cns02.gms : Test how bounds change a 2-variable CNS model


This is a simple two by two CNS model solved with varying bounds.

Small Model of Type : CNS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : cns02.gms

$title Test how bounds change a 2-variable CNS model (cns02,SEQ=92)

  This is a simple two by two CNS model solved with varying bounds.


maxexecerror = 1;
$if not set TESTTOL $set TESTTOL 1e-6
scalar tol / %TESTTOL% /;
$if not set SLOWOK $set SLOWOK 0
scalar slowOK 'slow solves are OK: just abort.noerror in this case' / %SLOWOK% /;

variable x, y;
equation f, g;
model cns02 / f, g /;

f .. x*x + .001*y =e= 4;
g .. x + y        =e= 8;

option limrow = 0, limcol = 0, decimals=8;
scalar x1, y1, x2, y2, det;
* 1000*f - g yields 1000x^2 - x - 3992 = 0
det = sqrt(1 + 4 * 1000 * 3992);
x1 = (1 + det)/ 2000;
x2 = (1 - det)/ 2000;
y1 = 8 - x1;
y2 = 8 - x2;
display x1, x2, y1, y2;

*  Case 1: No bounds on the variables. The model should solve fine.
x.lo = -INF; x.up = INF; x.l = 8; solve cns02 using cns;
abort.noError$[slowOK and %solveStat.resourceInterrupt% = cns02.solvestat] 'Solve too slow';
abort$(cns02.solvestat <> %solveStat.normalCompletion% or cns02.modelstat <> %modelStat.solved%)
   'bad return codes', cns02.solvestat, cns02.modelstat;
abort$((abs(x.l-x1) <= tol and abs(y.l-y1) <= tol)
   eqv (abs(x.l-x2) <= tol and abs(y.l-y2) <= tol)) 'x or y is wrong',x.l,y.l;

*  Case 2: No bounds on the variables. The model should again solve
*          fine, but the solution can be different because the initial
*          value of x is different.
x.lo = -INF; x.up = INF; x.l = -8; solve cns02 using cns;
abort.noError$[slowOK and %solveStat.resourceInterrupt% = cns02.solvestat] 'Solve too slow';
abort$(cns02.solvestat <> %solveStat.normalCompletion% or cns02.modelstat <> %modelStat.solved%)
   'bad return codes', cns02.solvestat, cns02.modelstat;
abort$((abs(x.l-x1) <= tol and abs(y.l-y1) <= tol)
   eqv (abs(x.l-x2) <= tol and abs(y.l-y2) <= tol)) 'x or y is wrong',x.l,y.l;

*  Case 3: The bound on x will make solution unique (feasible).
x.lo = 1; x.up = 3; x.l = 8; solve cns02 using cns;
abort.noError$[slowOK and %solveStat.resourceInterrupt% = cns02.solvestat] 'Solve too slow';
abort$(cns02.solvestat <> %solveStat.normalCompletion% or cns02.modelstat <> %modelStat.solved%)
   'bad return codes', cns02.solvestat, cns02.modelstat;
abort$(abs(x.l-x1) > tol or abs(y.l-y1) > tol) 'x or y is wrong',x.l,y.l;

*  Case 4: The bound on x will make the model infeasible.
x.lo = 2; x.up = 3; x.l = 8; solve cns02 using cns;
abort.noError$[slowOK and %solveStat.resourceInterrupt% = cns02.solvestat] 'Solve too slow';
abort$(cns02.solvestat <> %solveStat.normalCompletion% or (cns02.modelstat <> %modelStat.infeasible% and cns02.modelstat <> %modelStat.locallyInfeasible% and cns02.modelstat <> %modelStat.infeasibleNoSolution%))
   'bad return codes', cns02.solvestat, cns02.modelstat;
abort$((cns02.numinfes < 1)$(cns02.modelstat = %modelStat.locallyInfeasible%)) 'wrong .numinfes';

*  Case 5 and 6: X is fixed and the model is not square any more.
cns02.holdfixed = 0; x.lo = 2; x.up = 2; x.l = 8; solve cns02 using cns;
abort.noerror$[slowOK and %solvestat.ResourceInterrupt% = cns02.solvestat] 'Solve too slow';
abort$(execerror=0) 'previous solve should have given exec errors';
abort$(cns02.solvestat <> %solveStat.solveProcessingSkipped% or cns02.modelstat <> %modelStat.noSolutionReturned%)
   'bad return codes', cns02.solvestat, cns02.modelstat;
execerror = 0;

cns02.holdfixed = 1; x.lo = 2; x.up = 2; x.l = 8; solve cns02 using cns;
abort.noerror$[slowOK and %solvestat.ResourceInterrupt% = cns02.solvestat] 'Solve too slow';
abort$(execerror=0) 'previous solve should have given exec errors';
abort$(cns02.solvestat <> %solveStat.solveProcessingSkipped% or cns02.modelstat <> %modelStat.noSolutionReturned%)
   'bad return codes', cns02.solvestat, cns02.modelstat;
execerror = 0;