stocfor3.gms : Long Range Forest Planning


The job of a long range forest planner is to decide what parts of the forest
will be harvested when. Important criteria for such a decision are the age
of the trees, and the likelihood that trees left standing will be destroyed by

Gassmann creates a set of K age classifications of equal length (e.g.
20 years), and places each portion of the forest into one of the classes,
according to the age of the trees within. He also divides the future planning
horizon into T rounds, each with a time length equal to that of each age
classification. That is, in one time round, any trees that are not destroyed
or harvested will move to the next age class.

Large Model of Type : SP

Category : GAMS EMP library

Main file : stocfor3.gms

$title Long Range Forest Planning (STOCFOR3,SEQ=87)
The job of a long range forest planner is to decide what parts of the forest
will be harvested when. Important criteria for such a decision are the age
of the trees, and the likelihood that trees left standing will be destroyed by

Gassmann creates a set of K age classifications of equal length (e.g.
20 years), and places each portion of the forest into one of the classes,
according to the age of the trees within. He also divides the future planning
horizon into T rounds, each with a time length equal to that of each age
classification. That is, in one time round, any trees that are not destroyed
or harvested will move to the next age class.

Gassmann, H I, Optimal harvest of a forest in the presence of uncertainty.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 19, 1267-1274, 1989

Ariyawansa, K A, and Felt, A J, On a New Collection of Stochastic
Linear Programming Test Problems, INFORMS Journal on Computing 16(3),
291-299, 2004

Set t time steps / t1*t7 /
    k age class  / c1*c8 /
    kn(k) age class that is not harvested / c1,c2 /
Alias (k,kk)
    d(t)  discouting rate
    dlast discouting rate after last period
    f(t)  probability of fire         / #t 0.06258 /
    a /0.9/, b limit on change from period to period / 1.1 /
    p     penalty for violating limit for yield change / 50 /
    si(k) area of forest in first period
                / c1 0.241, c2  0.125, c3 1.404, c4  2.004
                  c5 9.768, c6 16.385, c7 2.815, c8 61.995 /
    y(k)  yield / c1   0, c2   0, c3  16, c4 107
                  c5 217, c6 275, c7 298, c8 306 /
    v(k)  value / c1 320.342, c2 356.187, c3 398.437, c4 448.235
                  c5 506.929, c6 564.929, c7 587.929, c8 595.929 /;

* 20 years and 0.005 inflation
d(t)  = (1-0.004975124)**(20*(ord(t)-1));
dlast =  (1-0.004975124)**(20*card(t));

    obj        objective
    x(t,k)     harvested forest
    s(t,k)     area of forest
    rf(t,k)    remaining forest
    z(t)       yield
    slack(t)   slack for violating defchglo
Positive variables x, s, rf, slack;

    defobj      objective
    defbnd(t,k) limit harvest by area
    defbal(t,k) material balance
    defyield(t) yield
    defchglo(t) limit change on yield
    defchgup(t) limit change on yield;

defobj..          obj      =e= sum(t, d(t)*(z(t) - p*slack(t))) + dlast*sum(k, v(k)*rf('t7',k));
defbnd(t,k)..     rf(t,k)  =e= s(t,k) - x(t,k);
defbal(t-1,k)..   s(t,k)   =e= (1-f(t))*(rf(t-1,k-1) + rf(t-1,k)$sameas('c8',k))
                               + sum(kk, x(t-1,kk) + f(t)*rf(t-1,kk))$sameas(k,'c1');
defyield(t)..     z(t)     =e= sum(k, y(k)*x(t,k));
defchglo(t-1)..   a*z(t-1) =l= z(t) + slack(t-1);
defchgup(t-1)..   b*z(t-1) =g= z(t);

model forest /all/;

s.fx('t1',k) = si(k);
x.fx(t,kn) = 0;

file emp / '' /; put emp '* problem %gams.i%' /;
randvar f('t2') discrete .1736 .00000 .0299 .20268 .5128 .06258 .2837 .08612
randvar f('t3') discrete .1736 .00000 .0299 .20268 .5128 .06258 .2837 .08612
randvar f('t4') discrete .1736 .00000 .0299 .20268 .5128 .06258 .2837 .08612
randvar f('t5') discrete .6912 .00000 .3088 .20268
randvar f('t6') discrete .6912 .00000 .3088 .20268
randvar f('t7') discrete .6912 .00000 .3088 .20268
   put / 'stage ' ord(t):2:0 z(t) slack(t-1) defyield(t) defchglo(t-1) defchgup(t-1);
   loop(k, put x(t,k) s(t,k) rf(t,k) defbnd(t,k) defbal(t-1,k)));
emp.pc=0; loop(t$(ord(t)>1), put / 'stage ' ord(t):2:0 ' f(' ')');

Set scen         scenarios / s1*s512 /;
    s_f(scen,t)  probability of fire by scenario;

Set dict / scen .scenario.''
           f    .randvar. s_f /;

solve forest max obj using emp scenario dict;