macro02.gms : multi-line macro test


Contributor: Paul

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : macro02.gms

$title multi-line macro test (MACRO02,SEQ=446)

Contributor: Paul

set i / 1*8 /; parameters ref(i),a(i),b(i),c(i);

$macro one(x) x('1') = 1; x('2') = 2; x('3') = 3; x('4') = 4; x('5') = 5; x('6') = 6; x('7') = 7; x('8') = 8;

$macro two(x) x('1') = 1; \
              x('2') = 2; \
              x('3') = 3; \
              x('4') = 4; \
              x('5') = 5; \
              x('6') = 6; \
              x('7') = 7; \
              x('8') = 8;

$macro three(x) x('1') = 1; \
                x('2') = 2; \
                x('3') = 3; \
                x('4') = 4; \
                x('5') = 5; \
                x('6') = 6; \
*note that we need a continuation for an empty line
                x('7') = 7; \
stuff here
and more
                x('8') = 8;

ref(i) = ord(i); A(i) = 0; b(i) = 0; c(i) = 0;


if(sum(i, ref(i)-a(i)), display a; execerror = execerror+1);
if(sum(i, ref(i)-b(i)), display b; execerror = execerror+1);
if(sum(i, ref(i)-c(i)), display c; execerror = execerror+1);