mps2gms1.gms : Test mps2gms


This model tests the mps2gms tool, by letting Cplex write out MPS files
which we translate back into generic GAMS models, solve them and check that
the objective is somewhat close. We do that for LP, MIP, QP, and QCP models.

Contributor: Michael Bussieck, December 2014

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : mps2gms1.gms

$title Test mps2gms (MPS2GMS1,SEQ=672)

This model tests the mps2gms tool, by letting Cplex write out MPS files
which we translate back into generic GAMS models, solve them and check that
the objective is somewhat close. We do that for LP, MIP, QP, and QCP models.

Contributor: Michael Bussieck, December 2014

$echo writemps test.mps > cplex.opt
$echo optimalitytarget  3 > cplex.op2
$set solver lp=cplex rmip=cplex mip=cplex qcp=cplex rmiqcp=cplex miqcp=cplex optcr=0

$set rs "%gams.scrdir%rs.%gams.scrext%"
$onEchoV > "%rs%"
$setArgs model obj
$call gamslib -q %model%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort could not retrive %model%
$call rm -f test.mps
$call gams %model% lo=2 optfile=1 %solver%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort could not run %model% to produce MPS file
$if not exist test.mps $abort test.mps not created by %model% run
$call mps2gms test.mps test.gdx test.gms > %system.nullfile%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort problems running mps2gms on %model%
$if not exist test.gms $abort problems finding test.gms for %model%
$echo "abort$(abs(abs(obj.l)-%obj%)>1e-2) 'wrong obj %obj%<>', obj.l;" >> test.gms
$call gams test lo=2 optfile=2 %solver%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort could not run test (%model%) or wrong objective. Inspect test.lst.

$batInclude "%rs%" trnsport     153.675
$batInclude "%rs%" cube           4
$batInclude "%rs%" qdemo7   1589042.385503
$batInclude "%rs%" pmeanvar     108.65189