load9.gms : Domain projection load tests


Contributor: M. Bussick, October 2013

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : load9.gms

$title 'Domain projection load tests' (LOAD9,SEQ=632)

Contributor: M. Bussick, October 2013

$onEcho > one.gms
set i / 1,2 /
    ii(i,i) /1.2/;
$call gams one gdx=one lo=0
$if errorlevel 1 $abort Could not run one. Check one.lst

$onEcho > checkuel.gms
set i;
$gdxIn one
$load i%domproject%ii
abort$(sum(i$sameas(i,'%uelexpected%'),1)=0) 'wrong uel. Expected: %uelexpected%', i;

$call gams checkuel lo=0 --domproject="<=" --uelexpected=1
$if errorlevel 1 $abort Could not run checkuel with <=. Check checkuel.lst

$call gams checkuel lo=0 --domproject="<"  --uelexpected=2
$if errorlevel 1 $abort Could not run checkuel with <.  Check checkuel.lst