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transport8a.py File Reference

This is a variation of the transport8.py example and it uses the multiprocessing Python package instead of threading in order to achieve parallel execution. More...

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def transport8a.scen_solve (cp_file, bmult_queue, queue_lock, io_lock)


str transport8a.GAMS_MODEL
sys transport8a.sys_dir = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else None
GamsWorkspace transport8a.ws = GamsWorkspace(system_directory=sys_dir)
GamsWorkspace transport8a.cp = ws.add_checkpoint()
GamsWorkspace transport8a.job = ws.add_job_from_string(GAMS_MODEL)
os transport8a.cp_file = os.path.join(ws.working_directory, cp.name) + ".g00"
Queue transport8a.bmult_queue = Queue()
list transport8a.bmult = [0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3]
Lock transport8a.io_lock = Lock()
Lock transport8a.queue_lock = Lock()
int transport8a.nr_workers = 4
dict transport8a.processes = {}

Detailed Description

This is a variation of the transport8.py example and it uses the multiprocessing Python package instead of threading in order to achieve parallel execution.

Threads in the CPython implementation are not executed in parallel due to the Global Interpreter Lock.

Definition in file transport8a.py.