Gdxcopy should write a version 7 GDX file (i.e. one compatible with Distribution 22.6) if the -v7c or -v7u flags are used. Contributor: Steve Dirkse so many timing issues with directories, use separate ones
Small Model of Type : GAMS
Category : GAMS Test library
Main file : gdxcopy3.gms
$title 'Test GDXCOPY utility with -V7C and V7U options' (GDXCOPY3,SEQ=354)
Gdxcopy should write a version 7 GDX file
(i.e. one compatible with Distribution 22.6) if the -v7c or -v7u
flags are used.
Contributor: Steve Dirkse
* so many timing issues with directories, use separate ones
$set subdirC gdxcopyC.dir
$set subdirU gdxcopyU.dir
$onEcho > makegdx.gms
set I / 1 * 10 /;
parameter c(I);
c(I) = ord(I);
positive variable x(I);
x.up(I) = 2 * c(I);
x.l(I) = c(I);
x.m(I) = 3 * c(I);
$call =gams makegdx.gms lo=%GAMS.lo% gdx=tcopy.gdx
$if dexist %subdirC% $call rm -r %subdirC%
$if dexist %subdirC% $abort directory %subdirC% still exists!
$call gdxcopy -v7c tcopy.gdx %subdirC%
$if not dexist %subdirC% $abort directory %subdirC% should exist after gdxdopy call
$if not exist %subdirC%%system.dirsep%tcopy.gdx $abort file %subdirC%%system.dirsep%tcopy.gdx should exist after gdxdopy call
$call gdxdiff tcopy.gdx %subdirC%%system.dirsep%tcopy.gdx > %system.nullfile%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort "Files differ: bad gdxcopy -v7c or gdxdiff"
$if dexist %subdirU% $call rm -r %subdirU%
$if dexist %subdirU% $abort directory %subdirU% still exists!
$call gdxcopy -v7u tcopy.gdx %subdirU%
$if not dexist %subdirU% $abort directory %subdirU% should exist after gdxdopy call
$if not exist %subdirU%%system.dirsep%tcopy.gdx $abort file %subdirU%%system.dirsep%tcopy.gdx should exist after gdxdopy call
$call gdxdiff tcopy.gdx %subdirU%%system.dirsep%tcopy.gdx > %system.nullfile%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort "Files differ: bad gdxcopy -v7u or gdxdiff"
$log All done: the test passed