forceerr.gms : ForceError and ForceErrorCnt Example


The ForceError function issues specific errors under certain conditions. This can
be used to test the error reporting and recovery in different environments. Every
time ForceError is called, the ForceErrorCnt is incremented (each thread has its
own count, currently cmex has only one mathnew thread).

      derivreq  0 func, 1 grad, 2 hess checks if funceval request < derivreq
      trigger   issues errors every trigger number of calls
      value     sets func,grad,hess return values
      returncode 0..4
      exceptcode 0..3

Every issued error resets the ForceErrorCnt to 0

In cmex we can use ForceErrorCnt to reset the internal ForceErrorCnt
to any number. Setting it to a large negative number will avoid
errors during model generation.

Using ForceError(<cons>,....) can be used to test model generation with
any model type.

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : forceerr.gms

$title 'ForceError and ForceErrorCnt Example' (ForceError,SEQ=457)

The ForceError function issues specific errors under certain conditions. This can
be used to test the error reporting and recovery in different environments. Every
time ForceError is called, the ForceErrorCnt is incremented (each thread has its
own count, currently cmex has only one mathnew thread).

      derivreq  0 func, 1 grad, 2 hess checks if funceval request < derivreq
      trigger   issues errors every trigger number of calls
      value     sets func,grad,hess return values
      returncode 0..4
      exceptcode 0..3

Every issued error resets the ForceErrorCnt to 0

In cmex we can use ForceErrorCnt to reset the internal ForceErrorCnt
to any number. Setting it to a large negative number will avoid
errors during model generation.

Using ForceError(<cons>,....) can be used to test model generation with
any model type.


$eolCom !
sets rc return code / rcOK, rcFunc, rcGrad, rcHess / ! rcSystem will terminate
     ec except code / ecOK, ecDomain, ecSingular, ecSigloss /
     dr derivative request / Func, Grad, Hess /

parameter res(dr,rc,ec) error results during execution;

res(dr,rc,ec) = ForceError(5,         ! expression, g=1 h=0
                 ,    ! process if >= DerivativeRequest
                           1,         ! process if >= count
                           9999,      ! value for f,g,h if we process
                 ,    ! return code
                 ;   ! exception code
display res;

variable x;
equation eres(dr,rc,ec) error results during model generation;
eres(dr,rc,ec).. ForceError(x,,1,9999,, =e= 0;
model m / all /;

m.limrow=1000; m.limcol=1000; x.fx=0;

ExecError=0;         ! reset to avoid solve abort
ForceErrorCnt=-1000; ! this will not force any errors during generation
solve m us nlp min x;

scalar fe current forced error count;
fe=ForceErrorCnt; display fe;

* ForceErrorCnt and ExecError are not preserved accross workfile
* could/will depend on solvelink values !!

ForceErrorCnt=0; ExecError=0;
MaxExecError=1000; ! to avaid a gams exit
option sys12=1;    ! to allow a solve with (generation/exec) errors
solve m us nlp min x;
fe=ForceErrorCnt; display fe;