csvread1.gms : Test GAMS Tool CSVRead


This program tests the compile-time and execution-time
usage of GAMS Tool CSVRead. The tool can write data from CSV
directly to a GAMS symbol if the option -gdxout is not specified.

Contributor: Vaibhavnath Jha, September 2024

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : csvread1.gms

$title 'Test GAMS Tool CSVRead' (csvread1,SEQ=965)

This program tests the compile-time and execution-time
usage of GAMS Tool CSVRead. The tool can write data from CSV
directly to a GAMS symbol if the option -gdxout is not specified.

Contributor: Vaibhavnath Jha, September 2024

$onEcho > data.csv

Set i,j;

Parameter c(i,j);

* compile-time
$callTool.checkErrorLevel csvread data.csv id=c dimids=i,j index=1,2 values=lastCol useHeader=y

execute_unload 'out.gdx' c,i,j;

Set check_i /a,b,c/, check_j /d,e,f/;

Parameter check_c(i,j) /a.d 7, b.e 8, c.f 9/;

execute_unload 'check.gdx' check_c=c, check_i=i, check_j=j;

execute "gdxdiff out.gdx check.gdx > %system.NullFile%";
abort$errorlevel 'Unexpected data in c';

set attr /III, IV, V/;

Parameter d(i,j,attr);

* execution-time
executeTool.checkErrorLevel "csvread data.csv id=d index=1,2 values=3..lastCol useHeader=y";

execute_unload 'out.gdx' d;

parameter check_d  /a.d.III 1, a.d.IV 4, a.d.V 7,
                    b.e.III 2, b.e.IV 5, b.e.V 8,
                    c.f.III 3, c.f.IV 6, c.f.V 9/;

execute_unload 'check.gdx' check_d=d;

execute "gdxdiff out.gdx check.gdx > %system.NullFile%";
abort$errorlevel 'Unexpected data in d';