the following table:

After choosing Save As/Export and selecting Text Files we get the following window:

Just using the default settings, we get the following file:


which can be handled in GAMS by $ondelim/$offdelim and $include:

parameter d(i,j) 'distance in thousands of miles' /
    $include dist.txt
display d;

Import Dates from Access

GAMS dates are one day off when importing from MS Access. Suppose we have an MS Access table with one single date column:

3/13/2007 10:00:00 AM 
3/14/2007 8:30:00 PM

The date data above can be imported into GAMS using $call and MDB2GMS tool as follows:

$call =mdb2gms I="%system.fp%Sample.accdb" Q="select datefield,Cdbl(datefield) from datetable"
parameter p(*) /
display p;
parameter q(*,*);
    q(i,'year') = gyear(p(i));
    q(i,'month') = gmonth(p(i));
    q(i,'day') = gday(p(i));
    q(i,'hour') = ghour(p(i));
    q(i,'minute') = gminute(p(i));
display q;

Note that the Cdbl() function converts the date to a floating point number (double precision). The generated include file looks like:

* -----------------------------------------------------
* MDB2GMS Version 2.8, January 2007 
* Erwin Kalvelagen, GAMS Development Corp 
* ----------------------------------------------------- 
* DAO version: 3.6 
* Jet version: 4.0 
* Database:    D:\mdb2gms\examples\Sample.accdb 
* Query:       select datefield,Cdbl(datefield) from datetable 
* ----------------------------------------------------- 
'3/12/2007' 39153 
'3/13/2007 10:00:00 AM' 39154.4166666667 
'3/14/2007 8:30:00 PM' 39155.8541666667 
* -----------------------------------------------------

which looks o.k. However, when we look at the GAMS results in the listing file we see:

----     28 PARAMETER p
3/12/2007             39153.000,    3/13/2007 10:00:00 AM 39154.417,    3/14/2007 8:30:00 PM  39155.854

----     39 PARAMETER q

                            year       month         day        hour      minute

3/12/2007                2007.000       3.000      13.000
3/13/2007 10:00:00 AM    2007.000       3.000      14.000      10.000
3/14/2007 8:30:00 PM     2007.000       3.000      15.000      20.000      30.000

Clearly the dates are off by one day: see the column day. We can fix this problem in different places, e.g. in the query or in the GAMS model by subtracting 1.0 from an imported date. This problem occurs not only in MS Access but also with other software packages.

Export to MS Access


GDX2ACCESS is a tool to dump the whole contents of a GDX file to a new MS Access file (.mdb or .accdb file). GDX2ACCESS is part of the GAMS Data eXchange Tools, see documentation for more information.


Access tables in MS Access files can be directly generated by the GDXVIEWER tool. The GDXVIEWER tool uses OLE automation to export data to an MS Access database. This means that MS Access needs to be installed for the Access Export facility to work. GDXVIEWER is part of the GAMS Data eXchange Tools, see documentation for more information.


VBScript is a scripting tool that can be used to talk to COM objects. In this case we use it to tell Access to import a CSV file.

    Import a table into MS Access using VBscript
$if exist new.accdb $call del new.accdb
set i /i1*i10/;
alias (i,j);
parameter p(i,j);
p(i,j) = uniform(-100,100);
display p;
file f /data.csv/;
put f,'i','j','p'/;
     put,, p(i,j):12:8/

execute "=cscript access.vbs";

$onecho > access.vbs
'this is a VBscript script
WScript.Echo "Running script: access.vbs"
dbLangGeneral = ";LANGID=0x0409;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0"
strSQL = "SELECT * INTO mytable FROM [Text;HDR=Yes;Database=%system.fp%;FMT=Delimited].[data#csv]"
Wscript.Echo "Query : " & strSQL
Set oJet = CreateObject("DAO.DBEngine.36")
Wscript.Echo "Jet version : " & oJet.version
Set oDB = oJet.createDatabase("new.accdb",dbLangGeneral)
Wscript.Echo "Created : " &
oDB.Execute strSQL
Set TableDef = oDB.TableDefs("mytable")
Wscript.Echo "Rows inserted in mytable : " & TableDef.RecordCount
Wscript.Echo "Done"

The CSV file contains a header row with the names of the fields:


The text driver specification HDR=Yes makes sure the first row in the CSV file is treated specially. The log will look like:

U:\temp>gams vbaccess.gms
--- Job vbaccess.gms Start 01/28/08 16:57:37
GAMS Rev 149  Copyright (C) 1987-2007 GAMS Development. All rights reserved
--- Starting compilation
--- vbaccess.gms(4) 2 Mb
--- call del new.accdb
--- vbaccess.gms(38) 3 Mb
--- Starting execution: elapsed 0:00:00.109
--- vbaccess.gms(18) 4 Mb
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.

Running script: access.vbs
Query : SELECT * INTO mytable FROM [Text;HDR=Yes;Database=U:\temp\;FMT=Delimited
Jet version : 3.6
Created : U:\temp\new.accdb
Rows inserted in mytable : 100
--- Putfile f U:\temp\data.csv
*** Status: Normal completion
--- Job vbaccess.gms Stop 01/28/08 16:57:38 elapsed 0:00:00.609

Please note that although the $onecho/$offecho is at the bottom of the GAMS file, the file access.vbs is created at compile time. I.e. before the executable statements like PUT, EXECUTE are executed.


The same script using JScript is similar to the one with VScript. We only price the script itself.

    Import a table into MS Access using JScript
$if exist new.accdb $call del new.accdb

set i /i1*i10/;
alias (i,j);
parameter p(i,j);

p(i,j) = uniform(-100,100);
display p;

file f /data.csv/;
put f,'i','j','p'/;
     put,, p(i,j):12:8/

execute "=cscript access.js";

$onecho > access.js
// this is a JScript script
WScript.Echo("Running script: access.js");

dbLangGeneral = ";LANGID=0x0409;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0";
strSQL = "SELECT * INTO mytable FROM [Text;HDR=Yes;Database=.;FMT=Delimited].[data#csv]";
WScript.Echo("Query : ",strSQL);

oJet = new ActiveXObject("DAO.DBEngine.36");
WScript.Echo("Jet version : ",oJet.version);

oDB = oJet.createDatabase("new.accdb",dbLangGeneral);
WScript.Echo("Created : ",;

TableDef = oDB.TableDefs("mytable");
WScript.Echo("Rows inserted in mytable : ",TableDef.RecordCount);



Combining GDX2ACCESS and VBscript

Data in a GDX file do not contain domain information. I.e. a parameter c(i,j) is really stored as c(*,*). As a result GDX2ACCESS will invent field names like dim1, dim2, Value. In some cases this may not be convenient, e.g. when more descriptive field names are required. We will show how a small script in VBscript can handle this task. The script will rename the fields dim1, dim2, Value in table c to i, j, and transportcost.

$call "gamslib 1"
$include trnsport.gms
* export to gdx file.
* The domains i,j are lost: gdx only stores c(*,*)
execute_unload "c.gdx",c;
* move to access database
* column names are dim1,dim2
execute "=gdx2access c.gdx";
* rename columns
execute "=cscript access.vbs";

$onecho > access.vbs
'this is a VBscript script
WScript.Echo "Running script: access.vbs"

' Office 2000 DAO version
' Change to local situation.
Set oDAO = CreateObject("DAO.DBEngine.36")
script.Echo "DAO version : " & oDAO.version

Set oDB = oDAO.openDatabase("%system.fp%c.accdb")
Wscript.Echo "Opened : " &

Set oTable = oDB.TableDefs.Item("c")
Wscript.Echo "Table : " &

' rename fields
oTable.Fields.Item("dim1").name = "i"
oTable.Fields.Item("dim2").name = "j"
oTable.Fields.Item("Value").name = "transportcost"
Wscript.Echo "Renamed fields"

Wscript.Echo "Done"

The above VBscript fragment needs to be adapted according to the DAO Data Access Objects version available on the client machine. This can be implemented in a more robust fashion by letting MS Access find the DAO engine:

'this is a VBscript script
WScript.Echo "Running script: access.vbs"

set oa = CreateObject("Access.Application")
set oDAO = oa.DBEngine
Wscript.Echo "DAO Version: " & oDAO.version

Set oDB = oDAO.openDatabase("%system.fp%c.accdb")
Wscript.Echo "Opened : " &

Set oTable = oDB.TableDefs.Item("c")
Wscript.Echo "Table : " &

' rename fields
oTable.Fields.Item("dim1").name = "i"
oTable.Fields.Item("dim2").name = "j"
oTable.Fields.Item("Value").name = "transportcost"
Wscript.Echo "Renamed fields"


Wscript.Echo "Done"

Please note that the macro %system.fp% is replaced by GAMS by the working directory (this is the project directory when running GAMS from the IDE).

Data Exchange with MySQL

MySQL is a multi-threaded, multi-user SQL database management system.

Import from MySQL

MySQL can write the results of a SELECT statement to a file as follows:

mysql> select * from dist;
| loca      | locb     | distance |
| seattle   | new-york |       50 |
| seattle   | chicago  |      300 |
| seattle   | topeka   |        0 |
| san-diego | new-york |      275 |
| san-diego | chicago  |        0 |
| san-diego | topeka   |      275 |
6 rows in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from dist into outfile '/tmp/data.csv' 
    -> fields terminated by ','
    -> optionally enclosed by '"'
    -> lines terminated by '\n';
Query OK, 6 rows affected (0.00 sec)

The resulting CSV file looks like:


which can be read by GAMS directly. This approach can be automated as follows:

[erwin@localhost erwin]$ cat myscript
use test
select * from dist into outfile '/tmp/data.csv' 
     fields terminated by ','
     optionally enclosed by '"'
     lines terminated by '\n';
[erwin@localhost erwin]$ cat x.gms
set i /seattle, san-diego/;
set j /new-york, chicago, topeka/;

$call 'mysql -u root < myscript'
parameter dist(i,j) /
$include /tmp/data.csv
display dist; 
[erwin@localhost erwin]$ gams x
GAMS Rev 132  Copyright (C) 1987-2002 GAMS Development. All rights reserved
Licensee: GAMS Development Corporation, Washington, DC   G871201:0000XX-XXX
          Free Demo,  202-342-0180,,   DC9999
--- Starting compilation
--- x.gms(5) 1 Mb
--- call mysql -u root < myscript
--- .data.csv(6) 1 Mb
--- x.gms(15) 1 Mb
--- Starting execution
--- x.gms(18) 1 Mb
*** Status: Normal completion
[erwin@localhost erwin]$

The listing file shows that the table is read correctly:

   2  set i /seattle, san-diego/;
   3  set j /new-york, chicago, topeka/;
   6  parameter dist(i,j) /
INCLUDE    /tmp/data.csv
   9  "seattle","new-york",50
  10  "seattle","chicago",300
  11  "seattle","topeka",0
  12  "san-diego","new-york",275
  13  "san-diego","chicago",0
  14  "san-diego","topeka",275
  16  /;
  18  display dist;


     1        1 INPUT          0       0  /home/erwin/x.gms
     2        5 CALL           1       5  mysql -u root < myscript
     3        8 INCLUDE        1       8  ./tmp/data.csv

----     18 PARAMETER dist

             new-york     chicago      topeka

seattle        50.000     300.000
san-diego     275.000                 275.000

Instead of maintaining the MySQL script in a separate file, it can also be written by GAMS using $onecho/$offecho and a statement like:

$onecho > myscript
use test
select * from dist into outfile '/tmp/data.csv' 
     fields terminated by ','
     optionally enclosed by '"'
     lines terminated by '\n';

This will write the script at compile time.

Export to MySQL

GAMS can export data to MySQL by creating a script containing a series of SQL INSERT statements, as shown in section Oracle CSV Import .

It is noted that MySQL does have a REPLACE statement which is a useful blend of an INSERT and UPDATE statement: update a row if it already exists, otherwise insert it. This is not standard SQL however, so it can cause problems when moving to another database.

For larger result sets it may be better to use the LOAD DATA INFILE command. This command can read directly ASCII text files such as comma delimited CSV files.

Consider again the data file created by the PUT statement:


The following transcript shows how to import this into MySQL:

myql> create table dist(loca varchar(10), locb varchar(10), distance double precision);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_test |
| dist           |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> describe dist;
| Field    | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| loca     | varchar(10) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| locb     | varchar(10) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| distance | double      | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> load data infile '/tmp/data.txt' into table dist
    -> fields terminated by ','
    -> optionally enclosed by '"'
    -> lines terminated by '\n';
Query OK, 6 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 6  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from dist;
| loca      | locb     | distance |
| seattle   | new-york |       50 |
| seattle   | chicago  |      300 |
| seattle   | topeka   |        0 |
| san-diego | new-york |      275 |
| san-diego | chicago  |        0 |
| san-diego | topeka   |      275 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Note that we used no keys in our table definition. In practice it is of course highly recommended to define proper keys.

Data Exchange with Oracle

The Oracle Database (commonly referred to as Oracle RDBMS or simply as Oracle) is a relational database management system (RDBMS) software product released by Oracle Corporation.

Import from Oracle


To export an Oracle table a simple solution is to write an SQL*Plus script. E.g. if our table looks like:

SQL> describe dist;
 Name                                Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------- -------- ------------------------
 LOCA                                NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)
 LOCB                                NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)
 DISTANCE                                     NUMBER

SQL> select * from dist;

---------- ---------- ---------
seattle    new-york         2.5
seattle    chicago          1.7
seattle    topeka           1.8
san-diego  new-york         2.5
san-diego  chicago          1.8
san-diego  topeka           1.4

6 rows selected.


then the following script will export this table:

set pagesize 0
set pause off
set heading off
spool data
select loca||','||locb||','||distance from dist;
spool off

The resulting data file ''data.lst'' will look like:


This almost looks like our data initialization syntax for parameters:


The only differences are in the delimiters that are being used. These differences are easily digested by GAMS once it is in ondelim mode. I.e. the following syntax can be used to read the data.lst file:

parameter d(i,j) 'distance in thousands of miles' /
$include data.lst
display d;


An alternative way to import data from Oracle is to use the tool SQL2GMS which can talk to any database with an ADO or ODBC interface.

Import dates from Oracle databases and converting them to GAMS dates

For most softwares it is easy to generate dates that GAMS can import and understand. The most common issue is that GAMS is one day off compared to Excel, Delphi, Access, ODBC etc. Oracle is somewhat more involved. First it is useful to have the date/time exported as a Julian date. This can be done with the following stored procedure:

-- julian representation of a date/time 
-- Erwin Kalvelagen, feb 2007
create or replace function to_julian(d IN TIMESTAMP)
return number
return to_number(to_char(d,'J')) + to_number(to_char(d,'SSSSS'))/86400;

This function can be used to export dates as simple floating point numbers. In GAMS we need just a simple adjustment by adding a constant ''datediff'' defined by:

   refdategams   "march 16, 2006, 00:00"
   refdateoracle "march 16, 2006, 00:00"  /2453811/
   datediff      "difference between GAMS and Oracle date"
refdategams = jdate(2006,3,16);
datediff = refdategams-refdateoracle;

This trick has been applied in a complex scheduling application where dates are important data types that must be exchanged between the application logic and database tier and the optimization engine.

Export to Oracle

Oracle CSV Import

A familiar way of moving data into Oracle is to generate standard SQL INSERT statements. The PUT facility is flexible enough to handle this. For instance the following code:

file results /results.sql/;
put results;
     put "insert into result (loca, locb, shipment) ";
     put "values ('",,"','",,"',",x.l(i,j),");"/

will generate these SQL statements:

insert into result (loca, locb, shipment) values ('seattle','new-york',50.00);
insert into result (loca, locb, shipment) values ('seattle','chicago',300.00);
insert into result (loca, locb, shipment) values ('seattle','topeka',0.00);
insert into result (loca, locb, shipment) values ('san-diego','new-york',275.00);
insert into result (loca, locb, shipment) values ('san-diego','chicago',0.00);
insert into result (loca, locb, shipment) values ('san-diego','topeka',275.00);

The .lw and .nw attributes for the put file indicate that no extra spaces around the labels and the numeric values are needed. These field width attributes have a default value of 12 which would cause the values to look like:

'seattle     ','new-york    ',       50.00

If the amount of data is large the utility SQL*Loader can be used to import comma delimited input. I.e. the GAMS code:

file results /results.txt/;
put results;
     put,, x.l(i,j)/

produces a file results.txt:


The following SQL*Loader control file will read this file:

INFILE results.txt

GDX to Oracle

Database tables in an SQL RDBMS can be directly generated by the GDXVIEWER tool. The GDXVIEWER can use three methods to export to Oracle and other RDBMS:

  1. The direct ADO/ODBC link can create a new table and populate it.
  2. The SQL INSERT script generator can create a script with a number of INSERT statements.
  3. The SQL UPDATE script generator can create a script with a number of UPDATE statements.

Data Exchange with SQL Server

Import from SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server is Microsoft's flagship database. It comes in different flavors, including SQL Server, MSDE and SQL Server Express.


A good way to import SQL server data into GAMS is using the SQL2GMS tool. Below is an example of its use:

$set commandfile commands.txt
$onecho > %commandfile%
C=provider=sqloledb;data source=athlon\SQLExpress;Initial catalog=test;user id=sa;password=password
$call =sql2gms @%commandfile%
parameter p(i,j) /
$include "C:\WINNT\gamsdir\"
display p;

Using the BCP utilty and CSV files

To export SQL Server data to CSV files we can use the BCP utility.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn>bcp test..results out x.csv \
  -S athlon\sqlexpress -c -U sa -P password -t,

Starting copy...

6 rows copied.
Network packet size (bytes): 4096
Clock Time (ms.) Total     : 10     Average : (600.00 rows per sec.)

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn>type x.csv

It is somewhat more difficult to create a proper CSV file. A format specification file can help here. For an example see the next section on Data Exchange with Sybase . Other tools to export files include DTS (Data Transformation Services) and linked ODBC data sources.

A direct interface between SQL server tables and GAMS GDX files

Finally we can program directly an interface between SQL server tables and GAMS GDX files. A small example in C# can look like:

gdxio = new csharpclient();
// read a set
gdxio.gdxdatawritestrstart(ap, "location", "from db", 1, csharpclient.dt_set, 0);
String q = "select distinct(location) from exporttable";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(q, conn);
SqlDataReader myReader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
String[] astrelements = new String[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
astrelements[i] = "";
double[] avals = new double[5];
while (myReader.Read())
astrelements[0] = myReader.GetString(0);
avals[0] = 0.0;
Boolean ok = gdxio.gdxdatawritestr(ap,astrelements,avals);
// read a data table
gdxio.gdxdatawritestrstart(ap, "data", "from db", 2, csharpclient.dt_par, 0);
q = "select location, capacity, cost exporttable";
cmd = new SqlCommand(q, conn);
myReader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (myReader.Read())
astrelements[0] = myReader.GetString(0);
astrelements[1] = "capacity";
avals[0] = myReader.GetInt32(1);
Boolean ok = gdxio.gdxdatawritestr(ap, astrelements, avals);
if (!myReader.IsDBNull(2)) {
astrelements[1] = "cost";
avals[0] = myReader.GetDouble(2);
ok = gdxio.gdxdatawritestr(ap, astrelements, avals);
gdxio.gdxclose(ref ap);
GamsWorkspace i

Export to SQL Server

SQL Server has two basic facilities to import CSV files: the BCP tool and the BULK INSERT statement. Advanced SQL Server users may also be able to use DTS (Data Transformation Services) or linked ODBC data sources. Of course for small data sets we can create standard SQL INSERT statements. In addition the tool GDXVIEWER can be used to get GAMS data into SQL Server.

Export using the BCP tool

A transcript showing the use of BCP is shown below:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn>sqlcmd -S athlon\SQLExpress
1> use test;
2> create table x(loca varchar(10), locb varchar(10), shipment float);
3> go
Changed database context to 'test'.
1> quit

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn>type c:\winnt\gamsdir\results.csv

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn>bcp test..x in c:\winnt\gamsdir\results.csv \
  -S athlon\sqlexpress -c -U sa -P password -t,

Starting copy...

6 rows copied.
Network packet size (bytes): 4096
Clock Time (ms.) Total     : 10     Average : (600.00 rows per sec.)

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn>sqlcmd -S athlon\SQLExpress
1> use test
2> select * from x;
3> go
Changed database context to 'test'.
loca       locb       shipment
---------- ---------- ------------------------
seattle    new-york                         50
seattle    chicago                         300
seattle    topeka                            0
san-diego  new-york                        275
san-diego  chicago                           0
san-diego  topeka                          275

(6 rows affected)
1> quit

Unfortunately, dealing with quoted strings is not straightforward with this tool (an example using a format file is shown in the next section on Data Exchange with Sybase). The same thing holds for BULK INSERT, which can read:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn>type c:\winnt\gamsdir\results.csv

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn>sqlcmd -S athlon\SQLExpress
1> use test
2> create table x(loca varchar(10), locb varchar(10), shipment float)
3> go
Changed database context to 'test'.
1> bulk insert x from 'c:\winnt\gamsdir\results.csv' with (fieldterminator=',')
2> go

(6 rows affected)
1> select * from x
2> go
loca       locb       shipment
---------- ---------- ------------------------
seattle    new-york                         50
seattle    chicago                         300
seattle    topeka                            0
san-diego  new-york                        275
san-diego  chicago                           0
san-diego  topeka                          275

(6 rows affected)
1> quit

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn>

Export using the ODBC Text Driver

A slower but flexible way to load CSV files is to use a linked server through the ODBC Text Driver. First create an ODBC DSN using the Text Driver. This can be done through the ODBC Data Source Administrator Data Sources (ODBC) Then we can use the system procedure SP_AddLinkedServer.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn>type c:\winnt\gamsdir\results.csv

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn>type trnsport.sql
--  test database
use test

-- create table in SQL server
create table results(loca varchar(10), locb varchar(10), ship float)

-- Create a linked server
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver txtsrv,'Jet 4.0','Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','c:\winnt\gamsdir',NULL,'Text'

-- copy data from text file c:\winnt\gamsdir\results.csv
insert into results(loca,locb,ship)
select * from txtsrv...results#csv

-- check if all arrived
select * from results

-- release linked server
EXEC sp_dropserver txtsrv

-- clean up
drop table results

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn>sqlcmd -S athlon\sqlexpress
1> :r trnsport.sql
Changed database context to 'test'.

(6 rows affected)
loca       locb       ship
---------- ---------- ------------------------
seattle    new-york                         50
seattle    chicago                         300
seattle    topeka                            0
san-diego  new-york                        275
san-diego  chicago                           0
san-diego  topeka                          275

(6 rows affected)
1> quit

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn>

A slightly different approach is the following:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn>sqlcmd -S athlon\sqlexpress
1> create table t(loca varchar(10), locb varchar(10), ship float)
2> go
1> insert into t
2> select * from
3> OpenRowSet('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
4> 'Text;Database=c:\winnt\gamsdir\;HDR=NO',
5> 'select * from results.csv')
6> go

(6 rows affected)
1> select * from t
2> go
loca       locb       ship
---------- ---------- ------------------------
seattle    new-york                         50
seattle    chicago                         300
seattle    topeka                            0
san-diego  new-york                        275
san-diego  chicago                           0
san-diego  topeka                          275

(6 rows affected)
1> drop table t
2> go
1> quit

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn>

This can be automated from GAMS as follows:

file results /results.csv/;
put results;
     put,, x.l(i,j)/

file sqlinsert /insert.sql/;
put sqlinsert;
put "use test"/;
put "insert into t select * from OpenRowSet('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',"
    "'Text;Database=c:\winnt\gamsdir\;HDR=NO','select * from results.csv')"/;

execute '="C:\Progra~1\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn\sqlcmd" -S athlon\SQLExpress -i insert.sql';

Export using the GDXVIEWER

When using GDXVIEWER to export data to MS SQL server it is noted that MSSQL Server does not accept the default SQL type double for double precision numbers. You will need to set this setting to float or double precision.

When we export variable x from the trnsport model, we see:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn>sqlcmd -S athlon\SQLExpress
1> use test
2> go
Changed database context to 'test'.
1> select * from x
2> go
dim1                            dim2                            level
------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------
seattle                         new-york                                              50
seattle                         chicago                                              300
seattle                         topeka                                                 0
san-diego                       new-york                                             275
san-diego                       chicago                                                0
san-diego                       topeka                                               275

(6 rows affected)
1> quit

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn>

Data Exchange with SQLite

See GDX2SQLITE for more information.

Data Exchange with Sybase

Import from Sybase

Import using the bcp utility

Sybase is largely the same as SQL Server. For exporting ASCII files from a Sybase table, the utility (Using the BCP utilty and CSV files) can be used.

An example of use of this utility is shown below:

[erwin@fedora sybase]$ isql -U sa -S LOCALHOST -D testdb -P sybase -J iso_1
1> select * from results
2> go
 loca       locb       shipment
 ---------- ---------- --------------------
 seattle    new-york              50.000000
 seattle    chicago              300.000000
 seattle    topeka                 0.000000
 san-diego  new-york             275.000000
 san-diego  chicago                0.000000
 san-diego  topeka               275.000000
(6 rows affected)
1> quit
[erwin@fedora sybase]$ cat bcp.fmt
1       SYBCHAR 0       0       "\""    1       loca
2       SYBCHAR 0       10      "\",\"" 1       loca
3       SYBCHAR 0       10      "\","   2       locb
4       SYBCHAR 0       17      "\n"    3       shipment
[erwin@fedora sybase]$ bcp testdb..results out res.txt -S LOCALHOST  -U sa -P sybase \
  -J iso_1 -f bcp.fmt
Starting copy...
6 rows copied.
Clock Time (ms.): total = 1  Avg = 0 (6000.00 rows per sec.)
[erwin@fedora sybase]$ cat res.txt
[erwin@fedora sybase]$

Note: the first column in the format file is a dummy (it has length 0). This is in order to write the leading quote, as bcp only allows for termination symbols.

This can be automated using the following GAMS code:

  i   'canning plants'   / seattle, san-diego /
  j   'markets'          / new-york, chicago, topeka / ;

$onecho > bcp.fmt
1       SYBCHAR 0       0       "\""    1       loca
2       SYBCHAR 0       10      "\",\"" 1       loca
3       SYBCHAR 0       10      "\","   2       locb
4       SYBCHAR 0       17      "\n"    3       shipment
$call "bcp testdb..results out res.txt -S LOCALHOST  -U sa -P sybase -J iso_1 -f bcp.fmt"
parameter d(i,j)  'distance in thousands of miles'
$include res.txt
display d;

Import using the SQL2GMS utility

The SQL2GMS tool uses ADO or ActiveX Data Objects to extract data from relational databases. It can connect to almost any database from any vendor as it supports standards like ODBC. See documentation for more information.

Import using a 'SQL2GMS' VBS script

The following GAMS code will generate and execute a script written in VBScript. It mimics the behavior of SQL2GMS.EXE and can be used for debugging or the script can be passed on to the IT support people in case there are problems with accessing the database.

   This script mimics SQL2GMS.
   Erwin Kalvelagen
   November 2006

$onecho > sql2gms.vbs
' parameters
t1 = 3                    ' connection timeout
t2 = 0                    ' command timeout
c = "Provider=MSDASQL;Driver={SQL Server};Server=DUOLAP\SQLEXPRESS;Database=testdata;
Uid=gams;Pwd=gams;"  ' connection string
q = "select * from data"  ' query
o = ""          ' the output file to be generated
b = false                 ' whether to quote indices (e.g. because of embedded blanks)

' create ADO connection object
set ADOConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
ADOVersion = ADOConnection.Version
WScript.Echo "ADO Version:",ADOVersion

' make db connection
ADOConnection.ConnectionTimeout = t1
ADOConnection.ConnectionString = c

' Open file
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set outputfile = fso.CreateTextFile(o,True)
outputfile.writeLine "*----------------------------------------------------"
outputfile.writeLine "*  SQL2GMS/Vbscript 1.0"
outputfile.writeLine "*  Connection:"&c
outputfile.writeLine "*  Query:"&q
outputfile.writeLine "*----------------------------------------------------"

' setup query
starttime = time
ADOConnection.CommandTimeout = t2
const adCmdText = 1
set RecordSet = ADOConnection.Execute(q,,adCmdText)

' get results
NumberOfFields = RecordSet.Fields.Count
eof = RecordSet.EOF
if eof then
   WScript.Echo "No records"
end if

'  loop through records
NumberOfRows = 0
do until eof
   NumberOfRows = NumberOfRows + 1
   Row = RecordSet.GetRows(1)
   if NumberOfFields > 1 then
      s = Row(0,0)
      if b then
        s = quotestring(s)
      end if
      Outputfile.Write s
   end if

   for i=2 to NumberOfFields-1
       s = Row(i-1,0)
       if b then
         s = quotestring(s)
       end if
       Outputfile.Write "."
       Outputfile.Write s

   s = Row(NumberOfFields-1,0)
   OutputFile.Write " "
   OutputFile.Writeline s

   eof = RecordSet.EOF


Wscript.echo "Records read:"&NumberOfRows
Wscript.echo "Elapsed time:"&DateDiff("s",starttime,time)&" seconds."

function quotestring(s)
has_single_quotes = false
has_double_quotes = false
needs_quoting = false

' check input string for special characters
for j=1 to len(s)
   ch = Mid(s,j,1)
   select case ch
     case "'"
         has_single_quotes = true
     case """"
         has_double_quotes = true
     case " ","/",";",","
         needs_quoting = true
     case else
         k = asc(ch)
         if (k<=31) or (k>=127) then
            needs_quoting = true
         end if
   end select

' check if we have if gams keyword
            "IF","INTEGER","LOOP","MODEL","MODELS","NEGATIVE","OPTION",    _
            "PUTTL","SCALAR","SCALARS","SEMICONT","SET","SETS","SOS1",     _

if not needs_quoting then
   for j = 0 to Ubound(kw)
      if strcomp(s,kw(j),1)=0 then
        needs_quoting = true
        exit for
      end if
end if

' already quoted?
ch = left(s,1)
select case ch
   case "'", """"
       quotestring = s
       exit function
end select

' check for special case
if has_single_quotes and has_double_quotes then
   quotestring = """" & replace(s, """", "'") & """"
elseif has_single_quotes then
   quotestring = """" & s & """"
elseif has_double_quotes then
   quotestring = "'" & s & "'"
elseif needs_quoting then
   quotestring = "'" & s & "'"
   quotestring = s
end if

end function

execute '=cscript sql2gms.vbs';