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BendersDecomposition2StageSP Namespace Reference
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class | Benders2Stage |
This example demonstrates a sequential implementation of a simple Benders decomposition method for a stochastic linear program. The underlying model implements a simple distribution system with stochastic demand data. The master and the subproblems are implemented with the GAMSModelInstance object which allows resolving the model with modified input without regenerating the model. A GAMSModelInstance has a fixed model rim, so this provides a challenge for Benders master problem because every iteration adds new constraints (the Benders cuts) to the master. We get around this limitation of GAMSModelInstance by initializing the GAMSModelInstance of the master with a fixed number of empty (i.e. non-binding) placeholders constraints and during the run of the algorithm turn these placeholder constraints into valid Benders cuts. More... | |
class | Benders2StageMT |
This example demonstrates a parallel implementation of a simple Benders decomposition method for a stochastic linear program. The underlying model implements a simple distribution system with stochastic demand data. This parallel version extends the Benders2Stage example by solving the independent subproblems in parallel. For that we need to instantiate a separate GAMSModelInstance for each parallel worker. We use the efficient GAMSModelInstance.copyModelInstance method to accomplish this in the most effective way. The number of demand scenarios can be larger than the number of parallel workers. The distribution of work is handled through a work queue. The parallel execution of the subproblems is done in separate threads (the MT in the name of the example stands for Multi Threading), so there is very little overhead from disk activity. More... | |