fitlib01.gms : Test the use of FITPACK inside GAMS


This test uses the library fitfclib. This library packs FITPACK, written by
Prof. P. Dierckx, in a way that it can be used inside GAMS with the function
library facility.
We test that splines of a certain degree (in this case 3 and 4) can interpolate
polynomial functions of the same degree exactly. This is done for a curve as
well as for a surface.

Contributor: L. Westermann

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : fitlib01.gms

$title Test the use of FITPACK inside GAMS (FITLIB01,SEQ=528)

This test uses the library fitfclib. This library packs FITPACK, written by
Prof. P. Dierckx, in a way that it can be used inside GAMS with the function
library facility.
We test that splines of a certain degree (in this case 3 and 4) can interpolate
polynomial functions of the same degree exactly. This is done for a curve as
well as for a surface.

Contributor: L. Westermann

* Generate data and write it to a GDX file
$onEcho > data.gms
set m    /0*120/
set n(m) /0*10 /
parameter nv(m);
nv(n) = 5*(ord(n)-1)/(card(n)-1);
nv(n)$(nv(n)=0) = eps;
parameter fitdata(*,m,*);
fitdata('1',n,'x') = nv(n);
fitdata('1',n,'y') = 1 + 2*nv(n) + 3*nv(n)**2 + 4*nv(n)**3;

fitdata('2',n,'x') = nv(n);
fitdata('2',n,'y') = 1 + 2*nv(n) + 3*nv(n)**2 + 4*nv(n)**3 + 5*nv(n)**4 ;

alias (n,nn);
scalar cnt /1/;
    fitdata('3',m,'x')$(ord(m)=cnt) = nv(n);
    fitdata('3',m,'y')$(ord(m)=cnt) = nv(nn);
    fitdata('3',m,'z')$(ord(m)=cnt) = 1 + 2*nv(n)*nv(nn) + 3*(nv(n)*nv(nn))**2 + 4*(nv(n)*nv(nn))**3;

    fitdata('4',m,'x')$(ord(m)=cnt) = nv(n);
    fitdata('4',m,'y')$(ord(m)=cnt) = nv(nn);
    fitdata('4',m,'z')$(ord(m)=cnt) = 1 + 2*nv(n)*nv(nn) + 3*(nv(n)*nv(nn))**2 + 4*(nv(n)*nv(nn))**3 + 5*(nv(n)*nv(nn))**4;

    cnt = cnt + 1;

execute_unload 'fit' fitdata;

$call gams data.gms lo=%gams.lo%

set n nodes /0*100/;
alias (n,nn);
parameter nv(n);
nv(n) = 5*(ord(n)-1)/(card(n)-1);

* Load extrinsic functions
$funcLibIn fitlib fitfclib
function fitp /fitlib.fitparam/
         fit  /fitlib.fitfunc /;

set funcs functions /ord3, ord4 /
    h     header    /func, grad, hess /;

parameter fittestC(funcs,*,h,n)   Test Curve results
          fittestS(funcs,*,h,n,n) Test Surface results;

fittestC('ord3','orig'  ,'func',n) = 1 + 2*nv(n) + 3*nv(n)**2 +  4*nv(n)**3;
fittestC('ord3','orig'  ,'grad',n) =     2       + 6*nv(n)    + 12*nv(n)**2;
fittestC('ord3','orig'  ,'hess',n) =               6          + 24*nv(n)   ;

fittestC('ord3','spline','func',n) = fit     (    1,nv(n));
fittestC('ord3','spline','grad',n) = fit.grad(2  :1,nv(n));
fittestC('ord3','spline','hess',n) = fit.hess(2:2:1,nv(n));

scalar rc;
* Set Degree of Spline for x in function 2 to 4
rc = fitp(2,2,4);
fittestC('ord4','orig'  ,'func',n) = 1 + 2*nv(n) + 3*nv(n)**2 +  4*nv(n)**3 +  5*nv(n)**4 ;
fittestC('ord4','orig'  ,'grad',n) =     2       + 6*nv(n)    + 12*nv(n)**2 + 20*nv(n)**3 ;
fittestC('ord4','orig'  ,'hess',n) =               6          + 24*nv(n)    + 60*nv(n)**2 ;

fittestC('ord4','spline','func',n) = fit     (    2,nv(n));
fittestC('ord4','spline','grad',n) = fit.grad(2  :2,nv(n));
fittestC('ord4','spline','hess',n) = fit.hess(2:2:2,nv(n));

fittestS('ord3','orig  ','func',n,nn) = 1 + 2*nv(n)*nv(nn) + 3*(nv(n)*nv(nn))**2 +  4*(nv(n)    * nv(nn))**3;
* Grad and Hess for x/n only
fittestS('ord3','orig  ','grad',n,nn) =     2*nv(nn)       + 6* nv(n)*nv(nn)**2  + 12* nv(n)**2 * nv(nn)**3;
fittestS('ord3','orig  ','hess',n,nn) =                    + 6*       nv(nn)**2  + 24* nv(n)    * nv(nn)**3;

fittestS('ord3','spline','func',n,nn) = fit     (    3,nv(n),nv(nn));
fittestS('ord3','spline','grad',n,nn) = fit.grad(2  :3,nv(n),nv(nn));
fittestS('ord3','spline','hess',n,nn) = fit.hess(2:2:3,nv(n),nv(nn));

* Set Degree of Spline for x and y in function 4 to 4
rc = fitp(4,2,4);
rc = fitp(4,3,4);

fittestS('ord4','orig  ','func',n,nn) = 1 + 2*nv(n)*nv(nn) + 3*(nv(n)*nv(nn))**2 +  4*(nv(n)    * nv(nn))**3 + 5 *(nv(n)    * nv(nn))**4;
* Grad and Hess for x/n only
fittestS('ord4','orig  ','grad',n,nn) =     2*nv(nn)       + 6* nv(n)*nv(nn)**2  + 12* nv(n)**2 * nv(nn)**3  + 20* nv(n)**3 * nv(nn)**4;
fittestS('ord4','orig  ','hess',n,nn) =                    + 6*       nv(nn)**2  + 24* nv(n)    * nv(nn)**3  + 60* nv(n)**2 * nv(nn)**4;

fittestS('ord4','spline','func',n,nn) = fit     (    4,nv(n),nv(nn));
fittestS('ord4','spline','grad',n,nn) = fit.grad(2  :4,nv(n),nv(nn));
fittestS('ord4','spline','hess',n,nn) = fit.hess(2:2:4,nv(n),nv(nn));

parameter MeanAbsDiffC(funcs,h)

MeanAbsDiffC(funcs,h)   = sum(n,abs(fittestC(funcs,'orig',h,n)-fittestC(funcs,'spline',h,n)))/card(n);
MeanAbsDiffS(funcs,h)   = sum((n,nn),abs(fittestS(funcs,'orig',h,n,nn)-fittestS(funcs,'spline',h,n,nn)))/(card(n)*card(nn));

abort$(smax((funcs,h),MeanAbsDiffC(funcs,h))>1e-8) 'Spline did not interpolate curve precisely', MeanAbsDiffC;
abort$(smax((funcs,h),MeanAbsDiffS(funcs,h))>1e-8) 'Spline did not interpolate surface precisely', MeanAbsDiffS;