examin01.gms : EXAMINER test suite - basic option reading test


Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : examin01.gms

$title 'EXAMINER test suite - basic option reading test' (EXAMIN01,SEQ=284)

$call gamslib -q trnsport

$onEcho > examiner.opt
checkdump ex1_got.txt
examinegamspoint 1
examineinitpoint 1

$onEcho > ex1_want.txt
start                gamspoint
check_pvar_status    pass
check_pvar_err       0
check_pvar_tol       1e-06
check_dvar_status    pass
check_dvar_err       0
check_dvar_tol       1e-06
check_pcon_status    fail
check_pcon_err       325
check_pcon_tol       1e-06
check_dcon_status    pass
check_dcon_err       0
check_dcon_tol       1e-06
check_pcmp_status    pass
check_pcmp_err       0
check_pcmp_tol       1e-07
check_dcmp_status    fail
check_dcmp_err       325
check_dcmp_tol       1e-07
checks_done          6
checks_passed        4
stop                 gamspoint

start                initpoint
check_pvar_status    pass
check_pvar_err       0
check_pvar_tol       1e-06
check_dvar_status    pass
check_dvar_err       0
check_dvar_tol       1e-06
check_pcon_status    fail
check_pcon_err       325
check_pcon_tol       1e-06
check_dcon_status    fail
check_dcon_err       1
check_dcon_tol       1e-06
check_pcmp_status    fail
check_pcmp_err       1
check_pcmp_tol       1e-07
check_dcmp_status    fail
check_dcmp_err       325
check_dcmp_tol       1e-07
checks_done          6
checks_passed        2
stop                 initpoint


$call gams trnsport lp=examiner optfile=1 lo=%gams.lo%

$if not exist ex1_got.txt $abort 'Expected file ex1_got.txt does not exist'

$onEcho > ex1_diff.txt

* fix up Examiner's checkdump file: e-format may vary with compiler
$call sed "s/1e-006/1e-06/g" ex1_got.txt > temp.txt
$call sed "s/1e-007/1e-07/g" temp.txt > ex1_got.txt
$call diff -bw ex1_want.txt ex1_got.txt | wc -w > ex1_diff.txt

scalar diffs /
$include ex1_diff.txt

abort$diffs   'The EXAMINER output was not what we expected';