sku1sp.gms : Multi-product assemble model with discrete and Poisson demand distribution


This is a multi-product assembly model, adopted from Section 1.3.1 of the book
Lectures on Stochastic Programming: Modeling and Theory by Alexander Shapiro,
Darinka Dentcheva and Andrzej Ruszczynski.

A manufacturer produces n products using m parts which are ordered from the
suppliers. In the first stage, the manufacturer decides how many units of each
part to order, and after the (random) demands of the products are observed in
the second stage, it then decides how many units of each product to make and
sell. The objective is to maximize the overall profit.

In this model, the random demands are modeled by discrete random variables
or Poisson distributions.

The model can be solved by solvers such as lindo and de.

Contributor: Yanchao Liu, January 2012.

Small Model of Type : SP

Category : GAMS EMP library

Main file : sku1sp.gms

$title Multi-product assemble model with discrete and Poisson demand distribution  (SKU1SP,SEQ=92)
This is a multi-product assembly model, adopted from Section 1.3.1 of the book
Lectures on Stochastic Programming: Modeling and Theory by Alexander Shapiro,
Darinka Dentcheva and Andrzej Ruszczynski.

A manufacturer produces n products using m parts which are ordered from the
suppliers. In the first stage, the manufacturer decides how many units of each
part to order, and after the (random) demands of the products are observed in
the second stage, it then decides how many units of each product to make and
sell. The objective is to maximize the overall profit.

In this model, the random demands are modeled by discrete random variables
or Poisson distributions.

The model can be solved by solvers such as lindo and de.

Contributor: Yanchao Liu, January 2012.

$ifI not %gams.emp%==lindo $set doDisc 1
$if not set doDisc $set doDisc 0

$if %doDisc%==1 $set NSCEN 9
$if not set NSCEN $set NSCEN 100

sets i Product   /i1*i2/
     j Part      /j1*j5/;

Table Data(*,*)
          j1      j2      j3      j4      j5   l     q       d
c         10      30      10      100     50
v         1       8       2       30      10
i1        10      5       5       1       1    500   1200    10
i2        8       5       0       2       1    600   3000    20;

    a(i,j) how many part j needed to make a unit of product i
    c(j)   cost of procuring a unit of part j
    v(j)   salvage value of a unit of part j
    l(i)   manufacturing cost of a unit of product i
    q(i)   selling price of a unit of product i
    d(i)   demand of product i;

a(i,j) = Data(i,j);
c(j)   = Data('c',j);
v(j)   = Data('v',j);
l(i)   = Data(i,'l');
q(i)   = Data(i,'q');
d(i)   = Data(i,'d');

Positive variables
     x(j) how many units of part j to order in the first stage
     z(i) how many units of product i to make and sell in scenario s
     y(j) how many units of part j to be left over in scenario s
Variable profit;

     obj     defines the profit(negative of the cost)
     defy(j) defines the part leftover y
     ubz(i)  product sold cannot exceed the demand;

obj..      profit =e= -sum(j,c(j)*x(j)) - (sum(i,(l(i)-q(i))*z(i)) - sum(j,v(j)*y(j)));
defy(j)..  y(j) =e= x(j) - sum(i, a(i,j)*z(i));
ubz(i)..   z(i) =l= d(i);

model sku1 /all/;

*solve sku1 max profit using lp;

file emp / '' /; put emp;
if (%doDisc%,
randvar d('i1') discrete 0.1  5 0.2 10 0.7 12
randvar d('i2') discrete 0.1 17 0.2 20 0.7 25
randvar d('i1') poisson 10
randvar d('i2') poisson 20
putclose 'stage 2 z y d defy ubz';

Set  s scenarios / s1*s%NSCEN% /
     s_d(s,i)    random variable realization
     s_y(s,j)    level of y by scenario
     s_z(s,i)    z2 by scenario
     s_x(s,j)    x by scenario (should be the same for all scenarios)
     s_profit(s) profit by scenario;

Set  dict / s.     scenario.''
            d.     randvar. s_d
            y.     level.   s_y
            z.     level.   s_z
            x.     level.   s_x
            profit.level.   s_profit/;

$ifI not %GAMS.emp%==lindo $goTo contsolve
$echo STOC_NSAMPLE_STAGE=%NSCEN% > lindo.opt
sku1.optfile = 1;

$label contsolve
solve sku1 max profit using emp scenario dict;
display s_d, s_y, s_z, s_x, x.l, s_profit, profit.l;