gamsxcppmex.gms : Test calling and validating new C++ compiler against legacy Delphi compiler


Call "gams" executable with various "CompilerPreview" options in order to test its facilities for calling and validating the new C++ compiler.

Contributor: Andre Schnabel, June 2022

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : gamsxcppmex.gms

$title Test calling and validating new C++ compiler against legacy Delphi compiler (GAMSXCPPMEX,SEQ=906)

Call "gams" executable with various "CompilerPreview" options in order to test its facilities for calling and validating the new C++ compiler.

Contributor: Andre Schnabel, June 2022

$call cd . && "%gams.sysdir%GMSPython%system.dirsep%python" ./ "%gams.sysdir%" > testgamsxcppmex.stdout

$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'error in gamsx CPPMEX test, check stderr.txt'