ifstat1.gms : tests of $if statement


this tests a number of $if options

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : ifstat1.gms

$title 'Tests of $if statement' (IFSTAT1,SEQ=140)

$log %system.version%
$log %system.verid%
* this tests a number of $if options

$set       var_scoped scoped
$setLocal  var_local  local
$setGlobal var_global global
$if NOT SET Var_Scoped $abort set scoped failed
$if NOT SET Var_Local  $abort set local  failed
$if NOT SET Var_Global $abort set global failed

$if NOT errorfree $abort bad errorfree test

$if errorlevel 1 $abort errolevel should be zero

set s
parameter p
variable v
equation e
file f
model m
procedure pr
function fun
acronym acr

$if NOT FunType exp  $abort should be funtype
$if NOT SetType s    $abort should be settype
$if NOT ParType p    $abort should be partype
$if NOT VarType v    $abort should be vartype
$if NOT EquType e    $abort should be eqytype
$if NOT AcrType acr  $abort should be acrtype
$if NOT FilType f    $abort should be filtype
$if NOT ModType m    $abort should be modtype
$if NOT ProType pr   $abort should be protype
$if NOT FunType fun  $abort should be funtype
$if NOT PreType diag $abort should be pretype

$if not declared s $abort should be declared

$if      defined s $abort no data yet
$if      defined f $abort no data yet
$if      defined m $abort no data yet

* this will create an error starting in 147
$if      dimension 0 s  $abort dimension should not be known
$ifThen errorfree  $abort we should have an error
$else              $clearErrors

set s / 1*3 /; p = 20; file f / temp /; model m / e /;

$if not  defined f $abort we should have data
$if not  defined m $abort we should have date
$if not defined  s $abort s should be definded
$if not defined  p $abort p should be definded

$if not dimension 1 s  $abort dimension should be 1
$if     dimension 0 V  $abort dimension should not be known
$if     dimension 0 m  $abort dimension not defined
$if     dimension 0 f  $abort dimension not defined
$ifThen errorfree  $abort we should have an error
$else              $clearErrors

* pretypes are implemented in a funny way, when a symbol is
* referenced we make a second entry and make the first one
* invisible

$if NOT declared    sameas $abort should be pretype
$if NOT PreType     sameas $abort should be pretype
$if NOT defined     sameas $abort should have data
$if NOT SetType     sameas $abort should be pretype
$if NOT dimension 2 sameas $abort should be pretype
p = sameas('1','1');

* symbol not reachable any more with current symbol table management
*$if NOT PreType     sameas $abort should be pretype
$if NOT declared    sameas $abort should be pretype
$if NOT SetType     sameas $abort should be pretype
$if NOT dimension 2 sameas $abort should be pretype
$if NOT defined     sameas $abort should have data

* the following requires at least version 139
$version 139

$if solver xxxxxxxxxx  $abort there is no solver xxxxxxxxxx
$if not solver soplex  $abort soplex should be there always