mpec01.gms : MPEC model to test all types of matches, using =N=


This is a fairly simple MPEC model with some useful features:
 a) it has a unique solution
 b) it contains all types of matches
 c) it can be run as an MCP as well as an MPEC

Contributor: Steve Dirkse, Jan 2004

Small Model of Type : MPEC

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : mpec01.gms

$title MPEC model to test all types of matches, using =N= (MPEC01,SEQ=104)

  This is a fairly simple MPEC model with some useful features:
   a) it has a unique solution
   b) it contains all types of matches
   c) it can be run as an MCP as well as an MPEC

Contributor: Steve Dirkse, Jan 2004

$if NOT set MTYPE $set MTYPE mpec
$if not set TESTTOL $set TESTTOL 1e-3

scalar tol / %TESTTOL% /;

    z           'objective var',
    x           'upper-level control variable',
    yL0         'state var: lower bounded, at lower bound',
    yL1         'state var: lower bounded, basic',
    yU1         'state var: upper bounded, basic',
    yU2         'state var: upper bounded, at upper bound',
    yF1         'state var: free, basic',
    yB0         'state var: double bounded, at lower bound',
    yB1         'state var: double bounded, basic',
    yB2         'state var: double bounded, at upper bound';

x.l = 1;

yL0.lo =    0;  yL0.up = inf;      yL0.l  = 1;
yL1.lo =    0;  yL1.up = inf;      yL1.l  = 1;
yU1.lo = -inf;  yU1.up = 2;        yU1.l  = 1;
yU2.lo = -inf;  yU2.up = 2;        yU2.l  = 1;
yF1.lo = -inf;  yF1.up = inf;      yF1.l  = 1;
yB0.lo =    0;  yB0.up = 2;        yB0.l  = 1;
yB1.lo =    0;  yB1.up = 2;        yB1.l  = 1;
yB2.lo =    0;  yB2.up = 2;        yB2.l  = 1;


obj..   z =e= sqr(x-1.0);

fL0..   3 * yL0 + 1 * yL1 =N= x - 1;
fL1..   1 * yL0 + 3 * yL1 =N= x + 2;

fU1..   3 * yU1 + 1 * yU2 =N= x + 4;
fU2..   1 * yU1 + 3 * yU2 =N= x + 10;

fF1..   yL0 + yL1 + yU1 + yU2 + 10 * yF1 + yB0 + yB1 + yB2 =N= x + 16;

fB0..   3 * yB0 + 1 * yB1 + 1 * yB2 =N= x;
fB1..   1 * yB0 + 3 * yB1 + 1 * yB2 =N= x + 4;
fB2..   1 * yB0 + 1 * yB1 + 3 * yB2 =N= x + 10;

model alltypes /
$ifI '%MTYPE%' == 'mpec' obj,
                 fL0.yL0, fL1.yL1,
                 fU1.yU1, fU2.yU2,
                 fB0.yB0, fB1.yB1, fB2.yB2 /;

* $onText   this is the optimal solution
* $offText

option limcol=0,limrow=0;
$ifI NOT '%MTYPE%' == 'mpec' x.fx=1;
solve alltypes using %MTYPE%
$ifI '%MTYPE%' == 'mpec' minimizing z;

* For global solvers we do not require NormalCompletion
$if not set global $set global 0
scalar global /%global%/;

if {(alltypes.solvestat = %solveStat.capabilityProblems%),
  abort$[alltypes.modelstat <> %modelStat.noSolutionReturned%] 'Wrong status codes',
  alltypes.solvestat, alltypes.modelstat;
  abort$[not((alltypes.solvestat = %solveStat.normalCompletion% or global) and (alltypes.modelstat = %modelStat.optimal% or
  alltypes.modelstat = %modelStat.locallyOptimal% or alltypes.modelstat = %modelStat.feasibleSolution%))] 'Wrong status codes', alltypes.solvestat,

* check for correct solution

  abort$(abs(yL0.l-0) > tol) 'var yL0.l should be 0', yL0.l;
  abort$(abs(yL1.l-1) > tol) 'var yL1.l should be 1', yL1.l;
  abort$(abs(yU1.l-1) > tol) 'var yU1.l should be 1', yU1.l;
  abort$(abs(yU2.l-2) > tol) 'var yU2.l should be 2', yU2.l;
  abort$(abs(yF1.l-1) > tol) 'var yF1.l should be 1', yF1.l;
  abort$(abs(yB0.l-0) > tol) 'var yB0.l should be 0', yB0.l;
  abort$(abs(yB1.l-1) > tol) 'var yB1.l should be 1', yB1.l;
  abort$(abs(yB2.l-2) > tol) 'var yB2.l should be 2', yB2.l;

  abort$(abs(fL0.l-1) > tol) 'equ fL0.l should be  1', fL0.l;
  abort$(abs(fL1.l-0) > tol) 'equ fL1.l should be  0', fL1.l;
  abort$(abs(fU1.l-0) > tol) 'equ fU1.l should be  0', fU1.l;
  abort$(abs(fU2.l+4) > tol) 'equ fU2.l should be -4', fU2.l;
  abort$(abs(fF1.l-0) > tol) 'equ fF1.l should be  0', fF1.l;
  abort$(abs(fB0.l-2) > tol) 'equ fB0.l should be  2', fB0.l;
  abort$(abs(fB1.l-0) > tol) 'equ fB1.l should be  0', fB1.l;
  abort$(abs(fB2.l+4) > tol) 'equ fB2.l should be -4', fB2.l;

$ ifI not '%MTYPE%' == 'mpec' $goTo nompec
  abort$(abs(x.l-1)   > tol) 'var   x.l should be  1', x.l;
  abort$(abs(z.l-0)   > tol) 'var   z.l should be  0', z.l;
  abort$(abs(obj.l-0) > tol) 'equ obj.l should be  0', obj.l;
$ label nompec

* TODO - add checks for .m values.