goempgo.gms : EMP Quality Assurance Test


This model runs all models included in the EMP Library and their success

Contributor: Jan-H. Jagla, January 2009

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS EMP library

Main file : goempgo.gms   includes :  empmod.inc [html]

$title 'EMP Quality Assurance Test' (GOEMPGO,SEQ=16)


This model runs all models included in the EMP Library and their success

Contributor: Jan-H. Jagla, January 2009


$eolCom //

$set SLASH     \
$if %system.filesys% == UNIX $set SLASH /

$if not set PREFIX $set PREFIX %system.platform%

$set GAMSLO %gams.lo%
$if %gams.ide% == 1 $set GAMSLO 2

$set FLAGS lo=%GAMSLO% etlim=1800 %gams.user1%

$set ALL   all_emp.gms
$set FAIL  failures_emp.gms
$set RMDIR rmdir.gms
$if not set TRACE    $set TRACE    emplib.trc  // gtrace file trace=%TRACE%
$if not set TRACEREP $set TRACEREP emplib.rep  // Gtrace report file
$set TL       6

scalar licensed /0/;
$if '%LICENSE%' == 'yes' licensed = 1;

$include empmod.inc

$if not set TEST $goTo alltests
set m2(m) / %TEST% /;
$goTo singletests
$label alltests
set m2(m); m2(m) = yes;
$label singletests

set solvers        master set of solvers  / system.solverNames /
    solverPlatformMap(solvers,*)          / system.SolverPlatformMap /
    mt            modelTypes              / system.modeltypes /
    avail(solvers) EMP Solvers available for this platform';

$ifThen set solver
set singleS(solvers) / %solver% /;
  abort$(not solvers(singleS)) 'Solver not valid';
  abort$(not sum(solverPlatformMap(singleS,'%system.platform%'),1)) 'Solver not available on this platform';
  abort$(not SolverCapabilities(singleS,'EMP')) 'Solver cannot solve EMP models';
  avail(singleS) = yes;
 = solvers(solvers)
   and sum(solverPlatformMap(solvers,'%system.platform%'),1)
   and SolverCapabilities(solvers,'EMP');

   skipM(m) skip model /
      emphtm        'utility to create EMP library web page but not a test'
      emputil       'utility to create EMP library file but not a test'
      goempgo       'the test itself'
   skipMstdo(m) skip model stdout check /
      emppython1     'Ply writes "Generating LALR tables"'
   skipMstde(m) skip model stderr check /
   skipMtrace(m) skip model trace check /
   skipS(solvers) skip solver /
   skipSstdo(solvers) skip solver stdout check /
   skipSstde(solvers) skip solver stderr check /
   skipSM(solvers,m) skip model-solver-combination /
      LINDO.circlesp    'LINDOs local solve is not as precise as expected by the test'
      RESHOP.(exc2x2emp) 'Need to think about models with IEEE 754 undefined operations'
      RESHOP.(scarfemp-primal) 'DUALVAR not yet supported'
      RESHOP.(pies) 'DUALVAR not yet supported'
      RESHOP.(hark-stack) 'DUALVAR not yet supported'
      RESHOP.(two3emp) 'DUALVAR not yet supported'
      RESHOP.(vidualvar) 'DUALVAR not yet supported'
$if %system.buildcode% == DEG       LINDO.simplechance 'non-deterministic error on DEG'
   skipSMtrace(solvers,m) skip model-solver-combination trace check /
      DE.tr20           'DE reports 9,14 on first and third solve'
      LINDO.tr20        'LINDO reports 9,14 on first and third solve'

* Skip nonSP models with DE and LINDO
skipSM('DE'    ,m) $= not sum(sm(s,m),ts('SP',s));
skipSM('LINDO' ,m) $= not sum(sm(s,m),ts('SP',s));
* Skip SP models with JAMS
skipSM('JAMS'  ,m) $= sum(sm(s,m),ts('SP',s));
* Only do logic models with LOGMIP
skipSM('LOGMIP',m) $= not sum(sm(s,m),ts('LOGICAL',s));

* Skip non VI/equil models with ReSHOP
skipSM('RESHOP'  ,m) $= not sum(sm(s,m),ts('VI',s)) and not sum(sm(s,m),ts('EQUIL',s))
                  and   not sum(sm(s,m),ts('BP',s)) and not sum(sm(s,m),ts('EQUIL',s));

  rc     / 0 /,
  tot    / 0 /,
  err    / 0 /,
  stderr / 0 /,
  stdout / 0 /;

file fone  / 'onetest.gms' /
     fstd  / 'stdtest.gms' /
     fall  / '%ALL%'       /
     ffail / '%FAIL%'      /
     frm   / '%RMDIR%'     /

$if %ALL%  == all_emp.gms      putclose fall  '* These are the tests we ran' /;
$if %FAIL% == failures_emp.gms putclose ffail '* These are the tests that failed' / '*Total tests: 0  Failed tests: 0';
                               putclose frm   '* Delete directories of successfull tests' /;
fone.lcase  = 1;
fstd.lcase  = 1;
fall.lcase  = 1;
ffail.lcase = 1;
frm.lcase   = 1;
fx.lcase    = 1;
fall.ap     = 1;
ffail.ap    = 1;
frm.ap      = 1;

$set DIRNAME "'%PREFIX%_emp_' m.tl:0 '_' t.tl:0 '_' solvers.tl:0"
loop((sm(s,m2(m)),ts(t,s))$(not skipM(m) and (not big(s) or licensed)),
  loop(avail(solvers)$(not skipS(solvers) and not skipSM(solvers,m)),
    tot = tot + 1;

    //Create empty dir and onetest
    put_utility fx 'shell' / 'rm -rf ' %DIRNAME% ' && mkdir ' %DIRNAME%;
    put fone
       '$call emplib -q ' m.tl:0
     / '$if errorlevel 1 $abort'
     / '$echo JobStart ' m.tl:0 ' >> %TRACE%'
     / '$call gams ' m.tl:0 ' jt=' m.tl:0 ' emp=' solvers.tl:0 ' trace=%TRACE% %FLAGS%'
     / '$if errorlevel 1 $set err 1'
    put$(not skipMtrace(m) and not skipSMtrace(solvers,m))
     / '$call gams %TRACE% a=gt ps=0 pw=255 tl=0 lo=2';
     / '$if errorlevel 1 $set err 1'
     / '$if set err scalar err /%err%/'
     / '$call cat %TRACE% >> ..%SLASH%%TRACE%'
     / "$if %err% == 1 $abort 'Problem'";

    // move and run onetest
    put_utility fx 'shell' / 'mv -f onetest.gms ' %DIRNAME% ' && cd ' %DIRNAME% ' && gams onetest lo=%GAMSLO% --err=0 gdx=..%SLASH%err >stdout.txt 2>stderr.txt';
    execute_load 'err' rc=err;

    //Create stdout and stderr test
    putclose fstd
       '$call test -s stdout.txt'
     / '$if errorlevel 1 $set stdout 0'
     / '$call test -s stderr.txt'
     / '$if errorlevel 1 $set stderr 0'
     / 'scalar stdout /%stdout%/'
     / '       stderr /%stderr%/;';

    //Run stdout/err test
    put_utility fx 'shell' / 'mv -f stdtest.gms ' %DIRNAME% ' && cd ' %DIRNAME% ' && gams stdtest.gms lo=%GAMSLO% --stderr=1 --stdout=1 gdx=..%SLASH%std';
    stdout=1; stderr=1;
    execute_load 'std' stderr,stdout;

    //Create file containing all tests
    put fall '$call gams goempgo %FLAGS% --prefix=%PREFIX% --test=' m.tl:0 ' --solver=' solvers.tl:0 ;
    if (licensed,                    put ' --LICENSE=yes');
    if (rc,                          put ' --ftrace=1'   );
    if (stdout and not skipMstdo(m)
        and not skipSstdo(solvers),  put ' --fstdout=1'  );
    if (stderr and not skipMstde(m)
        and not skipSstde(solvers),  put ' --fstderr=1'  );
    putclose ' --dir='%DIRNAME% /;

    if (rc or (stdout and not skipMstdo(m) and not skipSstdo(solvers))
           or (stderr and not skipMstde(m) and not skipSstde(solvers)),
      err = err + 1;
      execute 'tail -n1 %ALL% >> %FAIL%';
      putclose frm '$call rm -rf ' %DIRNAME%;

execute 'gams %TRACE% a=gt ps=0 pw=255 o=%TRACEREP% tl=%TL% lo=0';
execute 'gams %RMDIR% lo=0';

putclose ffail '*Total tests: ', tot:0:0, '  Failed tests: ', err:0:0;

execute 'rm -f rmdir.* err.gdx std.gdx';

if ((err > 0),
  put_utility 'log' / err:0:0, ' out of ' ,tot:0:0, ' tests failed.';
  put_utility 'log' / 'Check %FAIL%';
  put_utility 'log' / 'Some test failed.';
  put_utility 'log' / 'Congratulations!  All ', tot:0:0, ' tests passed.'/;

put_utility 'log' / 'See the file %ALL% to reproduce all the runs'/;