mpsge12.gms : MPSGE test - inter-mixed MPSGE and MCP rows in model


A bug was introduced in GAMS Distribution 23.8.1 that affected MCP
models with external equations.  The problem only arises when
nonlinear equations come before some or all of the external equations
in the model.  MPSGE models are especially vulnerable, since the MPSGE
logic is implemented via external equations, while $constraint rows
are implemented via typical GAMS algebra.

The issue is fixed with GAMS 23.8.2.

Contributor: Steve Dirkse, April 2012

Small Model of Type : MPSGE

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : mpsge12.gms

$title MPSGE test - inter-mixed MPSGE and MCP rows in model (MPSGE12,SEQ=558)

A bug was introduced in GAMS Distribution 23.8.1 that affected MCP
models with external equations.  The problem only arises when
nonlinear equations come before some or all of the external equations
in the model.  MPSGE models are especially vulnerable, since the MPSGE
logic is implemented via external equations, while $constraint rows
are implemented via typical GAMS algebra.

The issue is fixed with GAMS 23.8.2.

Contributor: Steve Dirkse, April 2012

$eolCom //

i       / 'i1' /,
j       / j1 * j2 /,
h       / h1 * h2 /;

display i;

parameter       d0(i,h)         Reference demands,
                e0(i,h)         Reference endowments;

d0(i,h) = uniform(0,1);
e0(i,h) = uniform(0,1);



* include some dummy variables



        dum1**1.1 =N= 2**1.1;

        d:price(i,j)       q:d0(i,h)
        e:price(i,j)       q:e0(i,h)

        dum2**0.9 =N= 3**0.9;


$sysInclude mpsgeset exchange

dum1.lo = 1e-4;
dum2.lo = 1e-4;
price.l(i,j) = 1;
ra.l(h) = 1;

solve exchange using mcp;

abort$[exchange.solvestat <> 1] 'wrong solvestat';
abort$[exchange.modelstat <> 1] 'wrong modelstat';

parameter priceSum;

priceSum = sum{(i,j), price.l(i,j)};
abort$[abs(2-priceSum) > 1e-5] 'solution bogus', price.l, priceSum;

abort$[abs(dum1.l - 2) > 1e-5] 'solution dum1', dum1.l;
abort$[abs(dum2.l - 3) > 1e-5] 'solution dum2', dum2.l;