new GAMSEquationRecord | AddRecord (params string[] keys) |
| Add record to GAMSEquation.
new GAMSEquationRecord | FindRecord (params string[] keys) |
| Find record in GAMSEquation.
new GAMSEquationRecord | MergeRecord (params string[] keys) |
| Finds record in GAMSEquation if it exists, adds it if not.
new GAMSEquationRecord | FirstRecord () |
| Retrieve first record in GAMSEquation.
new GAMSEquationRecord | FirstRecord (params string[] slice) |
| Retrieve a slice of the first record in GAMSEquation.
new GAMSEquationRecord | LastRecord () |
| Retrieve last record in GAMSEquation.
new GAMSEquationRecord | LastRecord (params string[] slice) |
| Retrieve a slice of the last record in GAMSEquation.
bool | DeleteRecord (params string[] keys) |
| Delete GAMSSymbol record.
bool | Clear () |
| Clear symbol.
bool | CheckDomains () |
| Check if all records are within the specified domain of the symbol.
List< GAMSSymbolDomainViolation > | GetSymbolDVs (int MaxViol=0) |
| Return all GAMSSymbolDomainViolations.
GAMSSymbolRecord | AddRecord (params string[] keys) |
| Add record to GAMSSymbol.
GAMSSymbolRecord | FindRecord (params string[] keys) |
| Find record in GAMSSymbol.
GAMSSymbolRecord | MergeRecord (params string[] keys) |
| Finds record in GAMSSymbol if it exists, adds it if not.
GAMSSymbolRecord | FirstRecord () |
| Retrieve first record in GAMSSymbol.
GAMSSymbolRecord | FirstRecord (params string[] slice) |
| Retrieve the first record in GAMSSymbol that meets the slice criteria.
GAMSSymbolRecord | LastRecord () |
| Retrieve last record in GAMSSymbol.
GAMSSymbolRecord | LastRecord (params string[] slice) |
| Retrieve a slice of the last record in GAMSSymbol.
void | CopySymbol (GAMSSymbol target) |
| Copys all records of this GAMSSymbol to target GAMSSymbol (if target had records, they will be deleted)
void | CopyToArray (object cube, int field=gamsglobals.val_level) |
| Copies values of a dense symbol into a dense array If the symbol is a set, the position of each record within the set is stored (1-based). If the symbol is a parameter the value is stored. If the symbol is an equation or a variable the parameter field determines what is stored.
int | CopyToSqzdArray (object cube, int field, params Tuple< GAMSSet, GAMSSet >[] domains) |
| Copies values of a sparse symbol into a squeezed array If the symbol is a set, the position of each record within the set is stored (1-based). If the symbol is a parameter the value is stored. If the symbol is an equation or a variable the parameter field determines what is stored.
int | CopyToSqzdArray (object cube, params Tuple< GAMSSet, GAMSSet >[] domains) |
| Copies values of a sparse symbol into a squeezed array If the symbol is a set, the position of each record within the set is stored (1-based). If the symbol is a parameter the value is stored. If the symbol is an equation or a variable the level is stored.
int | CopySparseToDenseArray (object cube, int field, params GAMSSet[] domains) |
| Copies values of a sparse symbol into a dense array If the symbol is a set, the position of each record within the set is stored (1-based). If the symbol is a parameter the value is stored. If the symbol is an equation or a variable the parameter field determines what is stored.
int | CopySparseToDenseArray (object cube, params GAMSSet[] domains) |
| Copies values of a sparse symbol into a squeezed array If the symbol is a set, the position of each record within the set is stored (1-based). If the symbol is a parameter the value is stored. If the symbol is an equation or a variable the level is stored.
void | CopyFromDenseArray (object cube, params GAMSSet[] domains) |
| Copies values from dense array into a symbol If the symbol is a set, the defined records are added. If the symbol is a parameter, the defined records are added and the values are set. If the symbol is an equation or a variable, the defined records are added and the levels are set.111.
void | CopySliceFromDenseArray (object cube, params Tuple< GAMSSet, GAMSSet >[] domains) |
| Copies values from slice of dense array into a symbol If the symbol is a set, the defined records are added. If the symbol is a parameter, the defined records are added and the values are set. If the symbol is an equation or a variable, the defined records are added and the levels are set.111.
override bool | Equals (object obj) |
| Indicates whether another object is "equal to" this one. This is the case if they hold the same Symbol Pointer (aka the same internal reference).
override int | GetHashCode () |
| Calculates a Hash Code based on the Sympol Pointer (aka the internal reference).
bool | Equals (GAMSSymbol s) |
| Indicates whether another GAMSSymbol is "equal to" this one. This is the case if they hold the same Symbol Pointer (aka the same internal reference).
GAMSSymbolEnumerator | GetEnumerator () |
| Retrieve an enumerator for this symbol.