mtxlib.gms : Test basics of the mutex library


Contributor: Clemens Westphal, November 2015

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : mtxlib.gms

$title 'Test basics of the mutex library'  (MTXLIB,SEQ=689)

Contributor: Clemens Westphal, November 2015

$call rm -f critical.txt

*generate a random mutex ID
$eval mtxID round(frac(jnow)*24*60*60*1000)

$onEcho > create.gms
$funcLibIn mtxlib mtxcclib
function Create / mtxlib.Create /;
abort$Create(%mtxID%) 'problems creating mutex';
$call.checkErrorLevel gams create.gms lo=2

$onEcho > client.gms
$funcLibIn mtxlib mtxcclib
function Lock   / mtxlib.Lock /
         Unlock / mtxlib.Unlock /;

scalar s;
s = Lock(%mtxID%);
file f /'critical.txt'/;
put f;
put "client%number%: a" /;
s = Sleep(1);
put f;
put "client%number%: b" /;
s = Sleep(1);
put f;
put "client%number%: c" /;
s = Unlock(%mtxID%);

$call.Async gams client.gms --number=1 lo=2 lf=log1.txt
$eval jh JobHandle
$call.checkErrorLevel gams client.gms --number=2 lo=2 lf=log2.txt

$label l1
$eval x sleep(1)
$eval status JobStatus(%jh%)
$if %status% == 1 $goTo l1

$onEcho >criticalExpected1.txt
client1: a
client1: b
client1: c
client2: a
client2: b
client2: c

$onEcho >criticalExpected2.txt
client2: a
client2: b
client2: c
client1: a
client1: b
client1: c

$onEcho > delete.gms
$funcLibIn mtxlib mtxcclib
function Delete / mtxlib.Delete /;
abort$Delete(%mtxID%) 'problems deleting mutex';
$call.checkErrorLevel gams delete.gms lo=2

$call diff criticalExpected1.txt critical.txt > %system.nullfile%
$if errorlevel 1 $call diff criticalExpected2.txt critical.txt > %system.nullfile%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort 'critical.txt not as expected'

$call rm -f critical.txt