ifstat6.gms : quick syntax test for all $if/$ifI/$ifE statements


Tests compile-time if tests

Contributor: Alex Meeraus

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : ifstat6.gms

$title 'quick syntax test for all $if/$ifI/$ifE statements' (IFSTAT6,SEQ=326)

Tests compile-time if tests

Contributor: Alex Meeraus

      {           }     ifs_COMPARE
     ,{SOLVER}          ifs_ID
     ,{EXIST}           ifs_STRING
     ,{DEXIST}          ifs_STRING
     ,{DECLARED}        ifs_ID
     ,{DEFINED}         ifs_ID
     ,{ERRORFREE}       ifs_EMPTY
     ,{WARNINGS}        ifs_EMPTY
     ,{PUTOPEN}         ifs_EMPTY
     ,{DECLA_OK}        ifs_EMPTY
     ,{GAMSVERSION}     ifs_NUMBER
     ,{ERRORLEVEL}      ifs_NUMBER
     ,{SET}             ifs_ID
     ,{SETLOCAL}        ifs_ID
     ,{SETGLOBAL}       ifs_ID
     ,{EVAL}            ifs_ID
     ,{EVALLOCAL}       ifs_ID
     ,{EVALGLOBAL}      ifs_ID
     ,{SETENV}          ifs_ID
     ,{SETTYPE}         ifs_ID
     ,{PARTYPE}         ifs_ID
     ,{VARTYPE}         ifs_ID
     ,{EQUTYPE}         ifs_ID
     ,{MODTYPE}         ifs_ID
     ,{XXXTYPE}         ifs_ID
     ,{ACRTYPE}         ifs_ID
     ,{FILTYPE}         ifs_ID
     ,{READABLE}        ifs_ID
     ,{FUNTYPE}         ifs_ID
     ,{PRETYPE}         ifs_ID
     ,{PROTYPE}         ifs_ID


model m
parameter a0,a1,a2
scalar b0; parameter b1(*),b2(*,*)
scalar c0 / 1 /; parameter c1(*) / a 1 / ,c2(*,*) / a.a 1 / ;
scalar d0; d0=2;

* --- key
$if     WARNINGS $abort line %system.line%
$error set error for testing
$if     ERRORFREE  $abort line %system.line%
$if NOT WARNINGS $abort line %system.line%
$if NOT DECLA_OK $abort line %system.line%
$if     PUTOPEN  $abort line %system.line%
file abc; put abc;
$  if   DECLA_OK $abort line %system.line%
   displad 'x' );
$if NOT PUTOPEN  $abort line %system.line%

$if 'NOT'         * OK
$if  NOT          $abort line %system.line%
$if     ERRORFREE  $abort line %system.line%

$if NOT ''       $abort line %system.line%
$if     'BADKEY' * OK

* --- key string
$if NOT DEXIST '%gams.sysdir%'        $abort line %system.line%
$if     DEXIST '%gams.sysdir%garabge' $abort line %system.line%
$if NOT EXIST  '%gams.i%'             $abort line %system.line%
$if     EXIST  '%gams.i%garabge'      $abort line %system.line%

* --- Key nuber
$if     ERRORLEVEL   1  $abort line %system.line%
$if NOT GAMSVERSION  0  $abort line %system.line%
$set gv %system.gamsversion%
$if NOT GAMSVERSION %gv% $abort line %system.line%
$eval gv %gv%+1
$if     GAMSVERSION %gv% $abort line %system.line%
$if not errorfree $abort line %system.line%

* --- key id none gams
$if     SET      ====  $abort line %system.line%
$if     errorfree $abort line %system.line%
$if     SET      paul  $abort line %system.line%
$if     SET      set   $abort line %system.line%
$set             set  'this is set'
$set             paul 'this is paul'
$if NOT SET      set   $abort line %system.line%
$if NOT SET      paul   $abort line %system.line%
$if     SOLVER   xxxx   $abort line %system.line%
$if NOT SOLVER   soplex $abort line %system.line%

* --- key id gams
$if     DECLARED set    $abort line %system.line%
$if NOT DECLARED a0     $abort line %system.line%
$if NOT DECLARED b0     $abort line %system.line%
$if     DECLARED xxxx   $abort line %system.line%
$if     DEFINED  xxxx   $abort line %system.line%
$if NOT errorfree       $abort line %system.line%
$if     DEFINED  a0     $abort line %system.line%
$if NOT DEFINED  c0     $abort line %system.line%
$if NOT DEFINED  d0     $abort line %system.line%
$if     SETENV   xxxx   $abort line %system.line%
$if     PARTYPE  xxxx   $abort line %system.line%
$if NOT PARTYPE  a0     $abort line %system.line%
$if     PARTYPE         $abort line %system.line%
$if NOT PARTYPE  diag   $abort line %system.line%

* --- key number ident
$if     DIMENSION $abort line %system.line%
$if     errorfree $abort line %system.line%
$if     DIMENSION xx $abort line %system.line%
$if     errorfree $abort line %system.line%
$if     DIMENSION -1 $abort line %system.line%
$if     errorfree $abort line %system.line%
$if     DIMENSION xx $abort line %system.line%
$if     errorfree $abort line %system.line%
$if     DIMENSION 0 ++ $abort line %system.line%
$if     errorfree $abort line %system.line%
$if     DIMENSION 0 xx $abort line %system.line%
$if     errorfree $abort line %system.line%
$if     DIMENSION 0 a0 $abort line %system.line%
$if     errorfree $abort line %system.line%
$if     DIMENSION 0 m $abort line %system.line%
$if     errorfree $abort line %system.line%
$if NOT DIMENSION 0 b0 $abort line %system.line%
$if NOT DIMENSION 0 c0 $abort line %system.line%
$if     DIMENSION 0 b1 $abort line %system.line%
$if     DIMENSION 5 c2 $abort line %system.line%

$if     errorfree $abort line %system.line%

$if     errorfree $abort line %system.line%

$if NOT garabge and some more
$if     errorfree $abort line %system.line%

$if garabge and some more
$if     errorfree $abort line %system.line%
