172 No = 0,
173 RefDataOriginalSetElementNames = 1,
174 RefDataNewSetElementNames = 2,
175 RefDataNewSetElementNamesDropSymbolText = 3,
176 RefSymbol = 4,
177 Deprecated_10 = 10,
178 InputFileWOComments = 11,
179 Deprecated_12 = 12,
180 Deprecated_19 = 19,
181 Deprecated_20 = 20,
182 InputFileWithComments = 21,
184 };
247 GHAnalyticHNumericGradScale = 0,
248 GHAnalyticHNumericFuncScale = 1,
249 GAnalyticFHNumericGradScale = 2,
250 GAnalyticFHNumericFuncScale = 3,
251 FGHNumericScale = 4,
252 GHAnalyticHNumericGradNoScale = 10,
253 GHAnalyticHNumericFuncNoScale = 11,
254 GAnalyticFHNumericGradNoScale = 12,
255 GAnalyticFHNumericFuncNoScale = 13,
257 };
813 void setCaptureModelInstance(const GAMSOptions::ECaptureModelInstance::ECaptureModelInstanceEnum value);
1041 void setFreeEmbeddedPython(const GAMSOptions::EFreeEmbeddedPython::EFreeEmbeddedPythonEnum value);
1122 static std::string eImplicitAssignText(GAMSOptions::EImplicitAssign::EImplicitAssignEnum type);
1125 static std::string eImplicitAssignCode(GAMSOptions::EImplicitAssign::EImplicitAssignEnum type);
1176 void setInteractiveSolver(const GAMSOptions::EInteractiveSolver::EInteractiveSolverEnum value);
1251 void setLstTitleLeftAligned(const GAMSOptions::ELstTitleLeftAligned::ELstTitleLeftAlignedEnum value);
1374 void setProcTreeMemMonitor(const GAMSOptions::EProcTreeMemMonitor::EProcTreeMemMonitorEnum value);
1437 static std::string eReferenceLineNoText(GAMSOptions::EReferenceLineNo::EReferenceLineNoEnum type);
1440 static std::string eReferenceLineNoCode(GAMSOptions::EReferenceLineNo::EReferenceLineNoEnum type);
1443 static EReferenceLineNo::EReferenceLineNoEnum eReferenceLineNoFromCode(const std::string &str);
1548 static std::string eSuffixAlgebraVarsText(GAMSOptions::ESuffixAlgebraVars::ESuffixAlgebraVarsEnum type);
1551 static std::string eSuffixAlgebraVarsCode(GAMSOptions::ESuffixAlgebraVars::ESuffixAlgebraVarsEnum type);
1554 static ESuffixAlgebraVars::ESuffixAlgebraVarsEnum eSuffixAlgebraVarsFromCode(const std::string &str);
1560 void setSuffixAlgebraVars(const GAMSOptions::ESuffixAlgebraVars::ESuffixAlgebraVarsEnum value);
Definition gamsoptions.h:55
void setProfileTol(const double value)
Set Minimum time a statement must use to appear in profile generated output.
void setFDDelta(const double value)
Set Step size for finite differences.
void setMIIMode(const GAMSOptions::EMIIMode::EMIIModeEnum value)
Set Model Instance Mode.
static std::string eActionText(GAMSOptions::EAction::EActionEnum type)
Get GAMS processing request as text.
void setInlineCom(const std::string &value)
Set Switch default for "$on/offInline" and "$inlineCom".
std::string dumpOptGDX()
Get Defines a GDX file name stem created when using DumpOpt.
void setThreadsAsync(const int value)
Set Limit on number of threads to be used for asynchronous solves (solveLink=6)
GAMSOptions::ESys10::ESys10Enum sys10()
Get Changes rpower to ipower when the exponent is constant and within 1e-12 of an integer.
static std::string eSuffixAlgebraVarsCode(GAMSOptions::ESuffixAlgebraVars::ESuffixAlgebraVarsEnum type)
Get Switch default for "$on/offSuffixAlgebraVars" as code.
GAMSOptions::EAsyncSolLst::EAsyncSolLstEnum asyncSolLst()
Get Print solution listing when asynchronous solve (Grid or Threads) is used.
GAMSOptions::ECaptureModelInstance::ECaptureModelInstanceEnum captureModelInstance()
Get Switch to capture all model instances within a run.
static std::string eMIIModeCode(GAMSOptions::EMIIMode::EMIIModeEnum type)
Get Model Instance Mode as code.
static std::string eReplaceText(GAMSOptions::EReplace::EReplaceEnum type)
Get Switch between merge and replace when reading from GDX into non-empty symbol as text.
static EDigit::EDigitEnum eDigitFromCode(const std::string &str)
Get Switch default for "$on/offDigit" from std::string
static EAction::EActionEnum eActionFromCode(const std::string &str)
Get GAMS processing request from std::string
GAMSOptions::ESys11::ESys11Enum sys11()
Get Dynamic resorting if indices in assignment/data statements are not in natural order.
static std::string eFilteredText(GAMSOptions::EFiltered::EFilteredEnum type)
Get Switch between filtered and domain-checked read from GDX as text.
GAMSOptions::EECImplicitLoad::EECImplicitLoadEnum eCImplicitLoad()
Get Allow implicit loading of symbols from embedded code or not.
int threadsAsync()
Get Limit on number of threads to be used for asynchronous solves (solveLink=6)
GAMSOptions::ESuffixDLVars::ESuffixDLVarsEnum suffixDLVars()
Get Switch default for "$on/offSuffixDLVars".
void setDumpParmsLogPrefix(const std::string &value)
Set Prefix of lines triggered by DumpParms>1.
GAMSOptions::ELstTitleLeftAligned::ELstTitleLeftAlignedEnum lstTitleLeftAligned()
Get Write title of LST file all left aligned.
void setSys10(const GAMSOptions::ESys10::ESys10Enum value)
Set Changes rpower to ipower when the exponent is constant and within 1e-12 of an integer.
void setDFormat(const GAMSOptions::EDFormat::EDFormatEnum value)
Set Date format.
static std::string eECImplicitLoadCode(GAMSOptions::EECImplicitLoad::EECImplicitLoadEnum type)
Get Allow implicit loading of symbols from embedded code or not as code.
GAMSOptions::EFreeEmbeddedPython::EFreeEmbeddedPythonEnum freeEmbeddedPython()
Get Free external resources at the end of each embedded Python code blocks.
void setStepSum(const GAMSOptions::EStepSum::EStepSumEnum value)
Set Summary of computing resources used by job steps.
GAMSOptions::ESolPrint::ESolPrintEnum solPrint()
Get Solution report print option.
void setWorkSpace(const double value)
Set Work space for some solvers in MB.
void setIntVarUp(const GAMSOptions::EIntVarUp::EIntVarUpEnum value)
Set Set mode for default upper bounds on integer variables.
static EImplicitAssign::EImplicitAssignEnum eImplicitAssignFromCode(const std::string &str)
Get Switch default for "$on/offImplicitAssign" from std::string
static ESuffixAlgebraVars::ESuffixAlgebraVarsEnum eSuffixAlgebraVarsFromCode(const std::string &str)
Get Switch default for "$on/offSuffixAlgebraVars" from std::string
double profileTol()
Get Minimum time a statement must use to appear in profile generated output.
GAMSOptions::EStepSum::EStepSumEnum stepSum()
Get Summary of computing resources used by job steps.
void setSys12(const int value)
Set Pass model with generation errors to solver.
GAMSOptions::EDumpParms::EDumpParmsEnum dumpParms()
Get GAMS parameter logging.
void setLimRow(const int value)
Set Maximum number of rows listed in one equation block.
void setAllModelTypes(const std::string &solver)
Set the solver for all model types the solver can handle.
static std::string eListingCode(GAMSOptions::EListing::EListingEnum type)
Get Switch default for "$on/offListing" as code.
static EECImplicitLoad::EECImplicitLoadEnum eECImplicitLoadFromCode(const std::string &str)
Get Allow implicit loading of symbols from embedded code or not from std::string
void setPLicense(const std::string &value)
Set Privacy license file name.
GAMSOptions::EZeroResRep::EZeroResRepEnum zeroResRep()
Get Report underflow as a warning when abs(results) LE ZeroRes and result set to zero.
GAMSOptions::ENoNewVarEqu::ENoNewVarEquEnum noNewVarEqu()
Get Triggers a compilation error when new equations or variable symbols are introduced.
GAMSOptions::EHoldFixedAsync::EHoldFixedAsyncEnum holdFixedAsync()
Get Allow HoldFixed for models solved asynchronously as well.
std::string iDCGDXInput()
Get GDX file name with data for implicit input.
void setAppendExpand(const GAMSOptions::EAppendExpand::EAppendExpandEnum value)
Set Expand file append option.
static std::string egdxUelsCode(GAMSOptions::EgdxUels::EgdxUelsEnum type)
Get Unload labels or UELs to GDX either squeezed or full as code.
GAMSOptions::EgdxConvert::EgdxConvertEnum gdxConvert()
Get Version of GDX files generated (for backward compatibility)
static std::string eDigitCode(GAMSOptions::EDigit::EDigitEnum type)
Get Switch default for "$on/offDigit" as code.
void setDumpOpt(const GAMSOptions::EDumpOpt::EDumpOptEnum value)
Set Writes preprocessed input to the file input.dmp.
static EListing::EListingEnum eListingFromCode(const std::string &str)
Get Switch default for "$on/offListing" from std::string
void setFileStemApFromEnv(const std::string &value)
Set Append a string read from an environment variable to the "FileStem".
void setEmpty(const GAMSOptions::EEmpty::EEmptyEnum value)
Set Switch default for "$on/offEmpty".
void setExpand(const std::string &value)
Set Expanded (include) input file name.
static std::string eSuffixDLVarsCode(GAMSOptions::ESuffixDLVars::ESuffixDLVarsEnum type)
Get Switch default for "$on/offSuffixDLVars" as code.
void setDecryptKey(const std::string &value)
Set Key to decrypt a text file that was encrypted via $encrypt.
static std::string eActionCode(GAMSOptions::EAction::EActionEnum type)
Get GAMS processing request as code.
GAMSOptions::EFiltered::EFilteredEnum filtered()
Get Switch between filtered and domain-checked read from GDX.
void setSolver(const std::string &modelType, const std::string &solver)
Get solver by model type.
void setReferenceLineNo(const GAMSOptions::EReferenceLineNo::EReferenceLineNoEnum value)
Set Controls the line numbers written to a reference file.
static EMIIMode::EMIIModeEnum eMIIModeFromCode(const std::string &str)
Get Model Instance Mode from std::string
void setOptCR(const double value)
Set Relative Optimality criterion solver default.
std::string fileStem()
Get Sets the file stem for output files which use the input file name as stem by default.
void setHeapLimit(const double value)
Set Maximum Heap size allowed in MB.
void setPutNR(const GAMSOptions::EPutNR::EPutNREnum value)
Set Numeric round format for put files.
void setTFormat(const GAMSOptions::ETFormat::ETFormatEnum value)
Set Time format.
std::string jobTrace()
Get Job trace string to be written to the trace file at the end of a GAMS job.
void setTraceLevel(const int value)
Set Modelstat/Solvestat threshold used in conjunction with action=GT.
GAMSOptions::EPageContr::EPageContrEnum pageContr()
Get Output file page control option.
void setAsyncSolLst(const GAMSOptions::EAsyncSolLst::EAsyncSolLstEnum value)
Set Print solution listing when asynchronous solve (Grid or Threads) is used.
void setMulti(const std::string &value)
Set Switch default for "$on/offMulti[R]".
void setFiltered(const GAMSOptions::EFiltered::EFilteredEnum value)
Set Switch between filtered and domain-checked read from GDX.
void setInputDir(const std::string value, const int index)
Replace inputdir at the specified index of the inputdir list.
static std::string eSuffixDLVarsText(GAMSOptions::ESuffixDLVars::ESuffixDLVarsEnum type)
Get Switch default for "$on/offSuffixDLVars" as text.
void setCheckErrorLevel(const GAMSOptions::ECheckErrorLevel::ECheckErrorLevelEnum value)
Set Check errorLevel automatically after executing external program.
void setInteractiveSolver(const GAMSOptions::EInteractiveSolver::EInteractiveSolverEnum value)
Set Allow solver to interact via command line input.
GAMSOptions::EDigit::EDigitEnum digit()
Get Switch default for "$on/offDigit".
void setGridScript(const std::string &value)
Set Grid submission script.
static std::string egdxConvertText(GAMSOptions::EgdxConvert::EgdxConvertEnum type)
Get Version of GDX files generated (for backward compatibility) as text.
void setPreviousWork(const GAMSOptions::EPreviousWork::EPreviousWorkEnum value)
Set Indicator for writing workfile with previous workfile version.
GAMSOptions::EInteractiveSolver::EInteractiveSolverEnum interactiveSolver()
Get Allow solver to interact via command line input.
GAMSOptions::ESuffixAlgebraVars::ESuffixAlgebraVarsEnum suffixAlgebraVars()
Get Switch default for "$on/offSuffixAlgebraVars".
void setDumpParms(const GAMSOptions::EDumpParms::EDumpParmsEnum value)
Set GAMS parameter logging.
GAMSOptions::EPrefixLoadPath::EPrefixLoadPathEnum prefixLoadPath()
Get Prepend GAMS system directory to library load path.
void setForceOptFile(const int value)
Set Overwrites other option file section mechanism.
std::string dumpParmsLogPrefix()
Get Prefix of lines triggered by DumpParms>1.
void setDefine(const std::string &key, const std::string &value)
Set double-dash –key=value option pair.
void setSuffixAlgebraVars(const GAMSOptions::ESuffixAlgebraVars::ESuffixAlgebraVarsEnum value)
Set Switch default for "$on/offSuffixAlgebraVars".
void setLimCol(const int value)
Set Maximum number of columns listed in one variable block.
GAMSOptions::ESysOut::ESysOutEnum sysOut()
Get Solver Status file reporting option.
void setReference(const std::string &value)
Set Symbol reference file.
static std::string eListingText(GAMSOptions::EListing::EListingEnum type)
Get Switch default for "$on/offListing" as text.
void setCaptureModelInstance(const GAMSOptions::ECaptureModelInstance::ECaptureModelInstanceEnum value)
Set Switch to capture all model instances within a run.
static std::string egdxConvertCode(GAMSOptions::EgdxConvert::EgdxConvertEnum type)
Get Version of GDX files generated (for backward compatibility) as code.
void setMaxProcDir(const int value)
Set Maximum number of 225* process directories.
void setExecMode(const GAMSOptions::EExecMode::EExecModeEnum value)
Set Limits on external programs that are allowed to be executed.
GAMSOptions::ETraceOpt::ETraceOptEnum traceOpt()
Get Trace file format option.
void addInputDir(const std::string value)
Add new inputdir at the end of the inputdir list.
static std::string eSuffixAlgebraVarsText(GAMSOptions::ESuffixAlgebraVars::ESuffixAlgebraVarsEnum type)
Get Switch default for "$on/offSuffixAlgebraVars" as text.
int forceOptFile()
Get Overwrites other option file section mechanism.
void setTimer(const int value)
Set Instruction timer threshold in milli seconds.
void setgdxUels(const GAMSOptions::EgdxUels::EgdxUelsEnum value)
Set Unload labels or UELs to GDX either squeezed or full.
void setStringChk(const GAMSOptions::EStringChk::EStringChkEnum value)
Set String substitution options.
std::string getDefine(const std::string &key)
Get value of previously set double-dash –key-value option pair.
std::string scriptExit()
Get Program or script to be executed at the end of a GAMS run.
GAMSOptions::ELogLine::ELogLineEnum logLine()
Get Amount of line tracing to the log file.
void setProcTreeMemMonitor(const GAMSOptions::EProcTreeMemMonitor::EProcTreeMemMonitorEnum value)
Set Monitor the memory used by the GAMS process tree.
void setProcTreeMemTicks(const int value)
Set Set wait interval between memory monitor checks: ticks = milliseconds.
void setZeroRes(const double value)
Set The results of certain operations will be set to zero if abs(result) LE ZeroRes.
void setFDOpt(const GAMSOptions::EFDOpt::EFDOptEnum value)
Set Options for finite differences.
void setOn115(const GAMSOptions::EOn115::EOn115Enum value)
Set Generate errors for unknown unique element in an equation.
static std::string eDigitText(GAMSOptions::EDigit::EDigitEnum type)
Get Switch default for "$on/offDigit" as text.
void setOptCA(const double value)
Set Absolute Optimality criterion solver default.
static std::string eECImplicitLoadText(GAMSOptions::EECImplicitLoad::EECImplicitLoadEnum type)
Get Allow implicit loading of symbols from embedded code or not as text.
std::string decryptKey()
Get Key to decrypt a text file that was encrypted via $encrypt.
void setEolCom(const std::string &value)
Set Switch default for "$on/offEolCom" and "$eolCom".
std::string fileStemApFromEnv()
Get Append a string read from an environment variable to the "FileStem".
GAMSOptions::EHoldFixed::EHoldFixedEnum holdFixed()
Get Treat fixed variables as constants.
static std::string eImplicitAssignCode(GAMSOptions::EImplicitAssign::EImplicitAssignEnum type)
Get Switch default for "$on/offImplicitAssign" as code.
void setstrictSingleton(const GAMSOptions::EstrictSingleton::EstrictSingletonEnum value)
Set Error if assignment to singleton set has multiple elements.
int errorLog()
Get Max error message lines written to the log for each error.
void setJobTrace(const std::string &value)
Set Job trace string to be written to the trace file at the end of a GAMS job.
void setFreeEmbeddedPython(const GAMSOptions::EFreeEmbeddedPython::EFreeEmbeddedPythonEnum value)
Set Free external resources at the end of each embedded Python code blocks.
GAMSOptions::EEmpty::EEmptyEnum empty()
Get Switch default for "$on/offEmpty".
void setImplicitAssign(const GAMSOptions::EImplicitAssign::EImplicitAssignEnum value)
Set Switch default for "$on/offImplicitAssign".
static std::string eFilteredCode(GAMSOptions::EFiltered::EFilteredEnum type)
Get Switch between filtered and domain-checked read from GDX as code.
static std::string eImplicitAssignText(GAMSOptions::EImplicitAssign::EImplicitAssignEnum type)
Get Switch default for "$on/offImplicitAssign" as text.
void setSolveLink(const GAMSOptions::ESolveLink::ESolveLinkEnum value)
Set Solver link option.
void setHoldFixed(const GAMSOptions::EHoldFixed::EHoldFixedEnum value)
Set Treat fixed variables as constants.
static EgdxUels::EgdxUelsEnum egdxUelsFromCode(const std::string &str)
Get Unload labels or UELs to GDX either squeezed or full from std::string
bool removeDefine(const std::string &key)
Remove a double-dash option.
static EReferenceLineNo::EReferenceLineNoEnum eReferenceLineNoFromCode(const std::string &str)
Get Controls the line numbers written to a reference file from std::string
GAMSOptions::EgdxUels::EgdxUelsEnum gdxUels()
Get Unload labels or UELs to GDX either squeezed or full.
static EFiltered::EFilteredEnum eFilteredFromCode(const std::string &str)
Get Switch between filtered and domain-checked read from GDX from std::string
GAMSOptions::EPutNR::EPutNREnum putNR()
Get Numeric round format for put files.
void setSysOut(const GAMSOptions::ESysOut::ESysOutEnum value)
Set Solver Status file reporting option.
void setIDCGDXOutput(const std::string &value)
Set GDX file name for data for implicit output.
GAMSOptions::ESolveOpt::ESolveOptEnum solveOpt()
Get Multiple solve management.
GAMSOptions::EExecMode::EExecModeEnum execMode()
Get Limits on external programs that are allowed to be executed.
GAMSOptions::EStringChk::EStringChkEnum stringChk()
Get String substitution options.
GAMSOptions::EAppendOut::EAppendOutEnum appendOut()
Get Output file append option.
void writeOptionFile(const std::string &optFileName)
Export options to an option file.
void setIDCGDXInput(const std::string &value)
Set GDX file name with data for implicit input.
void setSuppress(const GAMSOptions::ESuppress::ESuppressEnum value)
Set Compiler listing option.
GAMSOptions::EShowOSMemory::EShowOSMemoryEnum showOSMemory()
Get Show the memory usage reported by the Operating System instead of the internal counting.
static ESuffixDLVars::ESuffixDLVarsEnum eSuffixDLVarsFromCode(const std::string &str)
Get Switch default for "$on/offSuffixDLVars" from std::string
int procTreeMemTicks()
Get Set wait interval between memory monitor checks: ticks = milliseconds.
double zeroRes()
Get The results of certain operations will be set to zero if abs(result) LE ZeroRes.
GAMSOptions::EPreviousWork::EPreviousWorkEnum previousWork()
Get Indicator for writing workfile with previous workfile version.
void setECImplicitLoad(const GAMSOptions::EECImplicitLoad::EECImplicitLoadEnum value)
Set Allow implicit loading of symbols from embedded code or not.
std::string getSolver(const std::string &modelType)
Get solver by model type.
GAMSOptions::EFileCase::EFileCaseEnum fileCase()
Get Casing of file names and paths (put, gdx, ref, $include, etc.)
void setNoNewVarEqu(const GAMSOptions::ENoNewVarEqu::ENoNewVarEquEnum value)
Set Triggers a compilation error when new equations or variable symbols are introduced.
void setLstTitleLeftAligned(const GAMSOptions::ELstTitleLeftAligned::ELstTitleLeftAlignedEnum value)
Set Write title of LST file all left aligned.
static EReplace::EReplaceEnum eReplaceFromCode(const std::string &str)
Get Switch between merge and replace when reading from GDX into non-empty symbol from std::string
void setAppendOut(const GAMSOptions::EAppendOut::EAppendOutEnum value)
Set Output file append option.
GAMSOptions::EOn115::EOn115Enum on115()
Get Generate errors for unknown unique element in an equation.
void setThreads(const int value)
Set Number of processors to be used by a solver.
void setLicense(const std::string &value)
Set Use alternative license file.
void setWarnings(const int value)
Set Number of warnings permitted before a run terminates.
void setAction(const GAMSOptions::EAction::EActionEnum value)
Set GAMS processing request.
void setDomLim(const int value)
Set Domain violation limit solver default.
void setFileCase(const GAMSOptions::EFileCase::EFileCaseEnum value)
Set Casing of file names and paths (put, gdx, ref, $include, etc.)
void setDigit(const GAMSOptions::EDigit::EDigitEnum value)
Set Switch default for "$on/offDigit".
void setSymPrefix(const std::string &value)
Set Prefix all symbols encountered during compilation by the specified string in work file.
std::string getInputDir(const int index)
Get an inputdir at position index of the inputdir list.
static std::string eMIIModeText(GAMSOptions::EMIIMode::EMIIModeEnum type)
Get Model Instance Mode as text.
GAMSOptions::EKeep::EKeepEnum keep()
Get Controls keeping or deletion of process directory and scratch files.
void setKeep(const GAMSOptions::EKeep::EKeepEnum value)
Set Controls keeping or deletion of process directory and scratch files.
GAMSOptions::EgdxCompress::EgdxCompressEnum gdxCompress()
Get Compression of generated GDX file.
void setProfileFile(const std::string &value)
Set Write profile information to this file.
void setErrMsg(const GAMSOptions::EErrMsg::EErrMsgEnum value)
Set Placing of compilation error messages.
void setgdxCompress(const GAMSOptions::EgdxCompress::EgdxCompressEnum value)
Set Compression of generated GDX file.
GAMSOptions::ECheckErrorLevel::ECheckErrorLevelEnum checkErrorLevel()
Get Check errorLevel automatically after executing external program.
GAMSOptions::EDumpOpt::EDumpOptEnum dumpOpt()
Get Writes preprocessed input to the file input.dmp.
LogId logID()
static EgdxConvert::EgdxConvertEnum egdxConvertFromCode(const std::string &str)
Get Version of GDX files generated (for backward compatibility) from std::string
GAMSOptions::EErrMsg::EErrMsgEnum errMsg()
Get Placing of compilation error messages.
void setSolPrint(const GAMSOptions::ESolPrint::ESolPrintEnum value)
Set Solution report print option.
GAMSOptions::EProcTreeMemMonitor::EProcTreeMemMonitorEnum procTreeMemMonitor()
Get Monitor the memory used by the GAMS process tree.
void setPrefixLoadPath(const GAMSOptions::EPrefixLoadPath::EPrefixLoadPathEnum value)
Set Prepend GAMS system directory to library load path.
void setSavePoint(const GAMSOptions::ESavePoint::ESavePointEnum value)
Set Save solver point in GDX file.
void setPageSize(const int value)
Set Output file page size (=0 no paging)
static EEmpty::EEmptyEnum eEmptyFromCode(const std::string &str)
Get Switch default for "$on/offEmpty" from std::string
void setHoldFixedAsync(const GAMSOptions::EHoldFixedAsync::EHoldFixedAsyncEnum value)
Set Allow HoldFixed for models solved asynchronously as well.
static std::string eReferenceLineNoText(GAMSOptions::EReferenceLineNo::EReferenceLineNoEnum type)
Get Controls the line numbers written to a reference file as text.
static std::string eEmptyText(GAMSOptions::EEmpty::EEmptyEnum type)
Get Switch default for "$on/offEmpty" as text.
void setEncryptKey(const std::string &value)
Set Key to encrypt a text file using $encrypt.
void setSys11(const GAMSOptions::ESys11::ESys11Enum value)
Set Dynamic resorting if indices in assignment/data statements are not in natural order.
GAMSOptions::EReferenceLineNo::EReferenceLineNoEnum referenceLineNo()
Get Controls the line numbers written to a reference file.
GAMSOptions::ESavePoint::ESavePointEnum savePoint()
Get Save solver point in GDX file.
int traceLevel()
Get Modelstat/Solvestat threshold used in conjunction with action=GT.
std::string symPrefix()
Get Prefix all symbols encountered during compilation by the specified string in work file.
GAMSOptions::EReplace::EReplaceEnum replace()
Get Switch between merge and replace when reading from GDX into non-empty symbol.
void setForceWork(const GAMSOptions::EForceWork::EForceWorkEnum value)
Set Force GAMS to process a save file created with a newer GAMS version or with execution errors.
void setScriptExit(const std::string &value)
Set Program or script to be executed at the end of a GAMS run.
GAMSOptions::EImplicitAssign::EImplicitAssignEnum implicitAssign()
Get Switch default for "$on/offImplicitAssign".
void removeInputDir(const int index)
Remove an inputdir at position index of the inputdir list.
void setPageContr(const GAMSOptions::EPageContr::EPageContrEnum value)
Set Output file page control option.
GAMSOptions::EIntVarUp::EIntVarUpEnum intVarUp()
Get Set mode for default upper bounds on integer variables.
void setSuffixDLVars(const GAMSOptions::ESuffixDLVars::ESuffixDLVarsEnum value)
Set Switch default for "$on/offSuffixDLVars".
std::string iDCGDXOutput()
Get GDX file name for data for implicit output.
static std::string eReplaceCode(GAMSOptions::EReplace::EReplaceEnum type)
Get Switch between merge and replace when reading from GDX into non-empty symbol as code.
void setLogLine(const GAMSOptions::ELogLine::ELogLineEnum value)
Set Amount of line tracing to the log file.
void setErrorLog(const int value)
Set Max error message lines written to the log for each error.
static std::string eEmptyCode(GAMSOptions::EEmpty::EEmptyEnum type)
Get Switch default for "$on/offEmpty" as code.
void setZeroResRep(const GAMSOptions::EZeroResRep::EZeroResRepEnum value)
Set Report underflow as a warning when abs(results) LE ZeroRes and result set to zero.
static std::string eReferenceLineNoCode(GAMSOptions::EReferenceLineNo::EReferenceLineNoEnum type)
Get Controls the line numbers written to a reference file as code.
void setMaxExecError(const int value)
Set Execution time error limit.
std::string inlineCom()
Get Switch default for "$on/offInline" and "$inlineCom".
void setDumpOptGDX(const std::string &value)
Set Defines a GDX file name stem created when using DumpOpt.
void setListing(const GAMSOptions::EListing::EListingEnum value)
Set Switch default for "$on/offListing".
GAMSOptions::ESuppress::ESuppressEnum suppress()
Get Compiler listing option.
void setTraceOpt(const GAMSOptions::ETraceOpt::ETraceOptEnum value)
Set Trace file format option.
void setShowOSMemory(const GAMSOptions::EShowOSMemory::EShowOSMemoryEnum value)
Set Show the memory usage reported by the Operating System instead of the internal counting.
void setFileStem(const std::string &value)
Set Sets the file stem for output files which use the input file name as stem by default.
void setCharSet(const GAMSOptions::ECharSet::ECharSetEnum value)
Set Character set flag.
void setSolveOpt(const GAMSOptions::ESolveOpt::ESolveOptEnum value)
Set Multiple solve management.
void setWorkFactor(const double value)
Set Memory Estimate multiplier for some solvers.
static std::string egdxUelsText(GAMSOptions::EgdxUels::EgdxUelsEnum type)
Get Unload labels or UELs to GDX either squeezed or full as text.
GAMSOptions::EForceWork::EForceWorkEnum forceWork()
Get Force GAMS to process a save file created with a newer GAMS version or with execution errors.
GAMSOptions::ESolveLink::ESolveLinkEnum solveLink()
Get Solver link option.
GAMSOptions::EstrictSingleton::EstrictSingletonEnum strictSingleton()
Get Error if assignment to singleton set has multiple elements.
GAMSOptions::EListing::EListingEnum listing()
Get Switch default for "$on/offListing".
void setReplace(const GAMSOptions::EReplace::EReplaceEnum value)
Set Switch between merge and replace when reading from GDX into non-empty symbol.
GAMSOptions::EAppendExpand::EAppendExpandEnum appendExpand()
Get Expand file append option.
void setgdxConvert(const GAMSOptions::EgdxConvert::EgdxConvertEnum value)
Set Version of GDX files generated (for backward compatibility)
Definition gamsworkspace.h:89
Print solution listing when asynchronous solve (Grid or Threads) is used.
Definition gamsoptions.h:97
Print solution listing when asynchronous solve (Grid or Threads) is used.
Definition gamsoptions.h:100
Switch to capture all model instances within a run.
Definition gamsoptions.h:107
Switch to capture all model instances within a run.
Definition gamsoptions.h:110
Check errorLevel automatically after executing external program.
Definition gamsoptions.h:137
Check errorLevel automatically after executing external program.
Definition gamsoptions.h:140
Writes preprocessed input to the file input.dmp.
Definition gamsoptions.h:168
Allow implicit loading of symbols from embedded code or not.
Definition gamsoptions.h:199
Allow implicit loading of symbols from embedded code or not.
Definition gamsoptions.h:202
Limits on external programs that are allowed to be executed.
Definition gamsoptions.h:230
Limits on external programs that are allowed to be executed.
Definition gamsoptions.h:233
Casing of file names and paths (put, gdx, ref, $include, etc.)
Definition gamsoptions.h:261
Casing of file names and paths (put, gdx, ref, $include, etc.)
Definition gamsoptions.h:264
Switch between filtered and domain-checked read from GDX.
Definition gamsoptions.h:274
Force GAMS to process a save file created with a newer GAMS version or with execution errors.
Definition gamsoptions.h:284
Force GAMS to process a save file created with a newer GAMS version or with execution errors.
Definition gamsoptions.h:287
Free external resources at the end of each embedded Python code blocks.
Definition gamsoptions.h:294
Free external resources at the end of each embedded Python code blocks.
Definition gamsoptions.h:297
Allow HoldFixed for models solved asynchronously as well.
Definition gamsoptions.h:345
Allow HoldFixed for models solved asynchronously as well.
Definition gamsoptions.h:348
Switch default for "$on/offImplicitAssign".
Definition gamsoptions.h:355
Set mode for default upper bounds on integer variables.
Definition gamsoptions.h:375
Allow solver to interact via command line input.
Definition gamsoptions.h:365
Controls keeping or deletion of process directory and scratch files.
Definition gamsoptions.h:387
Controls keeping or deletion of process directory and scratch files.
Definition gamsoptions.h:390
Write title of LST file all left aligned.
Definition gamsoptions.h:418
Triggers a compilation error when new equations or variable symbols are introduced.
Definition gamsoptions.h:439
Triggers a compilation error when new equations or variable symbols are introduced.
Definition gamsoptions.h:442
Generate errors for unknown unique element in an equation.
Definition gamsoptions.h:449
Prepend GAMS system directory to library load path.
Definition gamsoptions.h:471
Indicator for writing workfile with previous workfile version.
Definition gamsoptions.h:481
Indicator for writing workfile with previous workfile version.
Definition gamsoptions.h:484
Monitor the memory used by the GAMS process tree.
Definition gamsoptions.h:491
Monitor the memory used by the GAMS process tree.
Definition gamsoptions.h:494
Controls the line numbers written to a reference file.
Definition gamsoptions.h:514
Controls the line numbers written to a reference file.
Definition gamsoptions.h:517
Switch between merge and replace when reading from GDX into non-empty symbol.
Definition gamsoptions.h:524
Switch between merge and replace when reading from GDX into non-empty symbol.
Definition gamsoptions.h:527
Show the memory usage reported by the Operating System instead of the internal counting.
Definition gamsoptions.h:547
Show the memory usage reported by the Operating System instead of the internal counting.
Definition gamsoptions.h:550
Summary of computing resources used by job steps.
Definition gamsoptions.h:596
Switch default for "$on/offSuffixAlgebraVars".
Definition gamsoptions.h:637
Switch default for "$on/offSuffixDLVars".
Definition gamsoptions.h:627
Changes rpower to ipower when the exponent is constant and within 1e-12 of an integer.
Definition gamsoptions.h:657
Changes rpower to ipower when the exponent is constant and within 1e-12 of an integer.
Definition gamsoptions.h:660
Dynamic resorting if indices in assignment/data statements are not in natural order.
Definition gamsoptions.h:667
Dynamic resorting if indices in assignment/data statements are not in natural order.
Definition gamsoptions.h:670
Report underflow as a warning when abs(results) LE ZeroRes and result set to zero.
Definition gamsoptions.h:712
Report underflow as a warning when abs(results) LE ZeroRes and result set to zero.
Definition gamsoptions.h:715
Version of GDX files generated (for backward compatibility)
Definition gamsoptions.h:314
Version of GDX files generated (for backward compatibility)
Definition gamsoptions.h:317
Unload labels or UELs to GDX either squeezed or full.
Definition gamsoptions.h:325
Error if assignment to singleton set has multiple elements.
Definition gamsoptions.h:606
Error if assignment to singleton set has multiple elements.
Definition gamsoptions.h:609