eval03.gms : test constant compile time evaluation functions



abs   ceil  cos  exp  fact floor  frac   IfThen log   log2
log10 max   mod  mod  PI   power  round  sign   sin   sleep
sqr   sqrt  tan  trunc

   ** ** Additional tests are welcome ** ** **

Contributor: Alex

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : eval03.gms

$title test constant compile time evaluation functions (EVAL03,SEQ=462)

abs   ceil  cos  exp  fact floor  frac   IfThen log   log2
log10 max   mod  mod  PI   power  round  sign   sin   sleep
sqr   sqrt  tan  trunc

** ** ** Additional tests are welcome ** ** **

Contributor: Alex


set f / abs,ceil,cos,exp,fact,floor,frac,ifthen,log,log2,log10,max,min,mod,
        power,round,sign,sin,sqr,sqrt,tan,trunc /
    c / 1*15 /
    v / calculated, expected /;


table res(f,c,v) calculated and expected function values

            calculated           expected
abs.1       [abs(-inf)]           inf
abs.2       [abs(+inf)]           inf
abs.3       [abs(undf)]           undf

ceil.1      [ceil(-inf)]         -inf
ceil.2      [ceil(+inf)]          inf
ceil.3      [ceil(undf)]          undf
ceil.4      [ceil(0)]             0
ceil.5      [ceil(1.5)]           2
ceil.6      [ceil(-1.5)]         -1

cos.1       [cos(-inf)]           undf
cos.2       [cos(+inf)]           undf
cos.3       [cos(undf)]           undf

exp.1       [exp(-inf)]           0
exp.2       [exp(+inf)]           inf
exp.3       [exp(undf)]           undf
exp.4       [exp(0)]              1

fact.1      [fact(-inf)]          undf
fact.2      [fact(+inf)]          undf
fact.3      [fact(undf)]          undf
fact.4      [fact(167)]           undf
fact.5      [fact(0)]             1
fact.6      [fact(1)]             1
fact.7      [fact(2)]             2
fact.8      [fact(3)]             6
fact.9      [fact(20)]            2432902008176640000
* the expected values for these next factorials are computed below:
* GAMS will not let us enter large or precise constants
fact.10     [fact(30)]            -1
fact.11     [fact(60)]            -1
fact.12     [fact(90)]            -1
fact.13     [fact(120)]           -1
fact.14     [fact(150)]           -1
fact.15     [fact(166)]           -1

floor.1     [floor(-inf)]        -inf
floor.2     [floor(+inf)]         inf
floor.3     [floor(undf)]         undf
floor.4     [floor(0)]            0
floor.5     [floor(1.5)]          1
floor.6     [floor(-1.5)]        -2

frac.1      [frac(-inf)]          undf
frac.2      [frac(+inf)]          undf
frac.3      [frac(undf)]          undf

ifthen.1    [ifthen(-inf,1,2)]    1
ifthen.2    [ifthen(+inf,1,2)]    1
ifthen.3    [ifthen(undf,1,2)]    undf
ifthen.4    [ifthen(0,undf,4)]    4
ifthen.5    [ifthen(1,undf,5)]    undf
ifthen.6    [ifthen(0,6,undf)]    undf
ifthen.7    [ifthen(1,7,undf)]    7

log.1       [log(-inf)]           undf
log.2       [log(-1)]             undf
log.3       [log(0)]             -inf
log.4       [log(+inf)]           inf
log.5       [log(undf)]           undf

log2.1      [log2(-inf)]          undf
log2.2      [log2(-1)]            undf
log2.3      [log2(0)]            -inf
log2.4      [log2(+inf)]          inf
log2.5      [log2(undf)]          undf

log10.1     [log10(-inf)]         undf
log10.2     [log10(-1)]           undf
log10.3     [log10(0)]           -inf
log10.4     [log10(+inf)]         inf
log10.5     [log10(undf)]         undf

max.1       [max(-inf,inf)]       inf
max.2       [max(undf,0)]         undf
max.3       [max(0,undf)]         undf
max.4       [max(-1,1)]           1
max.5       [max(-inf,1)]         1
max.6       [max(inf,1)]          inf
max.7       [max(-inf,1,inf)]     inf

min.1       [min(-inf,inf)]      -inf
min.2       [min(undf,0)]         undf
min.3       [min(0,undf)]         undf
min.4       [min(-1,1)]          -1
min.5       [min(-inf,1)]        -inf
min.6       [min(inf,1)]          1
min.7       [min(inf,1,5)]        1

mod.1       [mod(-inf,inf)]       undf
mod.2       [mod(undf,0)]         undf
mod.3       [mod(0,undf)]         undf
mod.4       [mod(-1,1)]           0
mod.5       [mod(-inf,1)]         undf
mod.6       [mod(inf,1)]          undf

power.1     [power(-inf,inf)]     inf
power.2     [power(undf,0)]       undf
power.3     [power(0,undf)]       undf
power.4     [power(-1,1)]        -1
power.5     [power(-inf,2)]       inf
power.6     [power(inf,2)]        inf
power.7     [power(3,1.5)]        undf
power.8     [power(10,0)]         1
power.9     [power(-10,0)]        1
power.10    [power(0,0)]          1
power.11    [power(0.5,inf)]      0
power.12    [power(-0.5,inf)]     0
power.13    [power(0.5,-1)]       2
power.14    [power(-inf,3)]      -inf
power.15    [power(0,-inf)]       inf

round.1     [round(-inf,inf)]     undf
round.2     [round(undf,0)]       undf
round.3     [round(55.75,inf)]    undf
round.4     [round(inf,2)]        inf
round.5     [round(-inf,-10)]    -inf
* the 55.55 caused problems, isolated in eval07
* round.6     [round(55.55,1)]      55.5
round.6     [round(55.75,1)]      55.8
round.7     [round(55.75,0)]      56
round.8     [round(55.75,-1)]     60
round.9     [round(55.75,-2)]     100
round.10    [round(55.75,-3)]     0

sign.1      [sign(-inf)]         -1
sign.2      [sign(+inf)]          1
sign.3      [sign(undf)]          undf
sign.4      [sign(0)]             0

sin.1       [sin(-inf)]           undf
sin.2       [sin(+inf)]           undf
sin.3       [sin(undf)]           undf
sin.4       [sin(0)]              0

sqr.1       [sqr(-inf)]           inf
sqr.2       [sqr(+inf)]           inf
sqr.3       [sqr(undf)]           undf
sqr.4       [sqr(0)]              0

sqrt.1      [sqrt(-inf)]          undf
sqrt.2      [sqrt(+inf)]          inf
sqrt.3      [sqrt(undf)]          undf
sqrt.4      [sqrt(0)]             0
sqrt.5      [sqrt(-1)]            undf

tan.1       [tan(-inf)]           undf
tan.2       [tan(+inf)]           undf
tan.3       [tan(undf)]           undf
tan.4       [tan(0)]              0

trunc.1     [trunc(-inf)]        -inf
trunc.2     [trunc(+inf)]         inf
trunc.3     [trunc(undf)]         undf
trunc.4     [trunc(55.55)]        55
trunc.5     [trunc(-55.55)]      -55

  diff(f,c,v) differences
  delta(f,c)  'calculated - expected'
  fc(f,c)  differences
  cc(c)   'fact values to tune up' / 5 * 15 /
scalars t, i;
t = res('fact','9','expected');
for {i = 21 to 30,
  t = t * i;
res('fact','10','expected') = t;
for {i = 31 to 60,
  t = t * i;
res('fact','11','expected') = t;
for {i = 61 to 90,
  t = t * i;
res('fact','12','expected') = t;
for {i = 91 to 120,
  t = t * i;
res('fact','13','expected') = t;
for {i = 121 to 150,
  t = t * i;
res('fact','14','expected') = t;
for {i = 151 to 166,
  t = t * i;
res('fact','15','expected') = t;

* patch up small relative errors in fact: our computation of expected
* values in this test will not be 100% precise
fc('fact',cc) = yes;
delta(fc) = abs(res(fc,'calculated') - res(fc,'expected')) / res(fc,'expected');
fc(f,c) = fc(f,c) and [delta(f,c) < 1e-15];
res(fc,'expected') = res(fc,'calculated');
fc(f,c) = no;
display delta;
delta(f,c) = 0;

fc(f,c) = res(f,c,'calculated') <> res(f,c,'expected');
diff(fc,v) = res(fc,v);
delta(fc) = res(fc,'calculated') - res(fc,'expected');

display diff, delta;

abort$card(diff) 'results do not match';