Print Dialog

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Specify various options before printing or previewing the current file.


The following options are available:


Print Selected Block

When enabled, only the selected text will be printed


Header & Page Numbers

When enabled, every page will have the file name, date and page number printed.


Line numbers

Places line numbers in the left margin.


Syntax print

Uses text attributes, such as bold and italic, to indicate elements with syntax highlighting.


Page Control Codes

When enabled, a line feed character in the text will cause a new page to be printed


Two Pages

When disabled, the pages will be printed in the current printer paper orientation (landscape or portrait.)

When enabled, the pages will be printed depending on the current page orientation. If the page orientation is set to portrait, every sheet will be printed in landscape, with two facing pages. If the page orientation is set to landscape, every sheet will be printed in portrait with a single long page.


Color print

Uses color to indicate elements with syntax highlighting. Requires a color printer.


Printer font

The font used for printing. Double-click this field to get a list of fonts from which you can select the new printer font.


Font Size

The font size used for printing


All Pages

When selected, all pages will be printed


Page Range

When selected, you can specify page ranges, for example, 1,5-6 will print page one, five and six.





Use the selected parameters and show the printer selection dialog. This window allows the selection of the destination of the output (printer, preview or file) and allows the selection of a different printer. .



Save all parameters and close the window.