nlpec01.gms : NLPEC test suite - options test


This model takes a set of NLPEC option combinations and runs the NLPEC solver
on the mpec01 model from testlib for each combination.  Any errors
(e.g. internal to NLPEC, in the syntax or semantics of the
reforumulated NLP model, etc.) should get flagged because mpec01
includes internal tests that a correct solution has been obtained and
will abort otherwise.

The NLPEC option combinations to test are read by default from a GDX
file.  This GDX file is created by running NLPEC in a special mode.
In this mode all possible output combinations from NLPEC's
checkOptions routine (i.e. after invalid combos are patched up to be
valid) are written to a GDX file.  In the current implementation (Aug
2004), the set of over 1,115,136 possible combinations is reduced to
2838 valid ones, a reduction of 99.75%

To regenerate the GDX file you can solve an MPEC model using NLPEC and
an option file with the line


This will terminate without solving after the GDX data file is

Contributor: Steven Dirkse

Small Model of Type : MPEC

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : nlpec01.gms

$title NLPEC test suite - options test (NLPEC01,SEQ=145)

This model takes a set of NLPEC option combinations and runs the NLPEC solver
on the mpec01 model from testlib for each combination.  Any errors
(e.g. internal to NLPEC, in the syntax or semantics of the
reforumulated NLP model, etc.) should get flagged because mpec01
includes internal tests that a correct solution has been obtained and
will abort otherwise.

The NLPEC option combinations to test are read by default from a GDX
file.  This GDX file is created by running NLPEC in a special mode.
In this mode all possible output combinations from NLPEC's
checkOptions routine (i.e. after invalid combos are patched up to be
valid) are written to a GDX file.  In the current implementation (Aug
2004), the set of over 1,115,136 possible combinations is reduced to
2838 valid ones, a reduction of 99.75%

To regenerate the GDX file you can solve an MPEC model using NLPEC and
an option file with the line


This will terminate without solving after the GDX data file is

Contributor: Steven Dirkse

sets  RefType, Slack, Constraint, Aggregate, NCPBounds;
alias (RefType   , sRefType   , dRefType);
alias (Slack     , sSlack     , dSlack);
alias (Constraint, sConstraint, dConstraint);
alias (Aggregate , sAggregate , dAggregate);
alias (NCPBounds , sNCPBounds , dNCPBounds);

set validOpts(sRefType, sSlack, sConstraint, sAggregate, sNCPBounds,
              dRefType, dSlack, dConstraint, dAggregate, dNCPBounds);

scalars nInputOpts, nOutputOpts, pReduc, isFileOK, rc;

$gdxIn validnlpecopts.gdx
$load RefType  Slack  Constraint  Aggregate  NCPBounds
$load validOpts
$load nInputOpts nOutputOpts isFileOK

* now some sets to allow multiple runs of each case, with different
* DNLP solvers
* requires CMEX Rev 141 - system.solverNames

$version 141

set solverNames / system.solverNames /;
set dummy / dnlp /;

*** HACK! HACK! CONOPT will not solve this one on Windows, so
*** we knock it here.  Un-knock it when CONOPT is fixed.
*  RefType            fCMfx        mult
*  Slack               none        none
*  Constraint      equality  inequality
*  Aggregate           none        none
*  NCPBounds       function        none
validOpts('fCMfx','none',  'equality','none','function',
          'mult' ,'none','inequality','none','none'     ) = NO;

*** the reform with refType FB_neg is not working completely as
*** expected so we knock it out of the tests for now
validOpts('FB_neg',sSlack, sConstraint, sAggregate, sNCPBounds,
        dRefType, dSlack, dConstraint, dAggregate, dNCPBounds) = NO;
validOpts(sRefType,sSlack, sConstraint, sAggregate, sNCPBounds,
          'FB_neg',dSlack, dConstraint, dAggregate, dNCPBounds) = NO;

set validOpts (sRefType, sSlack, sConstraint, sAggregate, sNCPBounds,
               dRefType, dSlack, dConstraint, dAggregate, dNCPBounds) /
 mult.none.equality.none.none.mult.none.inequality.none.none /;

abort$[not isFileOK] "input file marked invalid";
pReduc = (nInputOpts-nOutputOpts) / nInputOpts;

file opt / 'nlpec.opt' / ;
scalar count  / 0 /;
scalar fails  / 0 /;

execute 'echo Allruns.txt started on %system.date1% >  allruns.txt';
execute 'echo Default DNLP solver is %system.dnlp%  >> allruns.txt';
execute 'echo fail.txt started on %system.date1% > fail.txt';

set testedOpts(sRefType, sSlack, sConstraint, sAggregate, sNCPBounds,
               dRefType, dSlack, dConstraint, dAggregate, dNCPBounds);

testedOpts(sRefType, sSlack, sConstraint, sAggregate, sNCPBounds,
           dRefType, dSlack, dConstraint, dAggregate, dNCPBounds) =
 validOpts(sRefType, sSlack, sConstraint, sAggregate, sNCPBounds,
           dRefType, dSlack, dConstraint, dAggregate, dNCPBounds);

testedOpts(sRefType, sSlack, sConstraint, sAggregate, sNCPBounds,
           dRefType, dSlack, dConstraint, dAggregate, dNCPBounds)$
           [sameas(sRefType,'min') and sameas(sSlack,'none')] = NO;

loop {testedOpts(sRefType, sSlack, sConstraint, sAggregate, sNCPBounds,
                 dRefType, dSlack, dConstraint, dAggregate, dNCPBounds),
  count := count + 1
  putclose opt '* NLPEC option file ' count:0:0
           / 'RefType    '    ' '
           / 'Slack      '      ' '
           / 'Constraint ' ' '
           / 'Aggregate  '  ' '
           / 'NCPBounds  '  ' ' / ;

  execute '=gams mpec01.gms lo=2 optfile=1';
  rc = errorlevel;
  loop {solv$[rc
              and SolverCapabilities(solv,'dnlp')
              and not sameas(solv,'%system.dnlp%')],
*   while we haven't gotten a solution,
*   try non-default DNLP solvers in candidate list
    opt.ap = 1;
    putclose opt 'subSolver ', /;
    opt.ap = 0;
    execute '=gams mpec01.gms lo=2 optfile=1';
    rc = errorlevel;
  if {rc,
    execute 'cat nlpec.opt >> fail.txt';
    fails := fails + 1;
  execute 'cat nlpec.opt >> allruns.txt';

display " Count of possible option combinations: ", nInputOpts;
display "Count of combinations after validation: ", nOutputOpts;
display "                           % reduction: ", pReduc;
display "Count of attempted runs: ", count;
display "Count of    failed runs: ", fails;
abort$fails "Count of failed runs: ", fails;