No Matches
GAMS.GAMSEquation Class Reference

This is the representation of an equation symbol in GAMS. It exists in a GAMSDatabase and contains GAMSEquationRecords which one can iterate through. More...

Inheritance diagram for GAMS.GAMSEquation:

Public Member Functions

new GAMSEquationRecord AddRecord (params string[] keys)
 Add record to GAMSEquation.
new GAMSEquationRecord FindRecord (params string[] keys)
 Find record in GAMSEquation.
new GAMSEquationRecord MergeRecord (params string[] keys)
 Finds record in GAMSEquation if it exists, adds it if not.
new GAMSEquationRecord FirstRecord ()
 Retrieve first record in GAMSEquation.
new GAMSEquationRecord FirstRecord (params string[] slice)
 Retrieve a slice of the first record in GAMSEquation.
new GAMSEquationRecord LastRecord ()
 Retrieve last record in GAMSEquation.
new GAMSEquationRecord LastRecord (params string[] slice)
 Retrieve a slice of the last record in GAMSEquation.
- Public Member Functions inherited from GAMS.GAMSSymbol
bool DeleteRecord (params string[] keys)
 Delete GAMSSymbol record.
bool Clear ()
 Clear symbol.
bool CheckDomains ()
 Check if all records are within the specified domain of the symbol.
List< GAMSSymbolDomainViolationGetSymbolDVs (int MaxViol=0)
 Return all GAMSSymbolDomainViolations.
GAMSSymbolRecord AddRecord (params string[] keys)
 Add record to GAMSSymbol.
GAMSSymbolRecord FindRecord (params string[] keys)
 Find record in GAMSSymbol.
GAMSSymbolRecord MergeRecord (params string[] keys)
 Finds record in GAMSSymbol if it exists, adds it if not.
GAMSSymbolRecord FirstRecord ()
 Retrieve first record in GAMSSymbol.
GAMSSymbolRecord FirstRecord (params string[] slice)
 Retrieve the first record in GAMSSymbol that meets the slice criteria.
GAMSSymbolRecord LastRecord ()
 Retrieve last record in GAMSSymbol.
GAMSSymbolRecord LastRecord (params string[] slice)
 Retrieve a slice of the last record in GAMSSymbol.
void CopySymbol (GAMSSymbol target)
 Copys all records of this GAMSSymbol to target GAMSSymbol (if target had records, they will be deleted)
void CopyToArray (object cube, int field=gamsglobals.val_level)
 Copies values of a dense symbol into a dense array If the symbol is a set, the position of each record within the set is stored (1-based). If the symbol is a parameter the value is stored. If the symbol is an equation or a variable the parameter field determines what is stored.
int CopyToSqzdArray (object cube, int field, params Tuple< GAMSSet, GAMSSet >[] domains)
 Copies values of a sparse symbol into a squeezed array If the symbol is a set, the position of each record within the set is stored (1-based). If the symbol is a parameter the value is stored. If the symbol is an equation or a variable the parameter field determines what is stored.
int CopyToSqzdArray (object cube, params Tuple< GAMSSet, GAMSSet >[] domains)
 Copies values of a sparse symbol into a squeezed array If the symbol is a set, the position of each record within the set is stored (1-based). If the symbol is a parameter the value is stored. If the symbol is an equation or a variable the level is stored.
int CopySparseToDenseArray (object cube, int field, params GAMSSet[] domains)
 Copies values of a sparse symbol into a dense array If the symbol is a set, the position of each record within the set is stored (1-based). If the symbol is a parameter the value is stored. If the symbol is an equation or a variable the parameter field determines what is stored.
int CopySparseToDenseArray (object cube, params GAMSSet[] domains)
 Copies values of a sparse symbol into a squeezed array If the symbol is a set, the position of each record within the set is stored (1-based). If the symbol is a parameter the value is stored. If the symbol is an equation or a variable the level is stored.
void CopyFromDenseArray (object cube, params GAMSSet[] domains)
 Copies values from dense array into a symbol If the symbol is a set, the defined records are added. If the symbol is a parameter, the defined records are added and the values are set. If the symbol is an equation or a variable, the defined records are added and the levels are set.111.
void CopySliceFromDenseArray (object cube, params Tuple< GAMSSet, GAMSSet >[] domains)
 Copies values from slice of dense array into a symbol If the symbol is a set, the defined records are added. If the symbol is a parameter, the defined records are added and the values are set. If the symbol is an equation or a variable, the defined records are added and the levels are set.111.
override bool Equals (object obj)
 Indicates whether another object is "equal to" this one. This is the case if they hold the same Symbol Pointer (aka the same internal reference).
override int GetHashCode ()
 Calculates a Hash Code based on the Sympol Pointer (aka the internal reference).
bool Equals (GAMSSymbol s)
 Indicates whether another GAMSSymbol is "equal to" this one. This is the case if they hold the same Symbol Pointer (aka the same internal reference).
GAMSSymbolEnumerator GetEnumerator ()
 Retrieve an enumerator for this symbol.


EquType EquType [get]
 Retrieve subtype of Equation (E: Equal, G: Greater, L: Less, N: No specification, X: External defined, C: Conic)
- Properties inherited from GAMS.GAMSSymbol
GAMSDatabase GAMSDatabase [get]
 Get GAMSDatabase containing GAMSSymbol.
string Name [get]
 Get GAMSSymbol name.
int Dim [get]
 Get GAMSSymbol dimension.
string Text [get]
 Get explanatory text of GAMSSymbol.
int NumberRecords [get]
 Retrieve the number of records of the GAMSSymbol.
List< object > Domains [get]
 Domains of Symbol, each element is either a GAMSSet (real domain) or a string (relaxed domain)
List< string > DomainsAsStrings [get]
 Domains of Symbol, each element is a string Note: If the domain is an alias in GAMS, this call will return the name of the Alias, not the name of the aliased Set.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from GAMS.GAMSSymbol
static bool operator== (GAMSSymbol lhs, GAMSSymbol rhs)
 Indicate whether two GAMSSybols are equal to each other. This is the case if they hold the same Symbol Pointer (aka the same internal reference).
static bool operator!= (GAMSSymbol lhs, GAMSSymbol rhs)
 Indicate whether two GAMSSybols are not equal to each other. This is the case if they hold different Symbol Pointer (aka different internal references).
- Protected Member Functions inherited from GAMS.GAMSSymbol
 GAMSSymbol (GAMSDatabase database, IntPtr symPtr)
 GAMSSymbol (GAMSDatabase database, string identifier, int dimension, string explanatoryText)
- Package Functions inherited from GAMS.GAMSSymbol
- Package Attributes inherited from GAMS.GAMSSymbol

Detailed Description

This is the representation of an equation symbol in GAMS. It exists in a GAMSDatabase and contains GAMSEquationRecords which one can iterate through.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddRecord()

new GAMSEquationRecord GAMS.GAMSEquation.AddRecord ( params string[] keys)

Add record to GAMSEquation.

keysList of keys
Reference to added record

◆ FindRecord()

new GAMSEquationRecord GAMS.GAMSEquation.FindRecord ( params string[] keys)

Find record in GAMSEquation.

keysList of keys
Reference to found record

◆ FirstRecord() [1/2]

new GAMSEquationRecord GAMS.GAMSEquation.FirstRecord ( )

Retrieve first record in GAMSEquation.

Reference to record

◆ FirstRecord() [2/2]

new GAMSEquationRecord GAMS.GAMSEquation.FirstRecord ( params string[] slice)

Retrieve a slice of the first record in GAMSEquation.

sliceDefine filter for elements whose record should be retrieved
Reference to record

◆ LastRecord() [1/2]

new GAMSEquationRecord GAMS.GAMSEquation.LastRecord ( )

Retrieve last record in GAMSEquation.

Reference to record

◆ LastRecord() [2/2]

new GAMSEquationRecord GAMS.GAMSEquation.LastRecord ( params string[] slice)

Retrieve a slice of the last record in GAMSEquation.

sliceDefine filter for elements whose record should be retrieved
Reference to record

◆ MergeRecord()

new GAMSEquationRecord GAMS.GAMSEquation.MergeRecord ( params string[] keys)

Finds record in GAMSEquation if it exists, adds it if not.

keysList of keys
Reference to added record

Property Documentation

◆ EquType

EquType GAMS.GAMSEquation.EquType

Retrieve subtype of Equation (E: Equal, G: Greater, L: Less, N: No specification, X: External defined, C: Conic)