embmilic.gms : Test passing a license to embmiex1


Call "gams embmiex1 license=..." to test that license passing does not break the model.

Contributor: Michael Bussieck, June 2024

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : embmilic.gms

$title Test passing a license to embmiex1 (EMBMILIC,SEQ=958)

Call "gams embmiex1 license=..." to test that license passing does not break the model.

Contributor: Michael Bussieck, June 2024

$call.checkErrorLevel gamslib -q embmiex1
$set license %gams.license%
$if "%gams.license%" $set license %gams.sysDir%gamslice.txt
$call.checkErrorLevel gams embmiex1 license="%license%" lo=%gams.lo%