Scarf's Activity Analysis Example Scarf, H, and Hansen, T, The Computation of Economic Equilibria. Yale University Press, 1973. Rather than form the MCP explicitly (as in the GAMSLIB model scarfmcp), we instead use the KKT of the dual form optimization problem: max_{x,y} sum (h, i(h) * log(u_h(x))) s.t Ay + sum_h endow(h) >= sum_h x(c,h), x,y >= 0 coupled with the income complementarity relationship. This is detailed in Rutherford's 1992 paper entitled "Sequential Joint Maximization" Contributor: Michael Ferris, October 2010
Small Model of Type : EQUIL
Category : GAMS EMP library
Main file : scarfemp-primal.gms
$title Scarf's Activity Analysis Example (SCARFEMP-PRIMAL,SEQ=53)
Scarf's Activity Analysis Example
Scarf, H, and Hansen, T, The Computation of Economic Equilibria.
Yale University Press, 1973.
Rather than form the MCP explicitly (as in the GAMSLIB model scarfmcp),
we instead use the KKT of the dual form optimization problem:
max_{x,y} sum (h, i(h) * log(u_h(x)))
s.t Ay + sum_h endow(h) >= sum_h x(c,h), x,y >= 0
coupled with the income complementarity relationship.
This is detailed in Rutherford's 1992 paper entitled "Sequential Joint Maximization"
Contributor: Michael Ferris, October 2010
$call gamslib -q scarfmcp
p(c) commodity price,
y(s) production,
i(h) income;
mkt(c) commodity market,
profit(s) zero profit,
income(h) income index;
* distinguish ces and cobb-douglas demand functions:
mkt(c).. sum(s, a(c,s) * y(s)) + sum(h, e(c,h)) =g=
sum(h$(esub(h) ne 1),
(i(h)/sum(cc, alpha(cc,h) * p(cc)**(1-esub(h)))) *
alpha(c,h) * (1/p(c))**esub(h)) +
sum(h$(esub(h) eq 1),
i(h) * alpha(c,h) / p(c));
profit(s).. -sum(c, a(c,s) * p(c)) =g= 0;
income(h).. i(h) =g= sum(c, p(c) * (e(c,h)+eps));
model scarf / mkt.p, profit.y, income.i/;
p.l(c) = 1;
y.l(s) = 1;
i.l(h) = sum(c, p.l(c) * e(c,h));
p.lo(c) = 0.00001$(smax(h, alpha(c,h)) gt eps);
* fix the price of numeraire commodity:
i.fx(h)$(ord(h) eq 1) = i.l(h);
* For Cobb Douglas
* esub(h) = 1;
solve scarf using mcp;
* save values for testing later
parameter xLev(c,h) closed form values for consumption given prices and income;
parameter yLev(s);
yLev(s) = y.l(s);
* Now set up the equivalent model using emp
variables z;
positive variables x(c,h) Marshallian demand;
equations objdef, mktcons(c);
* following works for Cobb Douglas functions (esub(h) = 1) and CES
z =e=
sum(h$(esub(h) ne 1), i(h)*(1/rho(h))*log(sum(c$alpha(c,h), lambda(c,h)*x(c,h)**rho(h))))
+sum(h$(esub(h) eq 1), i(h)*sum(c$alpha(c,h), alpha(c,h)*log(x(c,h))));
mktcons(c).. sum(s, a(c,s) * y(s)) + sum(h, e(c,h)) =g= sum(h$alpha(c,h), x(c,h));
model scarfemp /objdef, mktcons, income/;
* Set initial values for production (y) and other variables
x.l(c,h) = 1;
y.l(s) = 1;
x.lo(c,h) = 0.00001$alpha(c,h);
x.fx(c,h)$(not alpha(c,h)) = 0;
p.l(c) = 1;
mktcons.m(c) = p.l(c);
i.l(h) = sum(c, p.l(c) * e(c,h));
file myinfo / '' /;
put myinfo 'equilibrium';
put / 'max z x y objdef -mktcons';
put / 'dualVar p - mktcons';
putclose / 'vi income i';
* find good starting values for x
i.fx(h) = i.l(h);
x.l(c,h) = 1$alpha(c,h);
solve scarfemp using emp;
xLev(c,h) = ((i.l(h)/sum(cc, alpha(cc,h) * p.l(cc)**(1-esub(h)))) *
alpha(c,h) * (1/p.l(c))**esub(h))$(esub(h) ne 1) +
(i.l(h) * alpha(c,h) / p.l(c))$(esub(h) eq 1);
abort$[smax{(c,h), abs(x.l(c,h) - xLev(c,h))} > 1e-5] 'not same x level'
x.l, xLev;
* now solve for real
i.lo(h) = 0; i.up(h) = inf;
i.fx(h)$(ord(h) eq 1) = i.l(h);
solve scarfemp using emp;
abort$[smax{s, abs(yLev(s)-y.l(s))} > 1e-5] 'bad y level (equilibrium)',
y.l, yLev;
* Now reproduce with single opt and dualEqu
* Set initial values for production (y) and other variables
x.l(c,h) = 1;
y.l(s) = 1;
x.lo(c,h) = 0.00001$alpha(c,h);
x.fx(c,h)$(not alpha(c,h)) = 0;
p.l(c) = 1;
mktcons.m(c) = p.l(c);
i.l(h) = sum(c, p.l(c) * e(c,h));
putclose myinfo 'dualEqu income i'
/ 'dualVar p -mktcons';
* find good starting values for x
i.fx(h) = i.l(h);
x.l(c,h) = 1$alpha(c,h);
solve scarfemp using emp max z;
xLev(c,h) = ((i.l(h)/sum(cc, alpha(cc,h) * p.l(cc)**(1-esub(h)))) *
alpha(c,h) * (1/p.l(c))**esub(h))$(esub(h) ne 1) +
(i.l(h) * alpha(c,h) / p.l(c))$(esub(h) eq 1);
abort$[smax{(c,h), abs(x.l(c,h) - xLev(c,h))} > 1e-5] 'not same x level'
x.l, xLev;
* now solve for real
i.lo(h) = 0; i.up(h) = inf;
i.fx(h)$(ord(h) eq 1) = i.l(h);
solve scarfemp using emp max z;
abort$[smax{s, abs(yLev(s)-y.l(s))} > 1e-5] 'bad y level (dualEqu)',
y.l, yLev;