handle01.gms : Test the m.handle functionality: submit, wait, resubmit


In this model we test the model.handle mechanisms by running the same model
several times.  In particular, the resubmission via m.handlesubmit is tested

Contributor: Alex Meeraus

Small Model of Type : LP

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : handle01.gms

$title 'Test the m.handle functionality: submit, wait, resubmit' (HANDLE01,SEQ=238)

In this model we test the model.handle mechanisms by running the same model
several times.  In particular, the resubmission via m.handlesubmit is tested

Contributor: Alex Meeraus

$if NOT set libfile  $set libfile  trnsport
$if NOT set libmodel $set libmodel transport
$if NOT set libobj   $set libobj   lp minimizing z

$call gamslib -q %libfile%
$include      %libfile%

$eolCom //
set scen scenarios / 1*10 /;
scalar timer,delta;

parameter handle(scen)  store the instance handle
          xhandle(scen) extra handle;
option handle:0;

%libmodel%.solvelink = %solveLink.asyncGrid%;  // turn on grid option
%libmodel%.limcol    = 0;
%libmodel%.limrow    = 0;
%libmodel%.solprint  = %solPrint.quiet%;

* create models and submit jobs
timer = timeelapsed;
   Solve %libmodel% using %libobj%;
   handle(scen) = %libmodel%.handle );    // save instance handle
delta = timeelapsed-timer; display 'time to submit jobs ',delta;

* wait until all jobs have completed using handelstatus
*   handlestatus = %handleStatus.unknown% (0)  bad handle
*                  %handleStatus.running% (1)  ok handle but not ready
*                  %handleStatus.ready%   (2)  model solved  (we found a directory \finished)
xhandle(scen) = handle(scen);
timer = timeelapsed;
while(card(xhandle) and (timeelapsed-timer) < 10,
   xhandle(scen)$(handlestatus(handle(scen))=%handleStatus.ready%) = 0;
   execute$card(xhandle) 'sleep 1' );
delta = timeelapsed-timer; display 'time to wait for completion',delta;

abort$card(xhandle) 'jobs did not complete', xhandle;

* now we resubmit all jobs using the function handlesubmit
* this assumes the resubmit script gmsrerun.cmd (or the Unix
* equivalent) is sitting in the grid dir
*  handlesubmit = 0  submitted gmsrerun.cmd OK and ..\finished has been removed
*                 n  any kind of bad thing, will raise an exec error

timer = timeelapsed;
xhandle(scen) = handlesubmit(handle(scen));
delta = timeelapsed-timer; display 'time to resubmit jobs',delta;
abort$card(xhandle) 'some resubmits failed', xhandle;

parameter repy(scen,*)  summary report;

repy(scen,'solvestat') = na;
repy(scen,'modelstat') = na;

parameter shandle(scen) Copy of handle; shandle(scen) = handle(scen);

* we use the handle parameter to indicate that the solution has been loaded.
timer = timeelapsed;
while(card(handle) and (timeelapsed-timer) < 10, // try to recover all solutions
      if(handlestatus(handle(scen))=%handleStatus.ready%,     // process solutions which are ready
         %libmodel%.handle = handle(scen);  // assign handle to extract solution
         execute_loadhandle %libmodel%;  // load point
         repy(scen,'solvestat') = %libmodel%.solvestat;
         repy(scen,'modelstat') = %libmodel%.modelstat;
         repy(scen,'resusd'   ) = %libmodel%.resusd;
         repy(scen,'objval')    = %libmodel%.objval;
         handle(scen) = 0)) ;    // indicate that we have loaded the solution
   display 'remaining handles', handle;
   execute$card(handle) 'sleep 1' );
delta = timeelapsed-timer; display 'time to extract solutions',delta;

display repy;

abort$card(handle) 'Some jobs did not complete',handle;

* Delete Grid directories
handle(scen) = handledelete(shandle(scen));
abort$card(handle) 'Some job directories could not be removed', handle;