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Examples List
Here are the examples with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
▼Ncom | |
▼Ngams | Provides package namespace for Java interface and examples to General Algebraic Model System (GAMS) |
▼Pexamples | Provides for Java examples illustrating the usage of GAMS Java AP from package com.gams.api |
▼Palias | Provides examples that demonstrate the logic of how aliases are handled in the GAMS Java API |
CAlias | The Object-oriented API does not have the concept of a GAMS alias |
▼Pbenders | Provides examples that implement simple Benders decomposition method for a stochastic linear program |
CBenders2Stage | This example demonstrates a sequential implementation of a simple Benders decomposition method for a stochastic linear program |
CBenders2StageMT | This example demonstrates a parallel implementation of a simple Benders decomposition method for a stochastic linear program |
▼Pclad | Provides examples that demonstrates how to implement a complex termination criterion for a difficult MIP using GAMS/Cplex |
CClad | This example demonstrates how to implement a complex termination criterion for a difficult MIP using GAMS/Cplex |
▼Pcutstock | Provides examples that implement a column generation approach to solve the cutting stock problem |
CCutstock | This example implements a column generation approach |
CCutstockModel | This example shows the wrapper model of a cutstock problem based on the simple GAMS [cutstock] model from the GAMS Model Library |
CSimpleCutstock | This example implements a column generation approach |
▼Pdomain | Provides examples that demonstrate how to trigger domain checking and how to access the records that violate the referential integrity |
CDomainCheck | The example enforces referential integrity also known in the GAMS lingo as domain checking |
▼Pinterrupt | Provides examples that demonstrate how to alter some console properties to get this behavior of Ctrl-C |
CConsoleInterrupt | This example demonstrates how to interrupt a solve in a running job but then continues with the execution of the remaining GAMS job |
CInterruptGUI | This small example demonstrates how to run a GAMS model in a graphical user interface |
▼Pspecialvalues | |
CSpecialValues | This example shows how special values of the programming language (e.g |
▼Ptransport | Provides examples that demonstrate the use of the GAMS Java API on the simple transport model [trnsport] from the GAMS Model Library |
CTransport1 | This example shows how to create and run a GAMSJob from the simple GAMS [trnsport] model from the GAMS Model Library |
CTransport10 | This example demonstrates how to retrieve an input for GAMS Transport Model from an Excel file (transport.xls) using JExcelApi, a open source java API for reading/writing Excel (See https://jexcelapi.sourceforge.net/) and Apache POI, Apache Java API for the Microsoft Documents (https://poi.apache.org/) |
CTransport11 | This example shows how to create and use save/restart file |
CTransport12 | This example demonstrates how to implement a GUSS approach using the GAMS Java API and the GAMS [trnsport] model from the GAMS Model Library |
CTransport13 | This example demonstrates how to run a job via the wrapper model of a GAMS [trnsport] from the transportation problem based from the GAMS Model Library |
CTransport14 | This example shows how to run multiple GAMSJobs in parallel each using different scenario |
CTransport2 | This example shows how to include data files to run a job with the simple GAMS [trnsport] model from the GAMS Model Library |
CTransport3 | This example shows how to set a non-default working directory, to read data from string, to export datbase to gdx, as well as to run a job using data from gdx |
CTransport4 | This example shows how to prepare a GAMSDatabase from Java data structures |
CTransport5 | This example shows how to initialize a GAMSJob from a GAMSCheckpoint |
CTransport6 | This example shows how to run multiple GAMSJobs in parallel using a GAMSCheckpoint |
CTransport7 | This example shows how to create a GAMSModelInstance from a GAMSCheckpoint and how to modify a parameter or a variable of a GAMSModelInstance using GAMSModifiler |
CTransport8 | This example shows how to use a queue to solve multiple GAMSModelInstances in parallel |
CTransport9 | This example demonstrates how to retrieve an input for GAMS Transport Model from a MSAccess file (transport.accdb) using standard JDBC library |
CTransportEngine | This example shows how to run a GAMSJob on GAMS Engine using the runEngine method (since GAMS 44): |
CTransportGDX | This example shows the use of the GAMSDatabase class for reading and writing GDX files |
CTransportGUI | In this example a transportation is solved |
CTransportModel | This example shows the wrapper model of a transportation problem based on the simple GAMS [trnsport] model from the GAMS Model Library |
▼Ptsp | Provides examples that demonstrate how to use a GAMSModelInstance to implement the subtour elimination algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) problem |
CTsp | This example demonstrates how to use a GAMSModelInstance to implement the subtour elimination algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) problem |
▼Pwarehouse | Provides example that demonstrate how to solve a simple GAMS model to assign stores to warehouses for different data sets in parallel |
CWarehouse | This example demonstrates how to solve a simple GAMS model to assign stores to warehouses for different data sets in parallel |