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gams.control.database.GamsSetRecord Class Reference

This is the representation of a single record of a GamsSet. More...

Inheritance diagram for gams.control.database.GamsSetRecord:

Public Member Functions

 __str__ (self)
 Retrieve a string representation of this record.
- Public Member Functions inherited from gams.control.database._GamsSymbolRecord
 key (self, index)
 Retrieve key of GamsSymbolRecord on position index.
 move_next (self)
 Iterate to next GamsSymbolRecord of GamsSymbol.
 move_previous (self)
 Iterate to previous GamsSymbolRecord of GamsSymbol.


 text = property(get_text, set_text)
 Get or set the explanatory text of this record.
- Properties inherited from gams.control.database._GamsSymbolRecord
 keys = property(get_keys)
 Retrieve keys of GamsSymbolRecord.
 symbol = property(get_symbol)
 Retrieve the GamsSymbol that contains this record.

Detailed Description

This is the representation of a single record of a GamsSet.