Category : GAMS PSOPT library
Mainfile : WaterEnergy.gms
$title Water-Energy Nexus
For more details please refer to Chapter 10 (Gcode10.1), of the following book:
Soroudi, Alireza. Power System Optimization Modeling in GAMS. Springer, 2017.
Model type: MINLP
Contributed by
Dr. Alireza Soroudi
IEEE Senior Member
We do request that publications derived from the use of the developed GAMS code
explicitly acknowledge that fact by citing
Soroudi, Alireza. Power System Optimization Modeling in GAMS. Springer, 2017.
t / t1*t24 /
i / p1*p4 /
c / c1*c3 /
w / w1 /;
Table gendata(i,*) 'generator cost characteristics and limits'
a b c Pmax Pmin
p1 0.0002069 -0.1483 57.11 500 0
p2 0.0003232 -0.1854 57.11 400 0
p3 0.001065 -0.6026 126.8 400 0
p4 0.0004222 -0.2119 57.11 350 0 ;
Table Coproduct(c,*)
Pmax Pmin Wmax Wmin rmin rmax A11 A12 A22 b1 b2 C
c1 800 160 200 30 4 9 0.0004433 0.003546 0.007093 -1.106 -4.426 737.4
c2 600 120 150 23 4 9 0.0007881 0.006305 0.01261 -1.475 -5.901 737.4
c3 400 80 100 15 4 9 0.001773 0.01419 0.02837 -2.213 -8.851 737.4;
Table waterdata(w,*)
a b c Wmax Wmin
w1 1.82E-02 -7.081e-1 7.374 250 0 ;
Table PWdata(t,*)
Pd water
t1 1250 150
t2 1125 130
t3 875 100
t4 750 150
t5 950 200
t6 1440 350
t7 1500 300
t8 1750 200
t9 2000 300
t10 2250 400
t16 2500 550
t17 2125 550
t18 2375 500
t19 2250 400
t20 1975 350
t21 1750 300
t22 1625 250
t23 1500 200
t24 1376 150 ;
Variable of, p(i,t), TC, CC, Pc(c,t), Wc(c,t), Water(w,t), WaterCost;
Binary Variable Up(i,t), Uc(c,t), Uw(w,t);
Positive Variable p, Pc, Wc, Water;
p.up(i,t) = gendata(i,'Pmax');
Pc.up(c,t) = Coproduct(c,'Pmax');
Wc.up(c,t) = Coproduct(c,'Wmax');
Water.up(w,t) = waterdata(w,'Wmax');
costThermal, balanceP(t), balanceW(t), costCoprodcalc, Objective,
costwatercalc, ratio1(c,t), ratio2(c,t), eq1(w,t), eq2(w,t), eq3(c,t),
eq4(c,t), eq5(c,t), eq6(c,t), eq7(i,t), eq8(i,t);
costThermal.. TC =e= sum((t,i), gendata(i,'a')*sqr(p(i,t)) + gendata(i,'b')*p(i,t)
+ gendata(i,'c')*Up(i,t));
balanceP(t).. sum(i, p(i,t)) + sum(c, Pc(c,t)) =e= PWdata(t,'Pd');
balanceW(t).. sum(w, Water(w,t)) + sum(c, Wc(c,t)) =e= PWdata(t,'water');
costCoprodcalc.. CC =e= sum((c,t), Coproduct(c,'A11')*sqr(Pc(c,t))
+ 2*Coproduct(c,'A12')*Pc(c,t)*Wc(c,t)
+ Coproduct(c,'A22')*sqr(Wc(c,t))
+ Coproduct(c,'B1')*Pc(c,t)
+ Coproduct(c,'B2')*Wc(c,t)
+ Coproduct(c,'C')*Uc(c,t));
costwatercalc.. WaterCost =e= sum((t,w), waterdata(w,'a')*sqr(Water(w,t))
+ waterdata(w,'b')*Water(w,t)
+ waterdata(w,'c')*Uw(w,t));
Objective.. of =e= TC + CC + WaterCost;
ratio1(c,t).. Pc(c,t) =l= Wc(c,t)*Coproduct(c,'Rmax');
ratio2(c,t).. Pc(c,t) =g= Wc(c,t)*Coproduct(c,'Rmin');
eq1(w,t).. Water(w,t) =l= Uw(w,t)*waterdata(w,'Wmax');
eq2(w,t).. Water(w,t) =g= Uw(w,t)*waterdata(w,'Wmin');
eq3(c,t).. wc(c,t) =l= Uc(c,t)*Coproduct(c,'Wmax');
eq4(c,t).. wc(c,t) =g= Uc(c,t)*Coproduct(c,'Wmin');
eq5(c,t).. Pc(c,t) =l= Uc(c,t)*Coproduct(c,'Pmax');
eq6(c,t).. Pc(c,t) =g= Uc(c,t)*Coproduct(c,'Pmin');
eq7(i,t).. p(i,t) =l= Up(i,t)*gendata(i,"Pmax");
eq8(i,t).. p(i,t) =g= Up(i,t)*gendata(i,"Pmin");
Model DEDcostbased / all /;
solve DEDcostbased using minlp min of;