emp02.gms : Compares EMP results for a simple NLP with known results


This model compares the results from different EMP runs with the results known.
The NLP model is taken from the GAMS Model Library

Wright, M H, Numerical Methods for Nonlinearly Constraint Optimization.
PhD thesis, Stanford University, 1976.

Contributor: Jan-H. Jagla, April 2007

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : emp02.gms

$title Compares EMP results for a simple NLP with known results (EMP02,SEQ=387)


This model compares the results from different EMP runs with the results known.
The NLP model is taken from the GAMS Model Library

Wright, M H, Numerical Methods for Nonlinearly Constraint Optimization.
PhD thesis, Stanford University, 1976.

Contributor: Jan-H. Jagla, April 2007

Variables m, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5;
Equations funct, eq1, eq2, eq3;

funct.. m =e= sqr(x1-1)      + sqr(x1-x2)     + power(x2-x3,3)
            + power(x3-x4,4) + power(x4-x5,4) ;

eq1.. x1 + sqr(x2) + power(x3,3) =e= 3*sqrt(2) + 2 ;

eq2.. x2 - sqr(x3) + x4          =e= 2*sqrt(2) - 2 ;

eq3.. x1*x5 =e= 2 ;

Model wright / all / ;

x2.l = 2; x3.l = 1; x4.l = -2; x5.l = -2;
x1.lo = 1;

Solve wright using nlp minimizing m;

sets enames  / funct, eq1, eq2, eq3  /
     vnames  / m, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 /
     evnames / set.enames,set.vnames /
     suf / l,m /

parameter rep comparison / (funct. (l 0          , m 1           )
                            eq1.   (l 6.24264069 , m 0.06412963  )
                            eq2.   (l 0.82842712 , m 0.35320203  )
                            eq3.   (l 2          , m -0.02147973 )
                            m.     (l 0.02931083                 )
                            x1.    (l 1.11663475 , m EPS         )
                            x2.    (l 1.22044082                 )
                            x3.    (l 1.53778539 , m EPS         )
                            x4.    (l 1.97277020                 )
                            x5.    (l 1.79109597                 )).known /;

$gdxOut "%gams.scrdir%repgdx.%gams.scrext%"
$unLoad evnames suf

$onEchoV > "%gams.scrdir%repgms.%gams.scrext%"
set evnames, suf;
$gdxIn "%oldscrdir%repgdx.%gams.scrext%"
$load evnames suf
file fx /'%oldscrdir%rep.%gams.scrext%'/; fx.lw = 0; fx.silent = 1; put fx;
$escape =
  put "rep('" evnames.tl "','" suf.tl "','%=nlp%=') = " evnames.tl "." suf.tl ";" /;

$call gams "%gams.scrdir%repgms.%gams.scrext%" lo=%gams.lo% --oldscrdir="%gams.scrdir%"

* standard NLP solve
solve wright us nlp min m;
$set nlp NLP
$include  "%gams.scrdir%rep.%gams.scrext%"

option limcol=0,limrow=0;

* EMP - without info file
solve wright us emp min m;
$set nlp NOemp
$include  "%gams.scrdir%rep.%gams.scrext%"

file fhandle /"%emp.info%"/;

* EMP - use empty info file
putclose fhandle '*empty emp info file';
solve wright us emp min m;
$set nlp empNLP
$include  "%gams.scrdir%rep.%gams.scrext%"

* EMP - rewrite as MCP
putclose fhandle 'modeltype mcp';
solve wright us emp min m;
$set nlp empMCP
$include  "%gams.scrdir%rep.%gams.scrext%"

* EMP rewrite as MCP and keep original objective
$echo keepObj > jams.opt
solve wright us emp min m;
$set nlp empMCPkeep
$include  "%gams.scrdir%rep.%gams.scrext%"

set type / nlp, noemp, empnlp, empmcp, empmcpkeep /;
rep('sum','diff',type) = sum((evnames,suf), abs(rep(evnames,suf,type) - rep(evnames,suf,'known')));

display rep;

abort$(sum(type, rep('sum','diff',type)) > 1e-4) 'we did not get the right solution';

$call rm -f repgms.lst