The "$if exist foo" test in GAMS checks for files only - it should return false for a directory named foo. A new test "$if dexist foo" has been added to check for a directory named foo
Small Model of Type : GAMS
Category : GAMS Test library
Main file : ifstat3.gms
$title 'Tests $if exist and $if dexist' (IFSTAT3,SEQ=231)
The "$if exist foo" test in GAMS checks for files only - it should
return false for a directory named foo.
A new test "$if dexist foo" has been added to check for a
directory named foo
$call rm -fr notthere
$if dexist nothere $error directory is not there
$if exist nothere $error file is not there
$call mkdir notthere
$if NOT dexist notthere $error directory exist
$if exist notthere $error notthere is a directory not a file
$set d \
$if %system.filesys% == UNIX $set d /
$echo something > notthere%d%temp.txt
$if NOT exist notthere%d%temp.txt $error file is there
$if dexist notthere%d%temp.txt $error temp.txt is a file not a directory
$call rm -fr notthere
$if exist notthere%d%temp.txt $error file does not exist
$if dexist notthere%d%temp.txt $error directory does not exist